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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Swift has a private jet, who would have guessed. I hope she isn't one of those climate warriors that tell everyone else to ride a bicycle while swanning around the planet in a private jet.
  2. Perhaps you let media titles misguide you as to reality, but as the link I provided pointed out it was only for certain countries and not a blanket ban on Muslims. Truth never stopped the Trump haters distorting it though. Next.
  3. Your contention is dependent on Ukraine actually being able to "win", when IMO that is a pipe dream, and was never going to happen. It's been great for arms dealers though. Any deaths in Ukraine IMO are on Biden for supporting Ukraine militarily instead of not mediating a deal. The situation should never have reached an invasion. The catastrophe is IMO entirely the west's fault for supporting a proxy war. Zelensky IMO was a fool for imagining that the west would support him indefinitely, as he is finding out now, the hard way, after thousands of deaths and much destruction of infrastructure. IMO cutting aid to Ukraine to force them to negotiate is the only way to end this war that should never have happened.
  4. I worked in the health system, so I know more than you, apparently. Just knowing a few isn't much of a guarantee you know about the thousands you never met.
  5. I'm not just going to put an emoji on your post. I'll put it on here so you know who thinks that is just .
  6. I agree that Trump is bad for the presidency, but to claim that Biden is a good candidate is IMO delusional. IMO they are both rotten candidates.
  7. I enjoyed his attacks on the MSM, and I'm sure most in the audience did as well. They were never going to support him anyway, so nothing to lose. I used to watch CNN and other anti Trump channels occasionally, and I couldn't believe how bad they were in general, not just about Trump, though he seemed to be their main topic to talk about. I think CNN's ratings went down after Trump lost and they stopped talking about him. His go at the presidency has probably saved them.
  8. If it's a proven fact you should be providing a link, as per forum rules.
  9. You mean that really, really bad border control, bill? Just as well it got dumped.
  10. Kidding right? It's been all over this forum, which is where I got it from a few years ago. Been a thread or two about it.
  11. Who is taking stuttering as the only reason not to want Biden as POTUS? That hasn't even been a consideration to me.
  12. On that we can agree. Someone needs to give them both a good spanking and send them to the naughty corner till they stop with the delusion that they are the right man for the job. As for Harris, IMO the only reason she was VP was that the VP comes as a package deal.
  13. IMO you'd make a brilliant second hand car salesman, with your dogged determination to pronounce Biden fit for another four years when it's so obvious that he isn't. There is a saying "promoted above competence", and I am modifying it to "elected past their sell by date". Whatever the truth about Biden, he is just too old. Everyone deteriorates with age- it's inevitable.
  14. My issue with Biden is that IMO he is a terrible president, not his stutter.
  15. Not all media- what makes you think he did? IMO he only attacks the channels that attack him, and quite rightly too.
  16. Dog whistle or not it describes to a T the people that are "woke". I don't watch Fox, so you must know more about that channel than I.
  17. LOL. Of course they do and to be replaced with a US glove puppet. Must have been a shock to them that António Guterres grew a pair and went against the US line.
  18. The West bank and Gaza have never been part of modern israel. The West Bank is illegally occupied. All israelis need to be removed from Palestine and remain inside the 1948 borders.
  19. Biden could stop it tomorrow if he wanted to. If he doesn't send any more bombs they can't bomb Gaza and kill children, and if he stops sending bullets they will have to withdraw from Gaza to conserve what they have for all the other conflicts they have, like on the northern border. Biden CHOOSES to continue to supply the means for israel to continue the slaughter of innocents in Gaza. He will be remembered in history, not for any good he did, but for the thousands of children who's deaths he facilitated. Not a good memory. Iran will never agree as long as the illegal occupation of Palestinian land continues. IMO it's their greatest recruiting tool for attacks on American assets.
  20. Didn't they already do that when they sabotaged Bernie? That one really backfired on them though.
  21. Did you forget about Trump's agreement with Mexico ( I draw your attention in particular to under the administration of President Donald Trump ) to keep illegals there, and the wall that he did manage to get built? Sorry that your memory is so bad. Did you know that your hero Biden ended it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remain_in_Mexico Remain in Mexico (officially Migrant Protection Protocols) is a United States immigration policy originally implemented in January 2019 under the administration of President Donald Trump, affecting immigration across the border with Mexico. Administered by the Department of Homeland Security, it requires migrants seeking asylum to remain in Mexico until their US immigration court date. The policy was initially ended by the Biden administration,
  22. I can't fit enough of these to show what I think of that, so I'll just put one . Trump has failings, yes, but to say that Biden is better is just His supporters mostly don't have college degrees. Falling for the dog whistle that a college degree makes people smart I knew many with degrees in the health system, and some were just dumb, IMO. Good memories, but really, really dumb. I'm sure many people with degrees support Biden. Stunning anyone would support a geriatric like that. Shows what's wrong with America.
  23. As I've said before, the media is so bad that it means that no one with any sense will enter the political snake pit that the media has made. So we have ended up with the dregs, IMO.
  24. Clutching at straws IMO. TDS refers to Trump haters, not supporters, but you know that, don't you? I don't know anyone that is happy, or laughs, or shows signs of joy. IMO PC, wokeism and the myriad problems of this Brave New World we inhabit has made everyone miserable. Just to focus on Trump, do you in any corner of your mind think that ANYONE that has had the <deleted> shoveled on him for 7 years would be happy? If you think that Trump should be skipping for joy at all times that would make you delusional IMO. Anyway, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, so tell us about your cheerleader for happiness, and his joy while sending another batch of made in the US bombs to kill Gaza children.
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