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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Yes, clicking on the quote button works, sometimes. This time it didn't.
  2. Even if they did have such tapes ( do they and does anyone care- that's probably quite moderate behaviour compared to what does go on in bedrooms all over the world ), now that AI can fake any digital medium, can anyone believe any digital publication anymore? IMO if such tapes did exist they would have been leaked long ago.
  3. You were doing so well and then you went and spoiled it with TDS.
  4. If you don't know, why did you say "Who will release tapes" ?
  5. The EU isn't Russia, but you know that.
  6. I really don't know if you are being serious, or not. Never mind, carry on.
  7. Except that defending Ukraine isn't defending the west. Russia isn't threatening the west any more than usual by invading Ukraine, IMO. Putin could take all of Ukraine and it wouldn't make any difference to the rest of the world, any more than when it was part of the USSR. It's good for western arms manufacturers though. I served in the military, so I was prepared to go in harms way. Did you serve?
  8. I don't care if you believe me or not. I'm giving my opinion, just like you are. People are welcome to decide for themselves whom they believe.
  9. You have a magic crystal ball that can see what I think then? Never mind, carry on.
  10. No, it's more like the time Suez shipping was stopped for years by Egypt over israel. Did any "free trading nations" clear that blockage, with whatever tools they had? Did the US send a task force then? https://www.stuff.co.nz/world/africa/300264288/before-the-ever-given-all-the-other-times-the-suez-canal-was-forced-to-close A decade later, at the outbreak of the 1967 Mideast war, Egypt closed the canal to international shipping as Israeli forces struck again at the canal zone and entrenched in the Sinai Peninsula. This time, the canal was shut for eight years.
  11. They don't have to take the aggressor option straight away. Stop the Gaza conflict- something Biden can do tomorrow, and then see if the Houthies will stand by their claim that it's only against the Gaza conflict.
  12. Seems we do live in a world of greed. I guess we really are doomed then. The ironic thing is that the money they are using was given to them by the west in exchange for shoddy cheap products.
  13. It now waits to be seen what the Russians will do. If Putin has any sense he will not do anything. America is fast alienating the Arab nations over support for israel, Iran is already invested in anti American efforts in the region, and it's not looking good for the US and it's allies in that region. Putin can look on and enjoy the unfolding morass for the US as it edges ever closer to yet another disastrous Middle East mess.
  14. I work on the assumption that China supports only China, and every foreign activity is decided on the basis that it will advance Chinese interests and confound it's enemies ( IMO China has the US on its enemies list ). I may well be wrong, but IMO supporting the US against the Houthies is not in China's interests, and anything that removes American influence in the Middle East is to China's benefit.
  15. Whatever happened to the law that we have encumbered ourselves with when an entire squadron of lawyers is required just to prepare to argue a case? There was a move to make law in clear English a while back, but I guess that got lost. Gosh, it's almost like lawyers want to make the law so complicated that we have to pay them loadsacash to make sense of it.
  16. I doubt she is daft enough to run for president. How many intelligent people do you see standing for that position at present?
  17. Considering that young people are being turned off Biden in droves over his support for the Gaza conflict, IMO any support Swift garners for Biden will likely be minor compared to the numbers not voting for him over Gaza. IMO he has lost every voter of Arabic origin in the US.
  18. You appear to believe that a singer can influence an election for POTUS. Has that ever happened in US history, and in any event, her fans are likely never going to vote Trump anyway.
  19. Since you asked, supporting netanyahu unconditionally at the start, which is now problematic since he is trying to impose conditions re Gaza, which netanyahu is either saying he will not comply with or is ignoring. There is also that little problem on the US southern border which is on him, since he is the one that cancelled the wall, on his first day if I remember correctly.
  20. Has any US bombing anywhere since WW2 done anything more than make things worse ? If bombing alone worked North Vietnam would have been defeated during Vietnam war, and Cambodia/ Laos would not have been taken over by the communists.
  21. I'm lovin' it when Trump's opposition make fools of themselves.
  22. Putin must be lovin' it, and Xi probably wonders how the west can get it so wrong. Short of a nuclear war, conventional bombing has never won a war without boots on the ground, and it's a lot further for the US and allies to invade and support forces in the Middle East than it is for the locals. In a major war between Iran and the US, I wouldn't be betting on the US winning. Iran isn't Iraq under Saddam.
  23. I think it's a 20% better money supply for women and any woman that will have sex with them for men.
  24. Why would anyone choose an unattractive ( to them ) partner? However, some western men must just be desperate to end up with the women they get married to, IMO.
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