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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. It's sad that some people are so brainwashed about Palestinians that they actually believe the fake garbage news that has been put out there by israeli sycophants. I immensely enjoyed it being shown that Biden had been telling lies when they had to admit his statement about beheaded babies was BS.
  2. LOL. You still ignore the reasons as to why they support Trump. You can carry on all day about how demented they are, but the reasons won't change as long as people like Biden are POTUS. Next.
  3. That must have been before they were bussed up to New York, that bastion of illegal immigrant rights to invade the US uninvited.
  4. Even Britain has been running the military down since BAOR ended. Can't imagine any of the EU nations, except possibly France having one capable of winning against Russia without nukes, and then it's MAD.
  5. It's good to know that the EU has no need of those billions to spend on their own populations. They must all be really well off, no poverty etc.
  6. LOL. You should have fact checked that before posting erroneous "facts" It's nowhere near the most corrupt country. Somalia has that dubious honour at 180, while Russia is at 141. Strangely Ukraine isn't even on the list. Perhaps it is too corrupt to figure. https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/corruption-rank
  7. NZ doesn't need a wall as is too far away for leaky boats to reach NZ's shores. Must be lucky then.
  8. I actually agree with most of that. Well said.
  9. Do you actually expect any politician to tell the truth in an election campaign? If so you might need psychological help. I can give you lots of examples of other politicians lying, but you'd say they were off topic.
  10. As I explained, people hate Washington so much they will support Trump against anyone from the Washington "swamp". If it was a talking donkey that said "I hate Washington" they'd likely vote for the donkey. IMO even a self-serving, psychopathic POS is better than Biden/ Harrris, especially one that didn't start any wars.
  11. On that I agree 100%. It was a huge mistake, and unfortunately Blair went along with it. Cheney IMO was a bad man, but Bush the younger just as bad. Certainly Powell looked uncomfortable when delivering his speech about the WMD facilities- perhaps that explains it. He certainly suffered for it later.
  12. Explain where the facts in this rant are:
  13. Seems like you have lived a very sheltered life. Apparently you have never associated with men of a working class ethic, and I can't believe that you ever served in the military. The way he talks that you find so offensive is quite normal among men in my real life experience, but obviously not of the sort that you hang out with. Perhaps you never heard of groupies either. They let men do that.
  14. I thought he was PM, but perhaps they call them Chancellors now. Soooooo, while calling on Iran to de escalate tensions he considers sending a dirty great provocation to the area. No wonder he's not doing well domestically if that's his level of intelligence.
  15. Seriously? In which minds will this not be seen as a provocation by the Houthis and Iran. It's like Sunak wants the Houthis to start attacking British shipping as well.
  16. Way to go Britain! Lets have another war. Is this Sunak's last desperate act to stave off being dumped?
  17. More like nasty rants against Trump supporters than facts.
  18. He also had a covid epidemic. Something you and your pals always forget to mention.
  19. Britain was already full when I lived there over 10 years ago. It doesn't need millions more. Just for starters, the NHS couldn't cope with the numbers it was trying to help. Staff were overwhelmed and unhelped. Just importing more from overseas isn't the answer.
  20. Anyone that refuses to acknowledge any successes that Trump had isn't worth debating with. Bye.
  21. I understand Biden's message 100%. I just don't believe it. IMO he is as big a crook as ever sat in congress, and just says whatever he thinks will get him re elected.
  22. It must be wonderful to have such a black and white view of the world and an overwhelming opinion that one is superior to everyone that disagrees with one. Most of the rest of the humans on the planet live in the gray zone. IMO you apparently overlook or choose to overlook that millions of Americans don't choose Trump because he is a flawed human being, but because they despise Washington and all that reside therein, and Trump is a symbol of resistance to Washington. Whether he is or is not makes no difference to the masses that yearn for someone to clean up Washington. So far he's the only one that is not a creature of Washington that has been able to put himself up as a champion of the Washington haters. If the establishment wanted Trump to be gone they'd clean up Washington themselves, but they will likely never do that.
  23. Perhaps he was following the advice of a previous POTUS who said "walk softly and carry a big stick". It's better to deter a war than to start one.
  24. Just 4 posts ago you posted a poll YOURSELF!
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