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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Some women consent because they choose to go where such behaviour is expected. That is de facto consent. I believe you live in a country where such is a fact of life. Seems strange then that you don't understand that.
  2. Before you can say that, you have to prove that he actually did what he was saying or if it was just locker room bragging. Plenty of men make stuff like that up all the time. I'm sure that even you know what a groupie is, and are aware that a groupie does not have to sign a written consent form to engage in such behaviour with the men they covet. Given that Trump is a very rich man and is famous, he will have/ had all the groupies he could "handle", had he chosen to, but to date you have not proven he did it with groupies, or even non groupies. Do you believe that every man can do what Trump said he does, or only Trump? I know a city in a certain country where any man can do that. Perhaps you are unaware of that place?
  3. and likewise with yourself, as I have pointed out to you on occassion.
  4. She has the same rights as any other citizen in a country with free speech to say whatever she likes, within the law, and everyone else has the right to accept or reject what she says. If one doesn't like to be criticized for what one says in a public forum, one shouldn't say anything publicly in the first place. However, if one wants to use their popularity to talk politics, one can hardly complain if they get attacked for doing so. The saying about heat and kitchens is always applicable when it comes to politics.
  5. One suspects that someone doesn't know as much as someone purports to know.
  6. Seems to me that you and few of your pals are also putting politics into it, or don't you count?
  7. She'd have to be daft to take that job on, and she ain't daft.
  8. I have to guess, but I assume you are talking about a singer who made it out of thousands of wannabe music stars because she has good genes, but is still just a musician. Why would anyone take political advice from a musician? As usual you attack Trump for what he is, and ignore why many, many millions of adult Americans chose him as POTUS instead of her. Have you ever asked yourself WHY so many adult Americans prefer him, DESPITE his many failings, over your hero Biden?
  9. I don't get the point that you are trying to make. Commercial sport is as much an entertainment industry as music is, no matter how much one tries to say "it's different".
  10. That's really taking the mickey. Have you not seen Biden's election platform which apparently consists of "hate Trump" messages? IMO if not for Trump, Biden would have little to talk about, considering his lack of success as POTUS.
  11. Well said and congratulations for injecting some needed perspective on the subject. I agree 100% on Blinken and Biden. Blinken IMO is no more than an israeli supporter pretending to be a mediator.
  12. Thank you for posting facts to confront the hate posts against Palestinians that are so rife on this forum. I hope you keep it up.
  13. I'm ashamed that NZ has jumped on this vile bandwagon, and considering that Blinken has apparently proven himself to be in israel's pocket I don't trust anything he says.
  14. Everyone's perfect wife/ GF is only that till they ain't, and if they ain't, you ain't been with them long enough to know. Even my wife was perfect for a year, and then she wasn't, though it took another 4 years for the true woman to emerge. It happened on the day I said "we have to economise".
  15. I think it's more like a middle east/ Asian instrument. The bit with the tuning keys is different, the fret board is too wide and his right hand doesn't look like it's playing a guitar.
  16. I call BS on the idea that we make our own existence. If it were true I'd be typing in LOS, not in the <deleted> place I am.
  17. That was waaaaaaay back. I left and came back. Considering I've been posting on this thread quite a bit recently you must be confusing me with someone else.
  18. Is that a picture of an aged Z Z Top guy remembering the good times?
  19. I love watching the picture emerge. I have seen many before but not the fish one.
  20. Hit your head with a brick and you won't be worrying about the fuzziness. Works every time.
  21. If one believes in God the creator, as I do, God knows everything, ergo no growth once we are reunited with God after earthly death of the body. BUT, why would we need to grow? I doubt God functions mentally as we do, so IMO the question is pointless. As to whether our soul continues as an individual in the greater collective or not, I know not, but I expect to be finding out in a few years or less. It'll be a bit embarrassing if we do continue as individuals when everyone I knew here knows everything about me ( and vica versa ).
  22. Are posters taking the OP seriously or just playing along?
  23. Correct as far as it goes, but I doubt the US people will accept another land war against another large and well armed Middle East country. Especially so soon after the last disaster. As for carriers, fine if the enemy doesn't have hypersonic missiles or plenty of sub sonic ones. You said quite rightly "If they sent 50 or 100 at a time several are bound to get through and either sink or disable a ship or two". None of the trouble with the Houthis would have eventuated had Biden forced israel to ceasefire. Ergo this is a situation of Biden's making.
  24. Looks like the US is going to suffer a war of a thousand cuts. Small isolated attacks on US forces and assets all over the world that are impossible to prevent.
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