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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Seems that israeli apologists don't want to admit that the way the Palestinians were treated prior to October 7 has anything to do with the rise of Hamas.
  2. I see no point in even trying to respond to posters with nothing but rants. Bye.
  3. IMO doesn't matter who the GOP candidate was- the system was broken long before Trump became a candidate. I have the same opinion you have about voters for Trump about voters for Bush the younger 2nd term when we knew what he was. IMO it's a somewhat similar situation as when Blair was Bush's poodle as now with Sunak being Biden's poodle.
  4. None of the foreign leaders ( do you include Saudi rulers as fascists? ) he visited started wars against the US while he was POTUS. No war beats just about everything else, especially for the boys that lived. As said before we will have to agree to disagree.
  5. I was going to look up where israeli fuel comes from, so you saved me the trouble. Turkey has no reason to be nice to israel, and perhaps they will cut the oil flow if nothing else works. I know the US would make it up, but that would take time.
  6. There is a difference between Muslims fighting other Muslims and allying with israel to fight other Muslims. The Saudi royals will IMO never risk something that the religious leaders would regard as an obscenity. I worked in Saudi with and for Saudis ( not in a western compound without any Saudis ) for years, so I have some knowledge of the situation there. Don't make the mistake of thinking that because the royals were going to normalise relations with israel that the ordinary Saudi agrees with it. I gather that the ordinary Saudis are as outraged by israel's behaviour in Gaza as any other Muslim country in the world. I doubt they trust any country except Saudi ( themselves ) and are guided in international dealings by self interest, IMO.
  7. No. I mean it literally, as in if donkey poo was on the ticket I'd vote for it INSTEAD of Biden. We'll have to agree to disagree on that. Trump is many things but not a fascist. Can you point to anything he did that was fascist during his term as POTUS or before? He was more into making friends with foreign leaders than going to war against them- always a good thing.
  8. What are you on about? 0% up to 150 k and 5% up to 300 k. That's not much considering how much average Thais earn. You wouldn't like NZ then, taxed from $1. To be clear, taxed from one dollar, no exemptions for medical unless on the poverty line, and still pay GST same as a millionaire. Pensioners get sod all assistance.
  9. No need to rewrite the constitution. Just add an amendment. A good one would be no politicians over 65 and 2 term limits for every politician, not just POTUS.
  10. For starters I doubt you understand what an actual fascist is if you think Trump is one. Secondly, I'm a socialist ( small s ), and don't like people being excessively rich ( nobody needs a billion $ to live well ), but if it was a choice between him ( donkey poo not being on the ticket ) and HRC or Harris I'd vote for him just to keep them out of the big chair, which is how much I "dislike" them You still don't get that people vote for Trump as a symbol of rejection of congress, not for his personality ( though they do like keeping the hordes out on the southern border ). When the system allows for people like HRC or Harris to be the only alternative, what's left but someone like Trump? Get a better system in place and Trump wouldn't stand a chance. No dispute from me that the US is split, and IMO it's completely broken- just doesn't realise it yet.
  11. Which begs the question- If Trump is everything you say, why would millions and millions of Americans vote for him? Has to be a reason and I suspect it's not his personality. The nation isn't gone as long as states exist, but IMO it's broken, possibly beyond repair. Perhaps the experiment failed and the US should be split in 3. West coast, mid west and north eastern coast.
  12. but he will be the official candidate and get the support of the party for money and workers. Candidates without that stand no chance. I can understand a good president running unopposed, but that doesn't apply to Biden, too old, too doddery, talks to dead people.
  13. I got that, and I understand it completely. If I could have voted in the US in 2016 I'd have voted for donkey doo in preference to her. My preferred choice was Bernie, but they stabbed him in the back to put her up for it, and all I can say about that is thank the deity she didn't win. I'd vote for Trump again, but only if Biden/Harris was the Dem's candidate. I'm not a fan of rich people. You still need to look at WHY Trump is popular with millions of Americans and need look no further than congress. Does anyone think people voted for Trump as a person? IMO they voted for him as a rebuke to Washington. Sadly, the rest of the current lot of GOP candidates are no better than Trump, but Biden is a worse candidate because I just don't want Harris in charge.
  14. Not all. NZ has a new government that people voted for, as well as against the previous shower. I voted for this time and not against as usual. It's probably our last chance to save the country from disaster.
  15. Isn't that undemocratic? It means that the common man has no chance to elect a better candidate. That's the sort of undemocratic BS that got Trump elected the first time.
  16. IMO you are in the same trap as most Trump haters. Look at WHY Trump was elected, and you will understand why he got elected first time and may get elected again. They had a chance with Biden to sort congress out, but IMO it's still just as rotten as when Trump took over. Unfortunately the IMO despicable Sessions left the way open for the haters to make it about Trump instead of the rotten political system, so nothing was changed during his term. A vote for Biden is a vote to keep the same rotten system unchanged as he personifies a rotten system, IMO.
  17. If it's Biden/Harris vs Trump I suspect a Trump win. Harris is a gift to Trump having been useless at solving the border, which was basically the only job she was given, and it's almost a dead cert that the VP would become the POTUS if it's Biden, possibly in the first year. Does anyone actually like her? Thing I like about Trump is that he DIDN'T START ANY WARS. That's always a good thing.
  18. You probably know already, but Joe didn't. He was pretty keen on voting for other people to go to war though. https://www.operationmilitarykids.org/joe-biden-military-service/ No, the current President of the United States never served in the military.
  19. I very much doubt Saudi will become allies with israel in attacking Muslim people.
  20. It's actually been pretty cool recently- climate change??????? Not that it ever gets cold enough to snow on North Island plains. Normally it'd be baking hot, but I've only used the AC twice in past month.
  21. Yeah, they all seem very attractive- at least the ones I've seen. I'd say it's a phase though, and the urge to reproduce will take over.
  22. Trump tried to make them adhere to their commitments, so when he went they probably heaved a sigh of relief and went back to ignoring their commitments. Even so they are better off than NZ which has had it's military gutted to the point that defense is probably a sign in < insert language of invader > saying " we surrender, please be nice to us".
  23. Are you going to let the zombies get that close? It's a spear for me.
  24. I'll be dead in 20 years so I vote for affluence now. I have no children to care about, luckily for me, or I might have to vote for sacrifice.
  25. Cue WW3. No populations are going to welcome millions of aliens into their countries all at once. Agree with much of that post.
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