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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I saw the vdo of this vile israeli soldier vandalising a Palestinian shop on Al Jazeera, so I checked it out, and it's true. Not alone by any means, and plenty of sites about israeli vandalism on internet. Absolutely despicable behaviour, and filmed by the soldiers themselves. The VDO is in the linked article https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231209-outrage-over-israeli-soldier-vandalising-gaza-gift-shop/ Outrage over Israeli soldier vandalising Gaza gift shop The emergence of a video showing Israeli soldier vandalising a gift shop in Gaza has sparked widespread outrage. This act of vandalism adds to the already grave situation in Gaza, marked by significant destruction and the reported killing or expulsion of local residents.
  2. No disagreement with me on that. We had a rotten government that has been booted. Perhaps things will change now for the better.
  3. Haven't the Saudis been"pounding them" for years, and they have all the best US toys, but haven't succeeded in "pacifying" them. Air power is never enough and needs boots on the ground, but how to get there without American ships, hmmmmmmm.
  4. I'd like to see that. It's not like Lebanon, which is a drive over the border. Other than just bombing things, how are they going to get there, how are they going to resupply? Does netanyahu think the Americans will supply the ships?
  5. I thought they tried to keep Biden away from public view as much as possible as he makes too many gaffes. It's not like he's wildly successful- chaos on the southern border, Russia nowhere near defeated in Ukraine, apparently becoming unpopular with younger Americans for supplying bombs for israel to kill children with. He needs to do better if he wants to win.
  6. I doubt anyone would disagree with you on that, but the problem is finding anyone better to take their place. Plenty out there, but US politics is so toxic now that no sensible person wants a bar of it, IMO. Anyone want HRC or Cheney instead?
  7. The saying " a plague on both their houses" might be appropriate now.
  8. It's on a par with the incredibly mistimed ( attempted ) introduction of the poll tax.
  9. If that were a fact, the British races would almost vanish in 2 or 3 generations, IMO. Rich people have less children than poor ones.
  10. Thanks for pointing that out. I should have realised it myself, but on this occasion forgot to look behind the curtain.
  11. Oh it's just getting better and better! Perhaps Biden should avoid the personal insults and come up with a reason to elect him and not the "bad man". So far I see nothing that would encourage me to vote for stumblin' bumblin' Joe.
  12. Should that not be The candidate who will himself be 78 on polling day remains in peril from four concurrent criminal cases against him, some over his alleged illegal efforts to overturn Biden’s 2020 victory. He hasn't been found guilty of anything in those cases at this time.
  13. I think the poster you quoted is more upset that he knows his attacks won't be seen by the target of his attacks, than being able to contradict them. If they don't want to be put on ignore they should stop the personal insults, and debate about the topic, not the poster.
  14. IMO you are pushing it uphill. Some on here are only interested in sniping at anyone with a different opinion, not in contributing to a rational discussion, and justifying their stance with some reasons for them.
  15. and the ICC will hopefully be holding trials for the israeli leadership for their many war crimes.
  16. Deflecting again. One is nothing to do with the other.
  17. If I get a time machine for Xmas I'm going to go back and assassinate the group that sang Snoopy's Christmas, before they made the record. If I hear that <deleted> song one more time i'll.......................................
  18. Errrrrr. Xmas was a pagan festival that the early Christians nicked to remember the birth of Jesus, The tree and the gifts are nothing to do with the Christ- the tree is part of a pagan festival and the gifts were started by St Nicholas. Santa Claus was apparently started as advertising to sell Coca Cola, but I could be wrong on that, and I can't be bothered to go look it up as it doesn't matter anyway. The point is that it was never about the baby Jesus to start with, and that it may never have happened in the way it's celebrated anyway.
  19. As I understand it, Thanksgiving celebrates when they were starving and the native Americans gave them enough food to survive. If the Native Americans had known what was coming, they'd have waited for them to starve to death and then danced on their graves, singing the equivalent of "Hallelujah".
  20. PS, I'll really be celebrating as I bought an Xmas pudding with caramel sauce. The diabetes isn't going to make me go blind for just one treat a year.
  21. Probably the same as I'm doing now. It's too dangerous on the roads with all the city drivers that don't know how to drive in the country going to visit auntie Mabel, with the cheapest gift they could find wrapped in nice paper to fool her, to chance going to the beach, which will be full of drunk youths anyway. I buy a lot of DVDs from op shops and thank the people that gave the auntie Mabels of the country a nice new DVD that they bought on special, which she never watched, as I get to buy them for $1, never taken out of the box.
  22. Best new year I had with my first partner involved something along that line. Sadly never repeated.
  23. I was married during several new years but she never dragged me along to one of those. Are you referring to Thai new year, when we all got wet, or western new year?
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