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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Go hydrogen and that isn't a problem as ICE cars can apparently be converted to run on hydrogen, like they can on LPG. EVs are a dead end IMO.
  2. Crusaders were Europeans in the middle ages, so IMO yes. I doubt the Saudis care much about Muslims of non Arab ethnicity, unless it's politically expedient.
  3. One would be interested to know just how much fossil fuel was used to convene this talking fest, when they could have done it all with VDO conferencing?
  4. Given there is no viable alternative to fossil fuel at this point in time, they are barking at the moon thinking any resolution is going to save them from fossil fuel. So, once again the lovies have spent vast quantities of taxpayer money for nothing. Bah humbug.
  5. I would agree with that. They have refused to force israel to comply with international law, even when they are able to do so.
  6. So do I. Someone else may though.
  7. Thailand became popular last century as a cheap and cheerful place for a holiday with a bit of the exotic Oriental added. Then the greedies built flashpacker places and ruined the beaches with concrete. Then the government made it harder to stay long time, the smile vanished, the rip offs grew, the infrastructure decayed, it was dirty and full of rubbish and horrid concrete buildings. All the things that made LOS a desirable place for western tourists vanished. Now they wonder why western tourists don't want to come any more. Duh!
  8. I never wanted anyone to bring their "loved ones" to Thailand, as they usually went to Pattaya and are ruining the place. They should all be required to go to Phuket which is already ruined a long time ago.
  9. Does anyone actually believe that tat? The higher end places probably rely on foreign tourists, as locals are unlikely to be able to afford such, except hisos and are they interested in ruined beaches?
  10. As reported on Al Jazeera ( or on the local news- I forget which ) the ship was carrying oil to israel. I'm just the messenger on that. The international community will have a problem trying to sell support for israel by attacking Houthis. Perhaps they will just send more ships with anti missile systems , but the real problem, as presumably the Houthis know, is that insurance premiums will increase for shipping, and may become too high, or not approved for any ships taking goods to israel. Whatever happens, it's going to raise prices.
  11. An attack on Muslims by the crusaders is an attack on all Muslims, regardless of divisions between them. Never forget the saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". At least till the enemy is defeated. MBS no doubt has some problems in appearing to support Palestinians while not alienating America. Seems that MBS has been rehabilitated in international opinion, and a certain murder has been quietly swept under the proverbial carpet.
  12. I guess I'll never know what his attempt to justify the unjustifiable is, unless someone quotes him.
  13. I'm not an American, ergo by definition not MAGA. However, the US is the biggest fish in the water, and NZ relies 100% on America to survive without invasion, so it concerns me when I see the direction Biden is taking the country and how HRC would have taken it. When the only alternative to HRC or Harris ( the next but one POTUS if Biden wins ) is Trump, I'm for Trump. I'd rather be for someone else, but if the system doesn't allow for it, one plays the cards one has. Harris or Trump? No contest for me- Trump is the preferred candidate.
  14. Development, progression don't need an expanding workforce and AI robotics will make up for an aging workforce. Mass immigration is a stupid idea and only causes division in society, though that may actually be the reason for it.
  15. They could be just testing the water, or trying to divert attention from something, with no expectation of it passing into law. Probably better than declaring war.
  16. Thank you for correcting me on that. I had forgotten the 1973 war, and was not aware that there was any air combat involved in 1982, but I see there was some activity against the Syrian airforce, but the Syrians were apparently useless ( not unexpectedly ), and didn't put up much of a show. However, though I was wrong on those cases, my point is still valid. It's been 30 years since 1982, and probably none of those pilots will still be flying in combat, even if not retired.
  17. Thank you for the correction. It would not surprise me if they are sent to Top Gun in the US for training.
  18. I doubt we will see one as it's not possible to justify israeli settlement on Palestinian land.
  19. Thanks, but I'll keep supporting the Palestinians as long as the illegal israeli occupation, illegal collective punishment, oppression and the war crimes are being carried out against Gaza and the West Bank.
  20. Israel has lost global support over its "indiscriminate bombing" of Gaza. Fixed the title. Only 10 against the resolution just adopted in the UN general assembly. That's a pretty dramatic display of opposition to israel.
  21. What is the age in Germany for legal prostitution? Age of consent for non prostitutes doesn't apply in this case.
  22. Thanks for the joke post. It would be legal in NZ as age of consent is 16. Doubtful it would happen, but not because it's illegal. Perhaps it is yourself that needs to be examined.
  23. plus the experience of the Israeli pilot I'm puzzled as to how the israeli pilot has more experience than a Chinese pilot? Am I mistaken in thinking that it's been long enough ago since the israeli air force was in combat that all those pilots will have retired from flying long ago? The israelis were not involved in either of the Gulf wars, and the last war in which aircraft were involved in combat was in 1967. Am I wrong?
  24. Are you actually trying to say that the settlers have a right to be on Palestinian land? If so, why?
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