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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Alive and under a brutal illegal blockade. The Hamas attack did not happen in a vacuum, to quote the UN secretary general.
  2. I don't see anything equating to reality in that post, so I'll just ask you if it's OK to kill 7,000 children by bombing their homes?
  3. and how much of that is on credit? Middle class is vanishing in the west, apparently, and the Thais will follow. AI robotics will change everything.
  4. Perhaps so but they won't stay in the sort of places the average young western bagpacker will, so will not save the lower end accommodation. However, I doubt hiso Thais give a rat's bottom for the less affluent Thais struggling to make a living.
  5. For a change I agree with you on the essence of your post. Thailand is not and never was a destination for the rich, unless they went to a 5 star place and never left it, of which there are many. However, as the beaches were IMO ruined to cater for the well off western flashpacker, IMO they can all bog off and let Thailand cater for the average tourist again.
  6. I didn't realise that 2 million people were daft enough to buy a car piloted by a machine ( shakes head in amazement ).
  7. Don't pay it enough mind to waste time "hoping" on it. IMO it's just political BS designed to get clicks for money for media. Trump wins or loses makes no difference to my actual life. However, I'd like to see him win to get more of those U Tube VDOs of the snowflakes crying.
  8. I disregard them entirely as just waste of time made up by his political enemies.
  9. All I know is that I watched far too much tv in my life, and I was lucky enough to live as a child before tv was available, so I read a lot. I did watch most of the shows mentioned, and I just found a DVD set of Get Smart to rewatch. Did anyone mention Man From UNCLE? Great stuff.
  10. LOL. My insurance got more expensive as I got older.
  11. If people can't afford to buy travel insurance they can't afford to travel. It's beyond foolish imagining that they will never need it. It might already be required, but Thailand should require proof of insurance before allowing a tourist to enter, if only to protect the foolish from their own stupidity.
  12. Correct, but apparently that's rare, luckily for me with my 3 infections.
  13. That's not true, for a start, unless he was in the airport for at least 3 days. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/yellowbook/2024/infections-diseases/dengue Symptomatic dengue begins abruptly after an incubation period of 5–7 days (range 3–10 days) I had 3 strains of dengue in Thailand ( separately, not at the same time ) and it's no fun at all. It's like flu on steroids. I didn't go to hospital any of the times. Lasted about 3 days before I could move about easily.
  14. Errrr. Santa is based on Saint Nicholas, an early Christian Bishop, ergo to believe in Santa is to believe in religion.
  15. They do where I live. I was going to join to meet some people my own age, but I'm too busy doing other stuff. Actually, in between life's little crises I've got more to do than I have life left to do them. I used to be stressed about not sorting them before I passed over, but then I realised that after I've gone they will just throw everything in a skip, so whats the point anyway. All my treasures are other's rubbish.
  16. In the unfortunate event ( for woke western armies ) in the event of an actual shooting war, is that, as usual, a lot of boys will die as the army has to re learn all the lessons that it learned in the last shooting war, but forgot. That's what happens when it becomes too unpleasant to remain in and all the experienced soldiers leave.
  17. I wonder if they have an equivalent of non transgender member anti bullying policy. The military I was in was rife with bullies, of every rank above mine ( not that my rank didn't have any ). One of the main reasons I got out, having had enough of it. Then I went nursing which has just as many, but normally restricted to management level. Sometimes we just can't win.
  18. Nah. I have him on ignore, though I sometimes look at ignored posters posts, and usually regret doing so.
  19. I was referring to the investigations during his presidency. You have apparently thought I was talking about the impeachment.
  20. Given I know little Obama related, and less than little about his presidency, I'll have to take your word on that. However, I did find it fascinating that so many ignored his 50% white ethnicity ( his mother was conspicuously absent from any news item I saw ) and that some of the people of Kenya apparently thought he was going to help them because his father was a Kenyan, despite his absence from his son's life after 3 years of age ( Wikipedia tells me he met Barack once at age 10 )
  21. Accused but not convicted. Are you not aware of the dictum "not guilty till convicted" or does that only apply to other people?
  22. IMO the world has had a lucky escape when she got the boot. Why are so many women in the US congress just awful people?
  23. USA is sleepwalking into a death spiral by following this pathetic, stumblin', bumblin' geriatric that talks to dead people.
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