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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. and over 7,000 children. Nothing justifies that.
  2. and pathetic. Does he think the bombs that kill them were dropped by Hamas?
  3. or it's a sense of adventure. That only lasts till they see their friends with their limbs missing and their guts hanging out.
  4. IMO that's just life. Nurture indicates a degree of "caring", and IMO for most on the planet nobody gives a monkey's about anyone not family.
  5. Santa lives in the minds of every child expecting presents in the morning.
  6. 55555555555555 It's hardly been promoted as an alternative. Probably because they make more money selling evs than modifying existing cars. Where is the infrastructure to swap batteries on a large scale? NOWHERE.
  7. The GOP desire to secure the border vs the Biden wish to apparently allow as many as possible to enter illegally. Who will blink first? https://thetexan.news/federal/federal-border-guards-cut-barbed-wire-to-allow-illegal-immigrants-to-cross-per-report/article_8f0e25b0-1b43-5893-993e-030ab4fc09f8.html
  8. It's BS ( IMO ) like that that make me disregard anything that comes out of his mouth. IMO his time is almost done. Stalemate, and Europeans are bored of this bottomless pit for their taxes. IMO he benefited from the 1% desire to make more money by selling weapons, and they have done exceedingly well so far. Now they will be looking for ways to monetise the reconstruction of Ukraine, but that can't happen till the war ends, so not long now, IMO.
  9. You ignore the reasons that Hitler rose to power. Those conditions do not exist in the US. Either you do not know of them, or you choose to ignore them, IMO.
  10. Their home country is a <deleted><deleted> and they grew up thinking that the streets of the US were paved in gold. I guess most were disappointed after paying criminals to get there, even if able to stay.
  11. LOL. I managed to become a shooting coach, so I was able to hit the target. I also used to fire on the 800 yard range in my own time. I preferred the SLR as that definitely put an enemy down if hit, whereas the M16 was less certain of that. However, I definitely preferred the weight of the plastic M16 to the solid and heavy SLR.
  12. Singapore did that for it's multi ethnicity population with good results. NZ had National service but not for all, and gave it up decades ago. I'm for it, but I doubt most that went through it would agree. They did it in the coldest and most boring camp it would be possible to find anywhere in NZ. I was actually called up for NS, but I had joined the military already, so avoided that unfortunate situation!
  13. Found a link for you. NB the israeli port call. Any vessel having any contact with israel is under threat. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/cruise-missile-yemen-strikes-tanker-ship-us-officials-2023-12-12/ The Iran-aligned group attacked the tanker, the STRINDA, because it was delivering crude oil to an Israeli terminal and after its crew ignored all warnings, Houthi military spokesperson Yehia Sarea said in a statement. But the tanker's owner, Norway's Mowinckel Chemical Tankers, said the vessel was headed to Italy with a cargo of biofuel feedstock, not crude oil. But it did acknowledge a tentative Israeli port call scheduled for January, details it had not offered in the immediate hours after the attack in the Red Sea. "Upon the recommendation of our security advisors, it was decided to withhold this information until the vessel and her crew were in safe waters," the company said in a statement. You said "Why would anyone volunteer to be a messenger of false news?". Would you care to retract that accusation, or are you going to claim Reuters is "a messenger of false news"?
  14. I hope Trump wins if for no other reason than to poke a stick in the eye of people that refer to millions of Americans as "brain dead Zombies". People with that sort of opinion deserve to have another Trump term, IMO.
  15. LOL. Can you explain that? IMO Trump is for Trump, whatever that takes. To label him as right or otherwise is IMO a stretch. Wasn't he a Democrat at one time- certainly pals with the Clintons going by photos I've seen of him with them. From the book I read about him, he seems to just react to life, rather than having a plan. Appeared to be rather chaotic. Just happened that he isn't a war monger, which was probably lucky rather than intended.
  16. He didn't sort the southern border, stopped the wall being completed and made it easier for illegals to keep entering. Cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline. However the BIGGEST reason against him having a second term is that he is IMO unlikely to complete it and if Harris is still VP would by default see her as POTUS. If you don't understand why that would be a bad idea, refer to her abject failure to secure a nomination in the primaries.
  17. APEC. Biden and HRC are/ were for it, Trump removed the US from it. Trump has vowed to remove the US from it again if elected. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-vows-kill-asia-trade-deal-being-pursued-by-biden-if-elected-2023-11-19/ Don't expect a lengthy explanation of why I despise APEC, but that's just one reason. I have more. He didn't start any wars while POTUS and I would trust him to repeat that in a second term more than I trust Biden not to start a war. Biden has moved 2 carriers to support israel which is a huge indicator that he is willing to start a wider war. Not starting wars is always a good reason to vote for a politician, especially for the boys that would die in it.
  18. That's what many countries do, Saudi and israel for example.
  19. I worked a 12 hour day, and with breaks and unpaid overtime added it was as much as 13.5 hours. Add travel time and easily 15 hours.
  20. That's something I fundamentally disagree with. Just working should not entitle anyone to a passport. I worked in Saudi as a "guest worker". I had no expectation that had I stayed long enough I would get citizenship. By all means bring workers in, pay them properly, look after them while in the country, and after the job ends, or they reach retirement age, send them back home. Happens in many countries ( will israel give citizenship to any of their "guest workers"? ), so why should Britain be different?
  21. You provide no proof of that vile accusation against an organisation that has been supporting the population of Gaza under an illegal israeli blockade. Unless you can prove it, it's a foul lie.
  22. It's still a deflection. I could deflect all day long with references to the past, but it would be deleted.
  23. Internet tells me Bell bus is still running to Pattaya, Airport to the door service. I'm sure the other bus service is still running. No hassle, no toll fees, way cheaper than taxi. If people want to take a taxi, they can take the risk too.
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