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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I for one do not think they expected to "win" by any means. They knew that the israeli military could easily kill them all, once they responded. I think they have had enough of being in a prison camp, denied freedom to travel, subject to restrictions on everything etc etc etc. I think they decided to burn the whole facade down and show the world that they were not just going to suffer for eternity, which was the status quo. They certainly gave the israelis a bloody nose, exposed their "intelligence operation" as a sham, embarrassed the much vaunted military, and have provoked a response that will force countries like Saudi to take sides. What has been a surprise to me is how quickly the americans abandoned any pretense to be an honest broker, and are even giving the israelis more munitions that will likely be used to kill innocent Gazans without conditions. Biden is attempting to portray himself as a strong leader, shaking the force force force rattle, with not a word about restraint, observing international law etc. The americans have not even condemned the cut off of water to Gaza, while apparently even the EU has done so. One suspects the election next year may have something to do with that, but it's a strategy that may come back to bite him, as the toll of dead Gaza children mounts inexorably.
  2. Thank you. Sitting ( we called it 'specialing" ) with a woman that took panadol to kill herself while she slowly died fully concious, or sitting with a young boy as he bled copiously from his bowel does make one look at life from a different perspective. Something people that make movies don't know: when someone dies, their eyes don't stay closed if you move the eyelids over them. The eyelids default position after death is open. Have to be taped closed.
  3. WRONG I believe in God, but not the version that you apparently do. Have you never been on the God thread?
  4. A Parasite lives in or on another organism and gets it's nutrients from the host. A foetus lives in a mother and gets all it's nutrients from the mother.
  5. Those idiots in city hall can't even stop a road right next to the sea flooding. One has to ask where the money went?
  6. No good deed goes unpunished. So very true.
  7. Can't we all just get along? Apparently not.
  8. Do you have anything to say about the topic?
  9. LOL. On the one hand they love and excuse israel and on the other hand they welcome persons that have no love for israel into the country. I guess they never thought that might come back to bite them on the posterior.
  10. Notice that for certain posters that it's always the Palestinians fault as the peace loving israelis never do anything like stealing land, building illegal settlements on Palestinian land, attacking unarmed Palestinians and destroying their houses and olive trees, raiding them in the middle of the night and killing their children. So when the Palestinians strike back, they actually have no reason to do so as the peace loving israelis only want the best for Palestinians.
  11. Just watched John Kirby ( W H spokesman ) trying to waffle his way out of answering all the tough questions asked by Al Jazeera interviewer. Just the usual "we support the israelis" and "israelis are the victims". Complete waste of time asking him anything.
  12. The sooner I'm off the better. I don't like anything about the brave new world being inflicted on me by horrid people with their woke agenda.
  13. Please start some better threads then.
  14. Star wars had the potential to be the greatest sci fi movies of all time, but were ruined by the inclusion of the teddy bear things, and the stupid jar jar binks. What on earth was Lucas thinking? First three were great though but the following became too PC and the last one with Skywalker was demented as they ignored their own laws of the force. My favourite sci fi movie is Forbidden Planet, a 1956 blast from the past.
  15. Sorry, only greatest in your opinion. None qualify on my list of greatest films of all time.
  16. Almost all the Ghibli movies are wonderful, and missed by most westerners as they are regarded as "comics" because not live action. I first saw My neighbor Totoro, got hooked and have them all on DVD. While I do like Spirited Away, my favourite would be From Up on Poppy Hill, followed by Porco Rosso. Only Yesterday is really good too. Any Ghibli fan should watch the 25 year concert with a massed orchestra, a choir of hundreds and an audience of about 14,000. Conducted by Joe Hisaishi who composed the music for the movies. Awesome and wonderful.
  17. I had a think and I can't think of any that would qualify as favourite. I rarely watch a movie more than once, and the ones I do I'm not saying on here. I'm much more into Anime and Korean series, and my most watched anime movie would be "I want to eat your pancreas". It's not actually about a cannibal though.
  18. Errrr, without such posters there wouldn't be many threads longer than a page, so we should welcome personal stories if we want something to read on here.
  19. Have to agree 100%. Seems somewhat sadistic to go around telling people that. I don't know how long I have left, but I certainly hope it's less than 10 years, given my rate of bodily decay.
  20. Whatever the reason, Trump must be lovin' it. He's going to bring it up at every rally he holds, to tumultuous applause.
  21. Hasn't Newsome turned California into a disaster zone?
  22. I can just imagine the "outrage" from certain posters if it were a different ( ex ) POTUS that had done that. Seems it's only wrong if it's the wrong person doing it.
  23. From the bombing campaign ( without any calls for restraint by the americans ) I suspect that the intention is to remove any possibility of continued occupation of Gaza. Where the 2 million+ Gazans will go is unknown. Netanyahu has stated that the current bombing is "just the beginning" and "every corner will be attacked". ( excuse me if I didn't get the quotes 100% correct )
  24. I don't have to read <deleted> like that, so off to the ignore list with you.
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