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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. If the camera has an RCA feed out you can buy a device to convert the signal to digital and use that to record to your computer. If you do not have the video camera, good luck obtaining one.
  2. A female. Why am I not surprised?
  3. You could start here" https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel Arabs represent one-fifth of Israel’s population. Systemic discrimination, outbreaks of communal violence, and the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict continue to strain their ties with Israel’s Jewish majority.
  4. Equal rights- are you having a laff? You obviously don't watch Al Jazeera if you think that.
  5. IMO the only reason the UN hasn't taken any steps towards penalising Israel for illegally occupying Palestinian land, building illegal settlements, erecting illegal walls and illegally subjecting Palestinians to collective punishment is because of the american veto. Given the land was taken from them by other countries in the UN against their will, are you really surprised they want it back?
  6. Are humans the most vile species to ever walk on the face of the planet? To unnecessarily kill such magnificent creatures is barbaric.
  7. In your haste to refute me you overlook the point I was making in the Africa comment, which is to stop being Chicken Little and claiming the sky is falling, when sea ice varies from year to year and just because there is less in one year it does not mean that there will be less in 10 years time, as it may very well be more than previously.
  8. LOL. I don't trust any politician, of any nationality.
  9. It's a bit sad you only met hard hearted women. My experience was usually different, for which I'm glad.
  10. One would need to be involved with them for more than a couple of weeks to get to the emotional connection stage. I had a relationship with a couple that lasted years, so there was some emotion involved when those relationships ended. The one that got most upset was one that stayed with me for over a couple of months but that was continuous, and not in two week chunks. For the most part though, they'd stay with me for a couple of weeks, and when I left to go back to work it was goodbye without any emotion involved, and I rarely saw them ever again.
  11. My first partner would never be accused of being a hooker, but she was worse than any hooker when it came to ripping me off.
  12. That's not been my experience of women, but I wasn't looking to bonk every women I had a conversation with. I actually prefer women to men as friends, given they talk about more interesting things than sport.
  13. Serves you right for being too lazy to go out to get a burger ????
  14. Interesting. Their S trap is blue, so the manufacturers see no reason to differentiate between clean and dirty water. I guess it's pointless continuing to believe that the two should be differentiated, IN THAILAND, which is a bit sad, IMO. Meanwhile, in more health conscious countries when it comes to water in and out, the two are differentiated.
  15. Reality in LOS is often less than best practice.
  16. Netanyahu meets Biden for a cozy chat ( as seen on Al Jazeera ), while heavily armed Israeli forces continue to kill Palestinians in illegally occupied Palestine. Sadly, I doubt any help for the Palestinians will eventuate from Washington. Apparently the US political establishment still supports the irrelevant Two State solution which has been well and truly killed off long ago due to Israeli actions on the illegally occupied land.
  17. Just watched an article on Al Jazeera concerning Zelensky at the UN Security Council. Nothing new to say, of course, and Russia still has the veto if the UN did try to actually do something, other than talk, against Russia. As usual, nothing about any gains on the front line, so perhaps there are none worth giving air time to.
  18. I said something along those lines right at the start of the conflict, but as expected had the usual reaction from the armchair warriors thousands of miles away from the danger. I wonder how many of them have put themselves in the conflict as part of the Ukrainian military?
  19. More likely run out of men willing to go die for Ukraine.
  20. Do you assume you know more about it that I? That would be a rather foolish assumption, IMO.
  21. If you are being specific about Brand, have you ignored the fact that he has not been convicted of rape, despite having a reputation?
  22. I would not normally support him, but to be fair, it's not possible ( far as I know ) for us to start a new thread on World News sub forum, so we must make do with the ones already there.
  23. If we want to discuss useless politicians in general, and rotten PM's specifically, the most rotten one I can think of was a certain one that was a poodle to a character who's name started with B, and who committed the UK to a conflict based on nothing more than ( IMO ) lies. I also blame all the useless politicians that went along with that ( IMO ) charade. Compared to that catastrophe, Truss was merely a bumbling idiot.
  24. As I understand it, forestry hasn't been managed and undergrowth allowed to build up to the point that fires spread easily. Perhaps in a foolish attempt to save money by people that should know better. In any event, building houses in a natural fire zone has never been a good idea, but people are often stupid when it comes to nature, thinking they know better.

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