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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I couldn't care less about him in particular. I'm against the notion that famous men in general are targets of greedy women using an opportunity to get a payday. If he were Joe the plumber, would he by on trial by social media? I think not. Just another reason I despise social media.
  2. I agree that she doesn't seem unhappy, though I am unable to read her mind. Did she make an official complaint after though? If not, she can't have considered it a big deal. Perhaps she has other experiences of men trying to undo her bra in a different setting. I think it's probably a quite common event for men to be attempting to undo women's bras, though the courts are not clogged with cases about them doing so. In any event, it was in a public place and even Brand should not be so stupid as to do something criminal while other people photographed it.
  3. That isn't the point. He has been tried in the court of social media and found guilty without any proof. It's already affected his ability to earn a living. I'm so sick of people convicting others of nefarious activities without a shred of actual evidence. Lots of that going on on this forum about a certain man they don't like.
  4. I'm glad to read that. Can't stand the bloke myself, but it's time men in general started to fight back against the premise that all men are rapists. I actually had occasion to confront a female accommodation manager on her desire to ban men, and she flat out told me that "all men are rapists". She lost when I appealed to the board, which was not composed of misandrists.
  5. For those unaware that fire is a natural part of the life cycle of Australian trees: https://www.quora.com/Is-there-a-tree-in-Australia-that-naturally-sets-itself-on-fire-to-regenerate-itself-and-whats-the-name-of-it A lot of Australian flora has actually become dependent on fire to germinate, and that isn’t going to evolve in a mere 50,000 years or so. Australian Aborigines developed their burning practices in response to the environment, not causing it. https://www.quora.com/Is-there-a-tree-in-Australia-that-naturally-sets-itself-on-fire-to-regenerate-itself-and-whats-the-name-of-it Has Australia started replanting the trees that were burnt due to the recent massive fires? One thing about Australian natives, they usually bounce back from bushfires. In fact, some also thrive and start to spread new life needing the fire to assist with seeding. As usual, the problem is humans interfering with nature, and living where they should not. Humans are so stupid they think they know better than nature.
  6. Do you think bushfires never happened before pyromaniacs existed?
  7. It took getting married for me to understand that Thai women were no better than western women at using me. I probably did hurt one Thai girl, and if I could jump back in time I'd do things differently. Lovely lass, but too soft hearted to be on the game. One of the reasons I preferred bar girls was that hearts didn't normally get broken when the time came to leave, as never was the word "love" uttered.
  8. but very rear I met a woman again if it was a one night stand. To easy The connotations are somewhat naughty! Sorry, just couldn't resist.
  9. Perhaps they will bring back the ducking stool. If the accused drowns they ain't guilty, and if doesn't drown off in the tumbril to the guillotine.
  10. but that doesn't mean he is guilty of alleged offenses. Plenty of famous tools out there.
  11. Entirely on topic IMO. Without fossil fuel mankind would never have been able to invent smart phones or computers. IMO everything we have now is reliant on oil to make and transport.
  12. I was never a game player, which might explain why I had zero success as a "stud". It became blindingly obvious to me the day a good female friend told me that she wanted a man that could pretend to not want her, in a way that she knew he did. Completely barking. BTW, she was the sort of woman that any man with functioning hormones would want to bonk, so seemed strange to me that she needed to play games.
  13. Sorry to hear that. Loved his singing, especially Last Farewell, which I find very emotional, having had more than a few last farewells of my own. RIP.
  14. The only ones that offered me sex were ones that were desperate and that I would not want to sleep with anyway. However I didn't normally associate with slappers so who knows how many offers I missed out on.
  15. Too much is when you do stupid things you would not do if not drinking alcohol.
  16. No, Thainess is whatever the THAIS want it to be, given that they are not all Western wannabes.
  17. You got it right, there. I've always considered any country that doesn't let it's own culture be destroyed by immigrants to be a sane country. Thailand is doing quite well on that score.
  18. Been famines in the past. Why do people panic because it MIGHT happen now? As pointed out already, plenty of food, but only for those that can afford it. IMO it's Gaia trying to rid the planet of humans given how terrible we are to the environment. Any species destroying it's living space perishes, so why should humans be immune to consequences of polluting our living space?
  19. Sea ice melts every summer and grows again in winter. The amount that melts varies each year. To panic over one year is stupid IMO.
  20. In other words not really much at all. Get back to us when It's the size of Africa.
  21. Why do you think I support Putin? Being realistic and giving land in exchange for no war would have saved many Ukrainian lives and much infrastructure. What proof do you have that Putin would want more than the East and Crimea? IMO you are just regurgitating propaganda. In any event that option was never given a chance.
  22. At what cost in Ukrainian lives?

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