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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. There are probably many worked out deep mines that could be used to bury uranium waste, if in a geologically stable area, but I guess the companies think it's cheaper to not do that.
  2. So you don't care if people ignore your message then? Even people that may agree with you may not be impressed by insulting posters. Have you even considered that your message just isn't convincing if you don't give us actual details of what you want us to do to change things. Vague language without specifics doesn't convince many. I have given specifics about stopping pollution eg not having more than one child or any, banning personal cars in cities, banning air travel for leisure, but my solutions are apparently not very popular. Soooo, what are your better solutions?
  3. Agree. I wonder how many of the man made climate change posters drive a car made of steel ( used coal to make ), fly in an aeroplane, live in a house that is made of concrete, rather than natural materials, watch tv or use a computer with electricity made from fossil fuel. The real question is how much are they willing to give up to "save the planet"? BTW, they won't be saving the planet, as the planet will be just fine without any humans destroying it.
  4. and a lot of people don't care what science says unless it's backed up with evidence that we can see. Just saying that we are all doomed in 5 or 10 or 20 years is not worth worrying about if it means we have to give up overseas holidays or take a bus to work.
  5. Insulting people isn't a good way to advance your cause.
  6. If you can't present an argument that people like him or me will accept, IMO you already lost your battle. Just repeating over and over the same thing isn't going to convince enough of the 8 billion people on the planet to change anything. BTW using alarmist language about such as "rising sea levels" only makes people distrust everything that is being promoted when it's obvious to anyone lived by the sea most of their life that the sea level is almost the same as it was 60 years ago, unless it's claimed that sea level rises more in some parts of the oceans.
  7. Question: What do you think will make a difference, that is affordable, effective and acceptable. Just saying a load of stuff about "transitioning" and "adopting" is meaningless unless we know what is actually involved. Question: What hope is there for any effective change when it's lauded as a "good thing" that people are flying in great numbers again and companies like Air India are expanding their fleet of aircraft to keep up with demand? Question: What does "challenging" mean in reality? Should we all ride bicycles made mainly of wood, or walk to work? Question: Why is there never any mention of reducing population, when increased population is IMO the greatest driver of pollution on the planet?
  8. Climate change and air pollution are not the same thing. Climate is created by nature and pollution is created by humans. Stop the polluters, absolutely.
  9. Batman is so last century that he may not even know what Batman is. If one has to resort to playacting to deal with a slovenly idle child, time to remove either the child or oneself from the relationship.
  10. How do they know it will be electric cars? Do they have a right to mandate such? How do they know that no better alternative will be invented before then? Are they also mandating that the infrastructure to support such will be built? Will they mandate the method of producing the electricity?
  11. IMO 2 possible reasons for the accusation 1/ politically motivated 2/ possibility of a pay off, not necessarily from Trump personally. Isn't it time to introduce a statute of limitations on such accusations? I mean, who remembers stuff they did 30 years ago. At least the onus is on her to prove it with some sort of actual proof that it happened. Most store dressing rooms I've seen have only a curtain, so can we believe that she made no verbal response to being assaulted, and there was no other person in the vicinity to hear such?
  12. Given that Britain doesn't seem to make much anymore, is it any surprise that it's not doing well? Shuffling money around seemed to be where the money was made, but that is not a solid foundation to build an economy on.
  13. Wherever they go, see a dr and get some good oral sedation before having the procedure. I always used Grace Dental, but you'd have to ask if they give nitrous.
  14. I blame the authorities in C M for the situation. They allow the burning to continue and their IMO incompetence has created an almost permanent traffic jam in the city. I lived there long enough to know that they don't seem to actually DO anything to make it a better city.
  15. Come to think about it, to actually be doggy style the guy should have his upper torso on top of the female's upper torso. I've yet to see a dog doing it in an upright position as in the diagram. Perhaps there should be a new description invented for that one.
  16. I disagree. A genuine refugee has the right to be kept safe and live as normal a life as possible, but it doesn't have to be in a country of their choosing. I'm fine with them being kept safe in a different country.
  17. I may be incorrect in thinking that the Australian system vets them for genuine refugees as against economic undocumented migrants, and if so apology for that mistake. However, I would like to see such, UNLESS they can be held in a safe area, where they can live a "normal" life, till such time as their country of origin is safe to return to. I do not support letting any undocumented arrival being allowed to jump the q and be allowed to live freely in the country of their choice just by paying criminals to take them there, and absolutely any established to be economic arrivals as against genuine refugees should be deported immediately, or held indefinitely in a detention centre as a disincentive for those that might try to follow.
  18. Since the advent of photo shop I'm pretty sure a lot of photos of women out there are fake, and without the assistance of AI. BTW, what sort <deleted> guy pays for photos of women when there are a gazillion free ones on the internet?
  19. I'm boggled that a certain segment of the population has been able to make pregnancy a health issue, when it's a completely normal event in most women's lives. IMO it only becomes a "health issue" when the foetus presents a threat to the woman's health or life, or the foetus is defective. For the vast majority of pregnancies neither the mother nor the foetus present any "health" problems beyond morning sickness and perhaps some incontinence. I'm even more boggled that that segment of society has been able to make a viable foetus a threat to a woman's health. I've cared for pregnant/ post partum women in hospital and been present at many births, and none of the mothers thought they were threatened by the unborn child. Indeed, most seemed quite happy to be pregnant.
  20. I was responding to the reply to another poster, but I don't know how to include both posts. I thought his position was quite clear and no further information required, so I was just supporting his reply to you.
  21. Oh poor Harry, we should feel so sorry for him NOT. IMO he needs to accept his part in the problem, instead of blaming it on everyone else.
  22. If ever there was a wise decision, that is it. I doubt she could attend without attracting a large amount of negativity that would steal the limelight from Charles, and I'm pretty sure that will happen to some extent with just Harry. Time will tell.
  23. The OP seems more worried about the influence of the family on her than the method of buying it, which seems reasonable to me. My wife was totally controlled by her sister, so I have experience on such.

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