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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Ladyboys are no different from any other segment of society- there are good and bad ones- it's finding a good one that might be a problem. Can a farang find true love with a ladyboy? That's something I'm not qualified to answer, but given the difficulties of finding true love with a woman in any country, ladyboys will present an extra level of problems to overcome, IMO. IMO if one wants unconditional love, get a dog.
  2. IMO the bar girls won't like having to pay tax on "earnings", or being tied to a particular bar by contract.
  3. Congratulations on leaving in time then. We in the medical/ nursing trade do have occasional successes. As for accepting "what it is" what other choice is there? The hardest part is accepting that I no longer control my life, as I can't earn my way anymore, so other agencies control what I am able to do or not do. At least, every day I wake up without having a stroke is a good day. I knew an independent type farmer that had a stroke. IMO the loss of independence killed him rather than the stroke, as he was doing it very hard to accept.
  4. My parents sent me to boarding school from 10 years old, so my values came from the boarding school, not my parents. Looking back I may have got the better deal. I was lucky in that the boarding school I went to till 13 years old was a pleasant one for the most part, though the boarding college I went to had institutional bullying, so unfortunate to suffer 4 years of fear. Perhaps that is where my cynicism was created. Both were religious institutions, but I wasn't religious when I finally left- shiny baubles of no substance and all that. They talked the talk, but failed on the walk. PS. the college was good training for the military- felt about the same, though there was less bullying in the military.
  5. Thanks for that. When I was working in an operating theatre in London we got a lot of elderly people that came in for free ops on the NHS. Their children lived in London, but they didn't live in the UK, so were not legally entitled. We were not allowed to ask them for proof of residence. I think the NHS tightened up on that scam though, or at least I hope they did.
  6. Perhaps he wasn't "looking for lurve" but love just happened. Love is irrational, IMO.
  7. If they are too large to walk on my spine they are too large to want to live with- PERIOD.
  8. Not all regret it. I got divorced, but nothing to do with her previous occupation.
  9. IMO he deserves her for all the rotten Bond movies he made. My least favourite Bond. He also ruined Mamma Mia and sequel. No idea how he got cast for that. He should have stuck to playing Irish gangsters. He was quite good at that.
  10. As long as the ATM keeps providing the readies why would she complain? My wife kept getting hit on by loads of married men. As some of us know, LOS has a history of Mia Nois.
  11. If Marc was the boss, he certainly didn't come across as a gangster. Seemed like a normal OK guy.
  12. There is a lot of talk about how the industry "hurts the girls", but not a lot of evidence. Of course some will be affected, but IMO they were already damaged before becoming bar girls. What could be more damaging than getting pregnant to a boyfriend only to be abandoned when one did? The vast majority of the girls that went with me over decades were nice, pleasant women that were doing it get ahead in life before settling down to "normality", whatever "normal" means. They were not tattooed, or drug addicted whores by nature. Many had a child or two and no means of earning much given their lack of educational qualifications, so took the easy way to money. My 8 year girlfriend bar girl got out after about 4 years and used the money to get higher education. IMO too many posters that have no experience of bar girls imagine it's the same as the scene in movies where they are hard, drug addicted whores run by pimps, which is not the farang scene at all. It's more like a girl friend experience, which has attracted millions of western men to Thailand, which says much about finding a girlfriend in western countries.
  13. remember..... probably an equal number of farangs that have been left with little , after the girl (thai or farang) decides to take them to the cleaners . I can vouch for the accuracy of that.
  14. I was referring specifically to the US, and the US usually does well economically from war. The big arms manufacturers must be going gangbusters on this one. Hasn't Biden been saying how well the US economy is doing, or is he wrong?
  15. I seem to remember Zelensky saying he would never negotiate. Am I wrong?
  16. Perhaps, but we'll know for sure come the election, if he is the candidate, which at the moment seems likely.
  17. Yes, a crime which apparently is usually prosecuted as a misdemeanor.
  18. Perhaps, but if so he's probably the best entertainer around in these sad days. Somewhat enjoyable seeing the Washington establishment tearing itself apart in a seemingly endless crusade to convict Trump of something.
  19. it surprises me how strong the support for Trump remains. IMO it's more that people "dislike" the Dems more than support Trump and will vote for him as a protest against the Dems, in particular Biden and especially Harris. Apparently, the Bragg case has actually increased Trump's support, so could be a huge mistake on Bragg's part. Be ironic if Bragg actually helped Trump become next POTUS. Using a pay off with a former porn star to convict Trump seems rather petty. BTW, seems that even a convicted felon can become POTUS, so the US faces the possibility of having a POTUS serving time. Couldn't make it up, but immensely entertaining for sure if it happens.
  20. I'll agree that he won't spend any time in jail for this case, but sadly I suspect they will keep trying, and trying, and trying till they get him on something. It's interesting that the basis of the case is apparently a misdemeanour, but was bumped up to a felony by Bragg ( according to what I heard on Al Jazeera ). I can't provide a link as I watch a lot of AlJazeera and it could have been on any of many different news items, which would take many hours to find, so apologies for that. However I did find this https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/how-manhattan-charged-donald-trump_uk_642d2138e4b0128419904e2e Falsification of business records is often charged as a misdemeanour but can be bumped up to a Class E felony under New York state law if committed in conjunction with another crime.
  21. I'm sure that Biden would like to take credit for anything good that happens, and make the bad stuff someone else's problem, but it doesn't work like that in reality. Biden is indeed "responsible" even if the blame lies elsewhere.
  22. experts in what they do, so I'm told. To most that served in the military that's a somewhat comical statement. I have personal knowledge of how incompetent military leaders can be.
  23. Regardless on who was to blame, if the equipment was left, it should have been destroyed, which is quite simple to do with enough C4. If it wasn't, that's on the generals in charge, as it's quite normal to do so. Had Trump been personally involved in the withdrawal I'm sure that the usual anti Trump critics would have accused him of interfering in military matters. Presidents make policy, but they have officials that deal with the situations, as they have a bit more to worry about than a purely military project.

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