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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You think they haven't been making new ones then?
  2. I don't understand how a guy can get it up with someone they despise.
  3. Far as I know there is none of that American abomination of alimony in LOS, but you need to take care of the child you brought into the world.
  4. I saw the light after my second, and I didn't keep making that mistake! You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result......................................
  5. Welcome to the real world. Given that you presented her with the ultimate way to trap you, IMO all your options are not very good. As a divorced man I'd say to try and live separate lives in the same house till the kid grows up and becomes independent. Being alone sucks.
  6. Can't have taken the Thai GF to the beach then. My first GF wore a one piece with a short skirt attached. Far as I could see, bikinis were something that Thai girls wore in gogos.
  7. Just for interest I'm going to answer some of those questions. Do you believe money is hard to come by? yes. If it was easy to get money I'd be living in LOS. - Do you believe that money is easy to create in sufficient quantity? no opinion as I am not sure what that means. - Do you believe others are out to get your money? of course, that's why people start businesses- to get other people's money - Do you believe money is good? - Do you believe money is bad? money is neither good nor bad- it's what people do to get it that is either good or bad. - Do you believe money is the source of happiness? no, but it helps. - Do you believe money is the solution to problems? certainly, as long as the problems require money to solve. - Do you believe money is the source of all good things? money is just paper, plastic or metal. It's what people use it for that can do good ( or bad ) - Do you believe money is the root of all evil? As above. Money is neither good nor evil- humans are though - Do you believe you have enough money? No - Do you believe you have too little money? Yes - Do you believe you have the skills to command a great deal of money for your talents? No - Do you believe you do not have any skills or talents to create a great deal of wealth? Yes. Most of my skills involve helping sick people, which is not valued financially by the government that paid me. Had I driven a truck in the Australian mines I'd have been very rich when I retired. No wonder I'm cynical. - Do you believe money makes the world go round? No. God designed it to go round. - Do you believe you are underpaid? As a nurse I WAS underpaid for what I did. I helped sick people, but people that move money around get paid really well to do so - Do you believe you are fairly paid? No, I never was because I worked in a female dominated occupation and they don't want to do what has to be done to get paid a decent wage. Underground train drivers in London got way more than a nurse, and better conditions, because they were prepared to go on strike to get decent pay and conditions. - Do you believe you are overpaid? not in this lifetime - Do you believe you struggle with money? no, I haven't been in debt since I cut up the credit card in the 1980s - Do you believe money lost is gone forever? of course - Do you believe there's a limited supply of money? no. they keep printing it which means it becomes progressively worth less - Do you believe there's a never ending abundance of money? see above. These days they don't need to print it. They can just magic it out of nothing more than pixels.
  8. Short of unconditional surrender all wars end in negotiations.
  9. Well, I wouldn't write them if I didn't believe in the words, but I don't take offense, as that would be pointless. IMO humans might be able to get a glimmer of what lies beyond the great divide, but that's all it is, a glimmer. One of these days I'll be finding out for myself what lies beyond, but not just yet. BTW, if we are talking about "making sense", I don't understand half of what you write. I might be able to if I were prepared to invest the time and energy required to just read long posts, and then do some research based on what you postulated, but I'm just not that interested. Life is short and every day I'm a day closer to becoming smoke, so I'm just not going to spend that much time on something that is after all, an opinion.
  10. it Hmmmm. Actually, it's more like this- Person 1 I believe that God exists but doesn't interfere in the affairs of planet Earth. Person 2 You are wrong because.................................... ( insert whichever theory one wishes here ). Person 1 Up to you, and I was never trying to convince you of anything re God anyway. I'll carry on believing what I believe and I don't have to provide any "evidence" as it's my belief/ opinion. I'm just participating on a forum because that's what people do on forums.
  11. Seriously? You wrote a long post telling me that I'm wrong and that you are right. That's hardly leaving up to me to choose!
  12. Seems you are OK with continuing the war with the consequences of that. Am I wrong?
  13. Where did I say that, so stop making it up! My comment was about paying criminals to carry out illegal acts. If a neighbouring country wishes to allow refugees to cross the border from Ukraine that is not the same as paying criminals to put one in a rubber boat to cross the Channel. Last time I looked the French were not killing them.
  14. If it still exists there was an abandoned bar on Haad Khom called Back in Time that would be pretty cool to reopen.
  15. Yes, by going back as an actual living person, it would change things to the extent that the traveler might no longer be born in the future. However, it might be possible to go back in a virtual mode, which would certainly change things in the future, as they discovered what really happened. Imagine discovering the origins of certain religions?
  16. No idea where you live, but bras were always in evidence in the places I lived. Why else would shaped bras be so common in a country of small breasted women?
  17. The conservatism is related to their upper body, not their legs. Though it seems to have changed, shoulders always had to be covered, as with bellies. Crop tops were a no no. Lots of things have changed though. By the time I left LOS, girls seemed to have stopped holding hands, which used to be common, and the real Thai smile pretty much vanished etc.
  18. They already can do that, and most probably went to school so are educated. They already have a savings scheme, called banks.
  19. Are they dreaming? Given that most BGs seem to move around different bars or even only do it for a short time ( in the farang scene- I don't know the arrangement in the Thai scene ), how would they be with the same employer long enough to get those benefits, and how many bars in eg Pattaya could even afford them? I don't know which organisation covers workers in the farang scene ( is there even one at all ), but sounds like they want to change the scene altogether, and force BGs to stay with the same bar, also have to pay fees to the organisation, or are they thinking that all BGs have to belong to an organisation that covers all of them, regardless of which bar they work in? Still ends up with them having to pay fees, even if they don't get many customers. Perhaps they want to go the Singapore way ( in the 70s ) and force them to work in brothels, short time only.
  20. Yes, but the thread isn't just about that bank.
  21. Perhaps not, but rockets can not defeat the Taiwanese alone. They would have to put boots on the ground to do that.
  22. Hmmmmm. IMO hypersonic missiles make US aircraft carriers just large targets. Far as I'm concerned just give Taiwan the means to deny China the ability to land there, and put all essential services deep underground against ballistic missile attack.

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