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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Even if they do want to be a cop, I reckon they will be turning a lot of blind eye's to crime by certain ethnicities. It's all going to end very badly for a lot of folk, IMO. At least in the US, people can own weapons and are allowed to protect themselves and property by lethal force. Every time something like this happens I expect gun sales will increase.
  2. I lived in the UK from 2000 to 2009, and it seemed pretty third world back then. The NHS hospitals I worked in certainly seemed to be from 19th century ( actually some really were ). Perhaps that was one reason I liked Thailand more than UK- more modern.
  3. Because apparently according to some ( not necessarily on this forum ) only white people can be racist. https://www.nas.org/blogs/article/where_did_we_get_the_idea_that_only_white_people_can_be_racist Where Did We Get the Idea That Only White People Can Be Racist?
  4. Count yourself lucky you have someone you care about in your life. Treasure beyond price. I'd leave nothing if I could because I have no one I care about that much. My wife was my last chance, and that didn't work out very well.
  5. Are you looking to obtain one?
  6. I only use mugs and the coffee is always cold long before I finish it. Don't care- coffee is coffee, hot or cold.
  7. I never said that so stop making it up. I don't hate all the people, though I never could stand Split Enz.
  8. @Sparktrader Did you think it was funny that my mother died of diabetes? You put a laugh emoji on the post that said she did. Says much about you as a person.
  9. Last movie I saw him in he looked ancient, I mean really, really old.
  10. Don't take this the wrong way, but I'd hate to live like that, and I mean really hate. I gave up cakes and most sugary snacks because of diabetes, but if not for that I'd still be munching on the sweets large. To me that would be just not worth it, but I guess it's worth it to you.
  11. While "modern" people scorn religion, if not for it humans would never have developed as a species. Humans need leaders and people that became leaders because they could kill more people than someone else didn't make good leaders. The intelligent people went into the church and developed art, writing, books, and health care etc. It was a product of it's time, whether we believe in it now, or not.
  12. 100% agree. Why go somewhere new if you like where you are/ what you eat etc? I stopped going to different countries after I discovered Thailand, except for one mistake to Sri Lanka. Didn't like it at all, and stuck with LOS thereafter. Perhaps I missed out on some great experiences, but that I can live with, though perhaps I should have made the effort to see Petra. As for eating, I mainly ate at Geckos in Chiang Mai. Not the best decor, but the food was great and the waitresses friendly. I did try Dukes a couple times, but too expensive and the food didn't taste any better. So, basically, if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it
  13. Doesn't have to be the wife. Any friendly Thai will do.
  14. I'm not familiar with British visas ( didn't need one ), but why would anyone get a 2 year visa for a 6 month stay?
  15. My rule #1 in LOS- NEVER, EVER buy land or buildings. Waaaaay too many potential pitfalls to be worth it. As for those happy with their purchase, everything is OK till it's not. Are you feeling lucky, are the omens auspicious, did you win the lottery recently?
  16. For some, only the "right sort" of political person deserves lawful rights. Apparently people they don't like should be incarcerated without due process. Democracy seemingly only applies to persons they approve of.
  17. ?????????????? Is he a threat to society or a flight risk? IMO that is the only reason to deny bail. How many Americans that are not either are remanded?
  18. I really liked him before he became PM. After not so much.
  19. You reckon any nightclub in your country doesn't have a friendly drug dealer?
  20. What'd be the point of that? IMO the point was to realign any vertebrae that had become misaligned, and not many of those in a thigh.
  21. They shouldn't be jumping on your back. Just slide the foot along a bit and put weight on it. I had it done many, many times, and no problems. Like I said if worried just let them do it with one foot only.
  22. Any of them will do it ( it's not rocket science ) but if you can't find a small one make them only use one foot unless they have a rail to hang off.
  23. Best advise I have is taking a friendly Thai to deal with the desk staff. My wife made any potential problems go away.

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