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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I could have done same as you and learned to speak it fluently, but the question is "why would I want to spend that much time and energy to learn a language I never wanted to converse in or read"? In your case was the effort rewarded in some way that would otherwise have not been? I'm sure that were it necessary to speak Thai to get women into bed a lot more farangs would be fluent Thai speakers.
  2. I hope you ain't saying that vaccination will prevent anyone from contracting covid. As I understand it, that's not the case. How else are all those fully vaccinated in hospital with covid?
  3. Young women IMO have the knack of destroying a man's confidence. I also suffered from the problems of not owning a nice car, not having a house, and not having a large income ( nursing pays a pittance, which is why it's mainly done by women ). My choices reduced to women I didn't want.
  4. I'm happy to be a "deplorable". If Hillary thought she was scoring points, she wuz wrong. IMO it's a badge of honour among those opposed to wokeness in all it's forms, and I'm very opposed to such.
  5. It's a sad day when certain posters think it's OK to post insulting and mean spirited attacks on other posters. Says more about them than they probably want revealed though.
  6. I'm sure there are, but how would we know when we first meet one in a bar?
  7. Sob. I miss the days when a Nana gogo had an entire stage of girls that looked like that and wearing less.
  8. I'm well aware of that, but in the case of many Thai bargirls I'm pretty sure they ain't intending for the farang man to still be around in the future. Once they have got as much out of him as possible, they'll go back to their real love- the Thai BF. Private Dancer was a real eye opener for me, even if it is fictional ( based on reality ).
  9. I've read one from 19th century that makes the one you posted look like a manual for feminists.
  10. Thanks for ruining my day, NOT! That was the standard for lady boys on Loi Kroh in Chiang Mai. One once offered a free night if I bought her food. I had no problem turning her down.
  11. I wonder how many times a day she gets hit on? My wife was no stunner, but she was getting hit on all the time, even by the cops at checkpoints.
  12. You dreamer you! You will pay, even if not in cash on the dressing table in the morning. IMO, many farangs think that "nice" Thai girls are just waiting for some old not so hansum farang to take them away from their "boring" life 5555555555555555555555.
  13. Luckily I wasn't interested in any Bangkok Chinese speakers then. I learned from cassette tapes while on the bus going to work, and learned enough to get by. Never interested in having a conversation in Thai, and in all my years in LOS only once wished I knew more words.
  14. Not mine. When I was doing agency nursing in London the first thing I worked out when on a shift in a new place was whether the person in charge was a Brit or foreign. If not a Brit I knew my shift would likely be more pleasant than if she was. Having said that, some Brit women were very nice people.
  15. I had a Buriram GF for 8 years, but had she looked like that I might have cared more.
  16. I never said she didn't look OK. I just didn't recognise her with the super dooper makeup on. She was fine without- not that she thought so.
  17. IMO never ever marry a good looking woman as every, Tom Dick and Harry is going to be trying to bonk her. Trini Lopez had it right in his song "If you wanna be happy" If you wanna be happy For the rest of your life, Never make a pretty woman your wife, So from my personal point of view, Get an ugly girl to marry you. A pretty woman makes her husband look small And very often causes his downfall. As soon as he marries her Then she starts to do The things that will break his heart. But if you make an ugly woman your wife, You'll be happy for the rest of your life, An ugly woman cooks her meals on time, She'll always give you peace of mind. If you want the rest of the lyrics they're on the internet.
  18. The only thing worse than that is knowing that she'll still be able to get a fella.
  19. I was met by Thai wife to be at the airport, and I didn't recognise her because she had such great makeup. I suspect she paid a lot of money for the work, as it was definitely in excess of anything she could do herself. My first partner never left the house without putting on her face- strange then that she didn't look any different without it!
  20. One Pattaya hotel I stayed at a long time had several "in house girls", and one especially looked fantastic in the evening- not so much in the morning without a great deal of makeup.
  21. Michael Jackson was probably the poster child for thinking plastic surgery would fix his problems. Obviously didn't work. Women are judged much more than men on physical appearance, so I'm happy to be male. You are right about the psychological aspect. Doesn't matter what they eventually look like, as mentally they are still the same person. Way better spending the money on a psychologist, than making a plastic surgeon rich.
  22. Don't bother. Some are just fixated and won't see reason. I'd be clicking on the report button if he said that about me.
  23. If I could go back to that moment I first saw my wife to be I would still follow through, as we had a good life for some years, but I'd do a lot of things very differently, such as refusing to go live in the village, which was when it started to go wrong. What I'm asking, is, if you had the chance, would you avoid her completely as too toxic to contemplate, or, was there enough potential to try again, but not same same?
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