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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Indeed. It's easy to sit behind a keyboard and demand that other people support a war, but would they want their own son to go fight there?
  2. What I don't understand about that is why, if only 4% of Thailand's fuel comes from Russia, why has the price risen in Thailand, or any other country that doesn't import Russian oil? https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=where+does+thai+oil+come+from Does Thailand import oil from Russia? Thailand imports approximately 55% crude oil from the Middle East, and 15% each from the Far East, West Africa and the US. Thailand imported only 12 million barrels from Russia in 2021 or just 4% of the country's total crude oil imports.21/06/2022
  3. Well said. Good to see a post that's not a knee jerk reaction. BTW, just because she is a "beauty" ( but not my idea of beautiful at all ) does it make her any more clever or intelligent than any woman that wouldn't parade around in public wanting people she doesn't know to say nice things about her?
  4. That seems like a good plan, but given that if I did only have 6 months I'd spend it all, not such a good idea if I didn't pass at 6 months.
  5. Pay nurses a pittance and let managers bully them and is it surprising not many want to be nurses any longer?
  6. That was a must see show for me. I liked the one where he tried for the world speed record best. It's the one in the intro, as above in the photo you posted Sadly, the actors in the shows I enjoyed the most have either passed on are in the waiting room.
  7. If that was the price to pay, was it worth it to be an actress?
  8. The ironic thing was that the boozing just moved outside to the Sukhumvit pavement, and the BGs that never used to go with customers without a bar fine being paid were available without if one looked along the tables, or standing in doorways. Epic fail by purachai.
  9. Good luck finding one.
  10. Given how long ago I made that post, are you stalking me? Do you keep everything I ever posted on file? Do I have to remind you of the forum rule about stalking?
  11. Indeed, with at least 5 times as many cars trying to get down roads built in the 80s, with, wait for it ..................................., 5 times less cars! Pattaya used to be a cheap and cheerful town, with plenty of people making money and happy visitors. All that extra money hasn't made it a better place, and it stopped being cheerful long ago, so if that's a success story, you are welcome to it. If a city beside the sea can't even stop it flooding, it suggests to me that something is rotten at the heart of the Pattaya administration.
  12. You seem to know far more about shops selling porn than I do. The one I'm referring to was run by a pleasant woman, and sold anime movies and such as 007 box sets. I bought all the Studio ghibli animes there, and not available elsewhere. Only hard to get dvds because the usual places only sold popular dvds.
  13. LOL. Anybody posting on here is IMO highly unlikely to be actually in that situation.
  14. If not for the big puddle of oil under the country IMO they'd still be living in mud buildings and riding camels. IMO other than visitors on Haj they have basically nothing to make money from, except dates and suchlike. They could make money from tourism as beautiful country with many historical sights, but they didn't allow western tourists ( other than those working there ) when I was there. I worked there for years, so some idea of what it's like. Visited the historical town of Diryah, where the buildings are made of mud.
  15. Thank you. He could have googled it himself, but apparently didn't.
  16. Consider not putting laugh emojis on posts that shouldn't have one, or you will be accused of being inappropriate, whatever the reason for the emoji.
  17. All good. Some enjoy beer- all good to drink it ( in moderation ), fried food is yummy, didn't care if girl hated me as long as pretended to like me as long as necessary, and then she went away. Cheaper than the girl that loved me and ended up with me hating her after getting married.
  18. As, IMO, governments seem to make life more difficult with some of the laws they do pass, I'd be quite happy if they didn't pass any laws other than those with at least 90% votes. IMO the Swiss come closest to real democracy with their requirements for referendums on many things.
  19. Some proof of that would be acceptable, otherwise it's just your opinion. I used an agent and worth every baht to eliminate the stress. I did have the required money in the bank for the required time. The only thing I really disliked about Thailand was the immigration office, with their made up pointless rules about such as size of photo, colour of pen, and the worst one of all- having to update bank book on same day. What difference does one day make, especially when a withdrawal would be printed in the bank book? None, but it does make it far more difficult than it needs to be. I reckon they sit around making up stupid rules to annoy us.
  20. I don't know how many in NZ do, but with the prices I don't expect many young people will be buying in near future. I, for one, am hoping for a house price collapse, as it might bring rents down from the stratosphere. Entirely forseeable when thousands of immigrants come in and not enough houses being built. I heard on radio that many thousands of families in motels as no state houses for them and can't afford rents. One of the most stupid thing a previous government did was sell off state houses.
  21. Good looking gogo girls thought they were special, so never an option for me as a long term option, though there was one that really was a bit special. I still dream about the good old days when every night was in a gogo and every dawn had a new face to look at. Happy days back then.
  22. Only to those care about coffee. I only drink it to keep me awake. Works hot or cold.
  23. Couldn't stand Crowded House either. I didn't even like most of the singers on Let's Go, especially Mr Lee Grant. I do/ did ( died 20191 ) like Peter Posa though, so not a blanket dislike of all NZ singers/ bands. I'm sure there must be others I liked, but can't remember off hand.

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