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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 3 hours ago, tumama said:

    "The studies focus on enabling the students to communicate rather than on the grammar, the teacher said."


    That's how all languages ought to be taught. Learning grammar is mostly counter-productive. You can tell when people learn by grammar because they speak really slow and with a heavy accent. 


    "Today go Big C"

    "Yesterday  go Big C"

    "Tomorrow go Big C"


    When you teach them to say:

    "Today I am going to Big C."

    "Yesterday I went to Big C."

    "Tomorrow I will go to Big C."

    Then you are teaching them grammar - simple present continuous, simple past and simple future tenses, in the first person singular.

    It's not the teaching of grammar which is the problem, it is how you teach that grammar. Most of us are familiar with the phenomenon of the M6 (18 year old) class, who have been learning English for 12 years, and can recite (in Thai) the rules of the most arcane grammatical constructions, but when asked how long the bus journey to Chiang Mai takes, will gaze at you blankly as if you have just beamed down from the planet Zarg!


    That is the problem - how it is taught!


    Maybe this young man is fortunate to have been taught well.

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  2. 7 hours ago, happy chappie said:

    How about the head line....thank god for these foreigners because we would of never found them.i doubt very much if the Thai navy seals have a clue about cave diving.

    Well I doubt if their is a reservoir of knowledge and expertise in rescues from flooded cave systems anywhere except for those few experts who came to help.

    SEALs is an acronym for sea, air and land, not sea land and underground. SLUGs would carry certain image problems - I doubt whether a film featuring Demi Moore doing press-ups in the mud, her chest adorned with a tee shirt announcing that she was a slug, would be of much interest outside of "fringe circles"!


    The Thai Navy have had a crash course, and done very well.

    6 hours ago, happy chappie said:

    Do you think any of the Thai seals have yet managed to get as far to reach the boys,I doubt it as they would be just another problem.one thing I do know is they done the right thing by getting the right people in for the job.

    News video this morning shows a Thai Navy diver looking after the trapped boys.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, eldragon said:


    You’re right. Plus, they don’t even jail their own teachers for doing this stuff. Why would they go after foreigners.


    Very sad though. Ask around and you’ll find many of the sex workers in Thailand admit they started working at bars as young as 14. What’s being done about that?



    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Thank you, mind you I do know of one teacher up here in Chiang Rai who was convicted and jailed for this.


    Whilst the will is often there, both amongst a variety of NGOs, local and international, and decent elements within the police the  judicial system is so full of "escape clauses" based on wealth and saving face that it is very often frustrated. 

    When there is a successful prosecution and conviction, the reluctance to "wash dirty linen in public' means it gets little publicity, which in turn reduces any deterrent effect.

  4. 3 hours ago, ravip said:

    On ‎7‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 9:03 AM, JAG said:

    To avoid the inevitable clamour on TVF for that soldier to get a haircut?

    Whilst female soldiers are commonly found in the west (LJs - lumpy jumpers as they were known) they are I suspect very much more of a novelty here.


    Have you ever been to Thailand, other than seeing it on an atlas?

    Just go to the Naresuan camp (if you can enter there-in) and count the LJ's there, you have mentioned.

    (I am NOT an expert on Thiland as many here are, so this is the only example I can quote, which I think is suffice for your comment)

    I've lived here for five years actually.

    Now pick your toys up and put them back in the pram!

  5. 2 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    I didn't know it was a disinfectant, I thought it was a washing up liquid?


    No that is "Fairy".


    Someone once told me that they had fairies at the bottom of their garden. I thought that was a strange place to keep your washing up liquid, and anyway we've got dustbins at the bottom of ours...

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, thenoilif said:

    In Thailand, public schools don't have swimming pools. Some international schools have them. In a provincial area like Chiang Rai, the only place with a swimming pool are a handful of resorts and a couple of new condos. There are waterfalls and rivers but they are

    Whilst I rather agree with what you say, could I pedantically point out that Chiang Rai has at least 9 ( that I am aware of) pools which are open to the public, at least one of which is free ( the one in the sports centre attached to "Obadour" School).

  7. It may be of interest to some: the Roman Catholic Church has created a new diocese based on Chiang Rai and including a couple of neighbouring provinces. The new Bishop, to be consecrated on Saturday, is called Joseph. The existing Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, at the entrance to Santi Vithaya School, becomes a very small ( bijou?) Cathedral.


    At the risk of being accused of name dropping, the new Bishop seems a very pleasant chap, and speaks good English.

    • Like 2
  8. 10 minutes ago, starky said:

    Amazing effort, my wife was literally in tears. I found out before her... Thanks TVF! But can I take it from this video then that the Brits got there before the SEALS? End of the day makes zero difference just thought it strange the video was in English.

    Let's just say that the divers who found them were English, working as part of a Thai Navy led team, with participants from umpteen countries.


    It is wonderful news, thank God.


    Bl**dy backpackers, get everywhere! I expect that they got their diving certificates on the Koh Sahn Road!


    • Haha 2
  9. Stand by now for a sustained campaign to establish the "fact" that he has the support of the people (remember the "great movement"); this will make an actual election irrelevant - just a couple of mass meetings to install the government by acclamation.

    "Hands up who wants Prayut as PM! The motion has been unanimously carried".


    Well it worked for British Leyland, amongst others. Sort of...

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