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Posts posted by JAG

  1. NB para # 4: to the point where Thailand's public health system has reached international reknown.


    I use the That public health system (I pay), and I find it, for my needs, quite satisfactory. But " international reknown"?


    NB para # 5: mental health is being affected by online media!


    Drip, drip, drip. Slowly building the case to attemot to bring it under government ( his) control.


    You have left it too late General. Even your private conscript soldiers are using it...

  2. 1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

    His comments regarding his "trip" included this whopper...



    Trump wrongly says queen reviewed guard for 1st time in 70 years

    President Trump claimed Tuesday that during his visit to England, Queen Elizabeth II reviewed her Guard of Honor for the first time in 70 years -- but she's only been queen for 65 years. And as any royal-watcher knows, reviewing the guard is something she's been photographed doing many times over the years.


    "We met with the queen, who is absolutely a terrific person, where she reviewed her Honor Guard for the first time in 70 years, they tell me," Mr. Trump said at the White House Tuesday. "We walked in front of the Honor Guard and that was very inspiring to see and be with her. And I think the relationship, I can truly say is a good one. But she was very, very inspiring indeed."


    The queen's coronation was in June 1953. Reviewing the Honor Guard is a frequent part of her royal duties. She did so with President Obama during his visit to Buckingham Palace in 2011.





    He obviously misspoke!


    Not uncommon so I hear.


    It is the current discrete term for lying bastard...

    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 hours ago, baboon said:

    But, but how can any human being possibly survive without this year's phone and a vehicle that could transport a battalion of marines across the Mekong Delta? 

    The " just emerged from the Mekong Delta look" can be achieved quite economically in fact.

    1. Purchase a 20 odd year old Mazda Pick Up. (the ones with the Isuzu 2500cc engine - virtually indestructible).


    2. Let the brother in law borrow it for the farm - this will produce various minor inexplicable dents.


    3. Live 300 metres down a dirt track in the rainy season.


    4. That only leaves the interior - take your 13 year old daughter to school/singing lessons/guitar lessons every day. This will ensure an authentic battle stressed appearance!


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  4. 5 hours ago, Baerboxer said:



    The Irish were treated appallingly by Cromwell, who also treated anyone against him appallingly, and was a tin pot dictator. The restoration did little to improve that and the potato blight was handled appallingly. However, none of that excuses the murderous activities of terrorists who raise money through drugs and extortion and are little more than criminals in the main.


    Adams has never renounced anything.

    In the immortal words of Flanders and Swan, from their "Song of Patriotic Prejudice" : " they blow up policemen, or so I have heard, and blame it on Cromwell or William the Third!"

  5. 1 hour ago, PhonThong said:

    Take Texas for examp le. Maybe half a million people didn't bother voting knowing that Trump was sure to carry Texas. There are many possibilities as to why he was 3 million votes shy. For one, he didn't need them. He carried more states than Clinton and that's all that matters. If the country really wanted her, she would have won.

    Again, with the rider that I am not an American etc - but if 3 million more voted for Clinton than Trump then perhaps the country, taken overall, did want her? Or possibly regarded her as the lesser of two evils... 

  6. 39 minutes ago, jayboy said:


    No President has had the support of the majority.For example in 1960 JFK was only a whisker ahead of Nixon.And of course there were those who were eligible and didn’t vote.One has to abide by the rules and in the US that involves the Electoral College.

    Same elsewhere.It’s pointless to say a British PM doesn’t have a popular majority.All that matters is that he/she commands a majority in the Commons.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    Whilst I understand that, 3 million is quite a margin isn't it. I'm not an American, and therefore have no say in the matter, but in my personal opinion I rather think the issue should be considered.

  7. 12 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    Good on yer Mr President to put this nonsense in perspective.


    Don't know why he had to even have a meet with her or her hangers-on.


    Well done The Don.

    Well done indeed, especially for not undergoing the whole package - carriage down The Mall, addressing Parliament, state banquet and so on - oh, what? That is what he let it be known he expected? Surely not?

    • Thanks 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    I am not so sure...not so confident about your predictions.


    I think that Thailand has built into it vast reserves of inertia.I would almost say that the inertia is part of the deal.For there is a "social contract" here-but it isn't one that we are used to seeing in the West.

    The "social contract" was epitomised by the concluding act to the events of May 1992.

    It no longer exists. It is replaced by the threat of force, through "law" or actual force.


  9. 50 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


    A fine post to my mind, though I suspect you have too much faith in the ability or willingness of the feudal barons to change. Every single instance I know of has seen them resisting change, even to the point of killing people to make their point. I see no signs of a change in this, if there were, Prayuth would surely be on his bike and pedalling off by now. No, They will stonewall, obfuscate and ignore, simply because it's always worked in the past.


    I believe that for things to change requires a blood sacrifice, or, as you more succinctly put it, blood and snot on the walls. This is always required when the fat cats aren't bright enough to see the writing on the wall, and that does seem to be the case in Thailand.


    The determining factor is whether Thais, often idle beyond fathoming and none too bright, can be bothered to make a stand on principle. I'm betting they won't be able to. It's easier to count on the old ways of patronage and face.



    Thank you.

    I wouldn't be so sure that "patronage and face" will keep the wheels on much longer. The ultimate patron has gone, and with him the unspoken deal which held the social system together.

    Couple that with the "authorities" inability to control what is now probably the most influential form of media, and the snowball is poised to staet rolling.

    You are right in your assessment of those "in power' They won't change. That will finish them.

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