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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 9 minutes ago, Cadbury said:

    As for strong ties with neighbours I would suggest the PM probably has a good bond with Hun Sen. They seem to have a lot in common. I am not permitted to say what that might be.

    I wouldn't say the same for Laos, or Vietnam. I would describe their relationship with Thailand's leadership as one of muted tolerance for mutual benefit. Myanmar and Thailand outwardly seem friends but I think that any underlying differences might be papered over in favour of other considerations.

    Thailand is next in line for the Chairmanship of ASEAN. Knowing how the PM adores chairmanships and being the boss of everything I'm sure he can't wait to get his backside into the big seat.


    Yes, but what if, having settled in the big chair in January, as scheduled, he comes spectacularly unstuck in the General Election which he has promised for February? I mean, just as he is getting comfortable as it were, he would have to step down!


    I suppose he could delay the election for a year or so, but that would make a nonsense of the roadmap, and anyway he has promised hasn't he...

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  2. 23 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

    The good thing is that this generation which was involved in that stupid war will diminished and vanished by nature. And also the Brexit is not forever. There are always incompetent politicians as Trump or May e.g. The next generation will get the chance to join the EU again because they know after years of poverty what it means to be a member of a strong community! Better together than alone.

    If the EU still exists in a generations time...

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, sawadee1947 said:

    Now, that is past almost 70 years. You paid the fee for being a free country or do you think you would be better off with a German Chancellor ruling Britain? (though you got a lot of German Royals on the throne already!) It's a shame that UK is the only country showing all these bullshit war movies, day by day. You can't accept that you lost all your colonies and almost the war? You can't accept that the time you might have been number one in Europe (in your eyes) is gone for ever?

    If I do hope that you are not suggesting that the UK, and for that matter the rest of Europe, would have been better off if the ghastly regime which subjegated Europe, gave us the horrors of the Holocaust and launched a war of annihilation against the Soviet Union, had prevailed?

    If so then you should be howled down at every opportunity. Yes it is seventy years ago. That is well within living memory.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

    Teaching in Thailand below International school level where you get highly paid and full respect is akin to picking grapes in the outback of Australia.

    It's usually a job for the Uni gap year student, traveller, relationship with a Thai hopefuls and the retired expats. That's why the crackdowns on people without WP's never happens.

    Also the average school salary for foreign teachers is low. Pay peanuts and you get a monkey.

    The only reason the Thai's might crackdown on teachers working without proper paperwork is:-

    1) To gain face and promotion.
    2) To show they are doing something.
    3) Xenophobia rises and jealousy reigns
    4) To mirror similar policies in neighbouring countries.
    5) A powerful elite player with a grievence.

    So all in all, nothing changes really. They still need backpackers to teach as they need qualified public school teachers in International schools.

    Tighten the rules to much and whose gunner pick the grapes?

    Let alone teach people that "gonna" is the colloquial form of "going to", whereas "gunner" is a term to describe a soldier who fires a crew served weapon...


    I learned that at the Koh Sahn Road University - the lecture notes are in my backpack somewhere.


    When I do my Master's I will learn about the difference between "to", "too" and "two".

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  5. 12 minutes ago, kwilco said:

    It's pretty clear that it's wwork under Thai law.

    You are breaking 2 main laws, firstly visa and secondly you aren't paying tax and are living in the kingdom.

    Not too difficult to enforce....especially if someone doesn't like you.

    Now there is an interesting thought!


    If there is any of "dobbing in", I wonder if it would be done by Thais, or other "Falangs"?



  6. 4 minutes ago, BestB said:

    I am not here to convince you either way, you can continue living with your blinkers on or you can listen to others, Entirely your choice.

    I listen to a great many people, both on here and elsewhere. I do however tend not to bother too much with those who talk nonsense...


    In particular I don't bother with those who are unable to engage in a relatively civil discussion without bellowing abuse, (blinkers) or claiming that because they disagree with you: "The more you post the more it becomes clear you have no hands on experience or even remote knowledge of what happens in Thailand, "


    Good night

  7. 57 minutes ago, BestB said:

    Who pays 8000 per month? Minimum wage has been 9900 for months already ?


    now you say pittance ? For whom you? 


    What are you comparing ? Wages in UK, AU, CAD, US to Thai wages or what is your comparison scale ?


    thai on minimum wage jobs get paid Thai minimum wage just as Australians or English in minimum wage jobs get paid a minimum wage and just as Thai can not afford much.


    then you mention 10 hour days, again compare productivity here and back where you from before commenting on the hours .


    thaj in minimum jobs do as minimum as possible , lack any skills , most certainly can not multi task hence why have 3-4 staff working 2x2 icecream kiosk and the rest of the time spent playing on the phone or sleeping.


    those who do little more than nothing and work for little longer than a few months most certainly do not earn minimum wage and also get bonuses.


    my cleaners start on 10000, thouse who stay and really work earn double that. Problem is only 1 stayed , other hundreds of not thousands are gone after 1-2 months because either tired or problem home or go home or bad boss not let play on phone and sleep half a day .


    so do not be in such a rush to make conclusions based on nothing but rumours and sad bar girl stories.


    jusy for your information 


    dental assistant start 20 000

    factiry worker with 12 years in the factory is on 34000 


    mechanic at toyota on 28000 plus yearly bonus 80 000 for new year and another 50000 for Thai new year .

    Rumours and bar girl stories. As soon as I see that as a justification for repudiating a point I know that the poster is clutching at straws.


    I live in Chiang Rai, and have done for several years. We don't really have many "bar girls up here"


    To earn B9900 up here, on the minimum wage, one would have to work a 31 day month.


    The wages which you quote certainly are nowhere, absolutely nowhere, like the ones paid up here, and I suspect are only received by a small number of exceptionally fortunate people in and around Bangkok. Here, for example, a newly qualified teacher is on around B12000, rising to B18000 after 10 years or so. A qualified experienced hospital lab technician is on B16000 (top of the pay scale). The sort of bonuses you describe simply do not exist.



    I am not comparing with wages in first world countries, but looking at Thai wages, compared to even the most frugal of lifestyles here, they are miserable.


    As for your personal employees, I shan't comment, other than to wonder, given the intensity of you reaction, both in general terms and with - shall we say more personal suggestions ( listening to bar girls) -  quite what those who left meant by regarding you as a "bad boss"?

  8. 15 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    I would guess, and it's only a guess, that the Junta do not want an election unless they are sure the result will be to their liking. There are other credible opponents who don't have the severe baggage that Thaksin does. Although he remains the convenient go-to bogeyman because of the long list of outstanding cases and being a fugitive.


    I agree totally that the Thai people should choose who governs them. But there must be mechanisms in place in any country to prevent criminals from controlling governments and dealing with governments / politicians that break laws. If Thaksin were ever to return he would simply re-start his plans to cement himself into the type of mock democracy his friend Hun Sen is trying to create. And like Hun Sen he would turn to China for friendship as the West started to criticize as he dismantled real democracy. And that's the root problem. None of the old dinosaurs grabbing for power are really remotely interested in democracy and all that it entails which is far more than elections. They will use it while it gives them a verdict they like. And discard it once it doesn't. If Thaksin could finance and orchestrate a coup he probably would. It's all about grabbing and holding onto power and being in control of the assets, then milking them.

    Thaksin tried to muffle the media and critics with defamation suits, and some pretty unsavory intimidation when needed. The Junta have article 44 and attitude adjustments.


    PTP will be as displeased as the Junta should a real political party with real reforms be elected. It would spoil the game for them.

    1) Thaksin was standing for re-election at the time of the 2006 coup. He and his government had resigned and called an election in the face of significant extra parliamentary opposition and protest. That act was a significant check on power. The coup forestalled it.


    2) Yingluck had called an election under similar pressure, and had also been removed from office by a court. Again, significant checks. Again the coup forestalled an election.


    3) Your third point, about Thaksin "doing a Hun Sen' is really only supposition, with no concrete grounds behind it. At the risk of being accused of "but, but, but..." posting, the very same case could be made for the junta following the Burmese militaries playbook.

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