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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 1 hour ago, mikebell said:

    I suffer from road rage every time I get behind a wheel here.  (Thai) drivers inserting themselves into my braking space; cutting across me with no signals; driving without lights at night; excessive speed; jumping red lights; police bandit road blocks; my wife telling me not to sound horn or make rude gestures; feel free to add.

    I was a bit like that at first. Ran out of steam quite quickly.


    I really don't think Britons, or anyone else, need to worry about breaking traffic rules!

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  2. 11 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Gee, i find it hard to believe that the Israeli army is actually doing something positive to a complete strangers for a change that doesn't involve palestinian casualties, apartheid acts, occupying territories or just everyday cruelty towards the arab population...

    I know, especially as there haven't been any natural disasters for a couple of years which have allowed the evil Israelis to deploy field hospitals or military engineers to be cruel towards the victims...

    • Haha 1
  3. 40 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    For me, it is important that our European friends are reminded that not all of the UK voted to leave. Once the UK ceases to exist, an independent Scotland will hopefully seek to strengthen its position with regards to the EU, and for that we need their goodwill.

    Right ho.


    Could I wish you the "best of British luck" with that one...


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  4. Now I freely admit to being "a bear of very little brain" when it comes to matters financial.


    I do some work for a Chinese company, my salary is quoted in RMB, then changed to US dollars before being paid into my That bank, where it is changed again to Baht. 


    The alternative is PayPal, but their charges and rates make "The Pirates of The Caribbean" look like honest brokers, and they will only allow cash to be drawn through my UK bank, which adds another level. 


    Going back to the RMB - US dollars - ThB process, do the various ups and downs mean + or - ?


    Confused of Chiang Rai.


  5. 2 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

    that would be excellent news if true, some evidence perhaps leading to a resolution.

    but don't count your commies before they hatch!  the government has not made an official announcement, and the news reports i've seen are all cut&paste copies of the same article, referencing an anonymous source "with knowledge of" the police investigation.  (is this just metro police?  not national counterterrorism?)


    and the headlines mostly have "identified" in quote marks.  so far it reads they have CCTV footage, some possible suspects that entered britain on one set of passports and left by another.  so "identified" means they've picked out some persons of interest, but don't yet have identities, assuming all passports were fake.


    don't know how to take the news article comment that police are "sure" they're russian.


    interesting.  anxiously awaiting an official announcement, and whether they have anything definitive yet.


    is there an extradition treaty in effect with the russian federation? 

    I believe that Russia does not extradite it's citizens, no matter what the charge or evidence.

  6. On 7/17/2018 at 7:17 PM, ripstanley said:

    Parking at Central today was pathetic. We arrived at 1015 to go to Tops which opens at 1000. The front entrance into the car park was still closed with security guards telling to move along. I got inside but all parking was closed off with security everywhere. We went and had something to eat driving out what I call the back entrance. There were many car parked there in the open.

    We returned at 1100 and turned off Phahalyothin Rd into the entrance of Central. We sat there for 8 minutes before we could proceed. It looked like the staff that had been made park in the open were trying to move their cars to underground. Eventually I got a park underground because i could not go any where else. We left at 1230 and someone was trying to park us in. Not impressed with Central attitude to early customers.

    Central parking Chiang Rai has a huge thumb down.  


    Tuesday morning they had some sort of briefing for all the staff at 10.00am - I know because I was sitting in Starbucks watching. 

    That said, they do rather seem to have a commercial death wish don't they, closing off some 30% of the parking area for a shopping mall on the outer edge of town. Big C is not much better - but then I suppose that parking will not be a problem when they move to the Ginormous C out near the airport!

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  7. 4 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

    Mr. Musk's 'apology' was offered while Mr. Unsworth seemingly is still considering possible legal action and was done in that context.


    Some have indicated that they believe Mr. Unsworth has a solid case for libel. Maybe so. But I will also say, if there ever was a jury trial in US particularly in California and Mr. Musk's defense team played this video in the courtroom, regardless of Musk's Twitter tweets, team Unsworth might be laughed all the way back to Chiang Rai.


    Which probably rather says more about how juries and their selection are manipulated in high profile money driven libel cases in the State of California than it does about the reality of Mr Musk's sordid little ego driven twittering ...

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