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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 15 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:



    Isn't that what I said?


    "... Until and unless the cycle of coups ends for good, any military budget will not and can not correspond to an actual threat or threats, and thus is essentially meaningless in terms of proper military preparedness and proper budgeting; it is, for all intents and purposes, simply a pot of money to be used in whatever fashion the current commanders wish..."




    Yes. We agree. I merely expanded on your points.

  2. 8 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

    YL fired someone purely because she wanted to move someone into that role so she could put a relation into a strategic role. 

    She fired a national security advisor or similar, yes?

    Hadn't he gone public with something along the lines of not liking Pheu Thai, not approving of their policies, and was therefore not prepared to co operate with or work with them?

    It's the oversimplification of these fairly critical points which rather weakens your campaign to justify the coup and the forestalling of an elected government.

    As you said elsewhere on this thread "democracy is not just having an election every few years." You are right, but without having an election every few years you cannot have a democracy, using the military to stage a coup to prevent an election is the absolute antithesis of democracy, and that, let us be realistic, is what you persistently attempt to justify.

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, candide said:

    See my post #51. Actually, Suthep will be able to block any amendment through his party, without needing to protest.

    That's why the Junta decided  very tough laws against protests. The yellows will not need to protest any more as there are several mechanisms in place to legally achieve their aims. Only people opposed to the army will need to protest as the constitution locks nearly everything in.

    I see what you mean. Messy looks more and more likely, once the realisation sinks in...

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  4. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    You must have good immunity because its an universal truth that like hospitals schools are hotbeds of disease. I don't mean this to sound as negative as it might sound. But its because you get so many people together who might be sick and infect each other.  Same of course goes for other places where people are forced to come together even if they are not 100% well. 


    As for you oyster story i am disappointed only 3 times ? 

    Well certainly, when you get a good virus the children go down like flies - we had a "vomiting" bug last year and I remember the dubious pleasure of leading Primary 1 in a rousing rendition of Old MacDonald had a Farm, complete with animal noises and actions when a little girl said "Oh Mr John" , ran up to.me, grabbed hold of me and threw up all over me. Poor little thing, ah the perils of teaching primary! The cleaning staff cleaned me up as best they could, luckily it happened last period in the afternoon.


    Never got sick myself though! As you say, must have a good immune system (pickled in gin)?

  5. As I am a bear of very little brain, I have foolishly allowed my 2 year driving licences, motorcycle and car, to lapse. They were it appears due for renewal at the back end of December. On the several occasions I have passed through a police checkpoint since then nobody has said anything, but when I used it as ID in the bank the other day they noticed. 


    Does anyone know the score on renewing in such a case? What is the Chiang Rai DLT office likely to do?


    Thank you.

  6. 13 hours ago, nausea said:

    If you teach you'll get sick a lot, evety bug going around; on a more serious note dengue fever is a problem, and never, ever, drink untreated water. And don't eat oysters. Speaking from experience here.


    Funny, I've never been sick in four years of teaching! I don't know why. Yes watch for mosquitos (I live in a rural area) and never drink untreated water. As for oysters, well they told me they were aphrodisiacs. The last time I tried them only the first three worked!


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