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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Catholicism allows all sins to be confessed and forgiven. So the pedos could confess to another priest, who might also be one or not, and be forgiven. Plenty of Hail Mary's, roserie rubbing, and perhaps a bit of self whipping. And voila, good to go!


    A thoroughly corrupt, very wealthy, society who have corrupted their version of religion and are now being exposed for the number of sadists, cruel, evil and sexually deviants that have been supposedly dispensing Christian charity and guidance. 

    Your first paragraph demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of the "Sacrament of Reconciliation" (aka "Confession"), and what is involved for both the penitent and the confessor.


    The second is your personal opinion.


    You see - horror of horrors - I am a Roman Catholic!

  2. 48 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    ...this is a long term political fight that will drag on for months taking the country down a slippery path in which a distracted and bellicose Trump can do huge damage to America and its Worldwide interests.


    Unfortunately, I rather suspect that Mr Trump is such a stranger to reality that he will believe, in the scenario you outline, that he is innocent, that the people likely to impeach/convict him are "bad men, very bad men", and will do just that.

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  3. 27 minutes ago, Nigeone said:

    It's a roundabout that will never stop. Pay higher minimum wage and in around 3 months with price rises needed to support the rise your back to square one. Thais don't realize that any income rise has to be funded and the only way is in price rises... Greater efficiency is never going to happen sadly . Thais don't in the main work hard and you could argue why should they . The only way it will change is if they are rewarded fairly for working harder and more efficiently . Let's be honest it's not a minimum wage as such but a set standard wage or would seem like that 


    Yes a good point, Perhaps it should be retitled the "Universal Standard Wage".

  4. The lottery provides a form of employment (perhaps better described as an occupation) and a basic income to a significant number of people who quite probably would otherwise be a charge on the funds for the destitute - and we all know how well that works don't we?


    The two I buy from (at the behest of "best beloved" - numbers chosen by a method known only to her and her father), are an elderly lady and an (extremely pretty but sadly very thick) young lady. Both are, I would hazard, unemployable.


    I know that "middlemen" are creaming off a lot of the profits. I appreciate that the printed tickets are cumbersome, outdated and quaint, but I quite like that, (perhaps because I am cumbersome, outdated and quaint). Does anyone think that an online lottery here will not have some group of people in the process of administering it who do not take a cut? I would rather that the profits at the point of sale should go to the old lady and the pretty simpleton rather than to Big C and 7/11.

  5. oh u did not know that chinese is already beeing teached at the "better"thai schools ,our 6 year old is on its second year now!
    I think it is part of the national curriculum.

    Makes sense really, when you consider that China is by far the largest and most influential country in the region.

    Much the same idea as British children learning French and/or German.

    Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  6. "The application process seems arduous and an application has to be approved by the BOI, the National Innovation Agency, the Digital Economy Promotion Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and others."

    Hmm, do you know, I think I will stick with toddling off to Savannakhet clutching my wedding certificate every 17 months!

    Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  7. One and a half centuries ago Great Britain built a huge empire, to a very large extent by rocking up at various places, and offering commercial deals which benefitted the local rulers. The economies and resources of these countries (colonies) were then used to trade within that empire, to the ultimate benefit of Britain. The local rulers were often left in place to run local affairs more or less as before. It was known as colonialisation.


    Plus la change, plus la meme chose...


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  8. If they are so desperate and have no money ,where did they find the cash to come here?

    Perhaps the deal is: we get you into Thailand, you pay us back over the next umpteen years.


    And don't forget we do know where your family live.


    People trafficking is not just shipping young girls into bars...


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  9. 2 hours ago, Daveyh said:

    Only the chosen few will gain from this & they are already awash with cash. Local businesses will continue to suffer, the economy will then suffer .... then the people will continue to suffer more & more hardships. There has got to be more control of who gets the lion's share of all this ...... & it must be the people of Thailand that benefit, but knowing how greedy, selfish & the lack of concern for others in the Thai mindset here ...... the already "have's" will not allow it. Thailand will be in real jeopardy if they allow this to continue ..... com'on government put your foot down!!

    You forget, this a government of the "haves", by the "haves" for the "haves".

    The "haves" have sold out to Mr May, so they "have" a little bit more.

  10. On 27/04/2018 at 8:41 PM, Eric Loh said:

    Why be upset when you are being entertained by a comedian. No substance in his posts but shallow rant. You really can’t be serious with someone who derive his information from his gf and a cast of 30. 

    Hey, no Eric, her views matter - she lives in Bangkok, as do her 30 mates.

    Most of the 60 + million Thais don't live in Bangkok, and as we all know, their views don't matter...

    • Haha 1
  11. On 27/04/2018 at 6:21 AM, stephen tracy said:

    He has effectively made the only available option violence. He knows that. That's why he bought the new tanks and armoured vehicles. And that's why they're parked outside Bangkok. Never could work out the reason for the Chinese sub though.

    Buying loyalty, pure and simple.

  12. 4 hours ago, Chrisdoc said:

    No idea how much you know about the educational system in Thailand. All government, primary, and secondary only have summer school because Songkran (New Year) was a few weeks ago and the new school year starts in a few weeks.

    Sent from my SM-G900I using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    As far as I am aware the "Summer Schools" run from a week or so after the end of the semester (mid-March) up until Songkran. The schools are closed between Songkran and early May.

  13. 2 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

    How do you understand the Australian pension system to work?

    The "bit" from my post you quoted was, in turn, a quote from "Hauptman UK's" original post. Really you ought to be asking him.


    Personally, I have only a vague idea how the Australian Pension system works, I do know someone from New Zealand who apparently doesn't get a pension at all because he lives here.

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