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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 1 hour ago, sjaak327 said:

    You are forgetting a tiny little detail, the army was able to tear down the 2007 constitution by the thread of their weapons. Any government will be heavily curtailed by the NCPO and by the framework of this constitution and the 20 year roadmap, non compliance will give the NCPO appointed senate the right to send the government packing. 


    And you bet your ass that it will happen, these people, starting with Suthep have invested too much to just stand by and see their powerbase being eroded. 


    Yes a future government might be allowed to amend the constitution here or there, rest assured that the provisions dealing with their powerbase, cannot be amended.


    Unless the Army comes out onto the streets, and is defeated...

    • Like 1
  2. 41 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    What many dont understand, pink ID id your name in THAI, you can open an account but the account name will be in Thai (as per the ID) and you will need to present Thai ID to operate the account, immigration may have problems if you present a "Thai name" account showing 800k etc.

    Its not that you cant open an account, they are probably recommending an English name account.

    Same as an airline booking, unless you make the booking in Thai script, the pink ID in Thai script is not always accepted.

    So really rather pointless then?


    And rather bizarre, having your name in Thai script, when the national ID card for Thais has the name in English!


    Thailand 4.0

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Monomial said:


    Not available at all Ampurs. I tried at mine. They just said "No". Consider yourself lucky if you live in a district where it is possible.


    Driving license seems to suffice for everything. What's more it avoids the need to disturb the comfortable torpor of officialdom at your local Amphur!

    • Haha 2
  4. 9 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    Why not a 100 years in jail? or better still, executed for vaping or smoking a shisha? can the get anymore ridiculous than that?... and for some of us, we call Thailand home...

    Well. I suppose that people would get to know about the law pretty quickly - word would probably spread.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    There might be a couple of countries on that list where the home prisons are actually worse than the Thai ones, perhaps Cambodia and Nigeria.  For the others, I'd assume it would be a considerable improvement.


    Actually, I seem to remember reading somewhere that the Japanese prison system has a particularly unpleasant regime - especially if you're a foreigner.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
    It is a country. It has a national government, issues passports, has it's own currency and armed forces. 
    It's wealth is related to it's geographic position and shipping.
    Interesting to muse what would have happened if myopic Thai governments had decided to build a ship canal and effectively marginalized Singapore.
    I've done some musing - I like an occasional muse.

    1) The canal would be mysteriously short of water. Mind you the adjacent farmers would miraculously be producing 4 crops a year!

    2) Passage would be restricted to ships crewed by Thai nationals. Reserved jobs and all that.

    3) The police would have constructed a checkpoint halfway along, to relieve vessels of surplus cash. At night and when the sun is hot the checkpoint would be "manned" by a hideously gurning mannequin clad in a faded policeman's uniform and clutching a toy M16 rifle.

    4) Navigation would be impeeded by hordes of 12 year olds driving small motor boats to school against the "flow" of the traffic.

    5) The banks of the canal would be lined with bamboo OTOP stalls interspersed with the occasional somtam cart and fried chicken stall.

    6) The vast majority of international marine traffic will have taken one look, and having been told by the mandatory pilot that the canal was closed due to a government holiday, but that his cousin has a tailors shop specialising in nautical clothing, will have beetles off to Singapore "tout suite"!

    Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  7. 8 minutes ago, cgphuket said:

    Anyone else see the fundamental concern with these monkeys paying 1,000,000 for a job that pays 17,000 a month? 

    Oh we all see it. The Thai people see it, the government see it, everybody sees it.

    The corruption (not only in the police, but very obvious there) is brazen and effectively unchallenged. When this fellow is tried and sentenced it will be yet another example of this corruption being acknowledged and accepted.

  8. 18 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Lock these guys up! For a long, long time. It is incumbent upon Benedict to take this matter seriously. A priest taking advantage of young children is a truly heinous crime. Treat it as such, or lose your credibility.

    Umh Benedict is not the Pope, has not been for several years. The current guy is called Francis.


    I'm a Roman Catholic. I, like very many Catholics acknowledge, accept, agree, believe that the church has many deep seated problems, which include the problem of paedophillia amongst the clergy. It needs tackling. It is being tackled. It can certainly be argued that it could/should be tackled more thoroughly, speedily and effectively.


    It is inevitable that this will attract scorn and abuse from the "cut of their goollies and fling them in prison where they can be sodomised for evermore" brigade. I wryly accept this as inevitable, in much the same way that many Muslims, Jew and Budhists must view many similar opinions.


    I'm not accusing you, "Spidermike" of being in that aforementioned brigade. You made a reasonable post, it was let down by that simple error.


    If people want to have a pop at the Roman Catholic Church, fair enough, after all, one of the tenets of our faith is that Almighty God imbued mankind with free will, but please get the basics, like who is it's leader on earth, right!

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