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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 30 minutes ago, Ketyo said:

    Why not arrest the people from Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Ghana who stand by the side of the street in Sukhumvit and elsewhere selling drugs on their student visas and tourist visas.... these people stand out like sore thumbs... no need to go checking with schools .. just observe them hassling passers by and passing packages to each other and then arrest and jail them

    It rather appears that is what they are doing...

    The "schools" are where they are registered (if they are on Education Visas), and possibly that is why they are a place of interest?

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  2. 35 minutes ago, humbug said:

    this article is clearer but stillnot the whole truth. There are teachers from this site stating that their schools were visited to make sure their visa/permits were correct. Schools that is not language schools. So who is telling the truth? I am going 100% with the teachers in this site telling the truth and the tourist police trying to calm the panic 

    Well I've been following these stories, and whilst there have been plenty of posts from teachers complaining about their schools help (or lack of) in the visa/work permit process, I only recall one (a one-liner which seemed to me rather tongue in cheek) reference to immigration coming to "his school" to look for him.

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  3. On 02/05/2018 at 6:45 AM, canuckamuck said:

    They have also taken out the parking between B-Quick and Central now. But there is a chance the are going to use that space for a multilevel parkade.

    They are building something there.


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    I doubt that it will be a multi storey car park. More likely shops.


    Big C has done the same thing building on the car park.



  4. 4 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    This is all about junta construction projects and the cost.


    Dead panthers? Nobody that matters cares. 


    It's about money as per. 

    It will be fascinating to see who, when the dust settles, the cook and quite possibly the driver are carted off to prison, and Premchai retires into comfortable obscurity with a fine and maybe a suspended sentence; just who takes over the reins at Italian-Thai. I wonder how the formal and informal financial arrangements will change, and who will be the beneficiaries.


    A very senior military engineer officer might be the ideal chap for the job. Sappers (military engineers) are jolly good with concrete and drains and things like that...

  5. 26 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    I'm not a Junta fanboy as well you know. 


    But nor am I a Shin clan fan like you.


    But carry on in your deluded fantasy world if it keeps you happy.


    PS - if you actually think, (something you really should try), you might realize that these protesters are not only protesting about the current government but also previous ones. They represent the sections of society who've been trampled on over and over again, lied to, made false promises and whose "rights" appear not existent whenever it suits whichever faction happens to be in power.


    I salute them! 


    16 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

    Wonder how/if the protest leaders were elected :whistling:

    An interesting combinationtion of posts!


    Or have you fallen off your horse en route to Damascus - this Sunday is the feast of St Paul's conversion don't you know...


  6. 4 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    The charge was what he said when asked a question in an interview in Seoul. The court ruled that "some elements that may damage the national security, reputation and dignity of Thailand" which was a rather vague charge and interpretations.

    I may have rather missed the point, but what bearing does that have on Thaksin having a passport?


    Not that it will clip his wings...

  7. 53 minutes ago, happy chappie said:

    Ive about had enough out here and plan on selling my home at a great loss in two years time.might look at nearer home but the way it's getting back in the uk I don't think I could ever go back to a life of tax and immigrants.dont know what I'm going to do with the wife.



    Wherever you end up setting up your new home, you will be an immigrant!


    As for "what I'm going to do with the wife", as she is your wife one presumes that you have arrived at your decision in consultation with her? Maybe I am just being naive...



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