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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 15 minutes ago, robblok said:

    No voted out or in has nothing to do with performance at all ? you cant just make a blanket statement like that you know it.. and i know it.


    I wanted Berlusconi gone the guy was / is a crook but I have (a little) more trust in the Italian justice system then the Thai to deal with people like that. But I don't feel that it dealt with him well enough.

    Berlusconi is indeed a rather unsavoury character, and quite possibly a crook (I don't know).

    He was however successively chosen by the Italian electorate, only to be eventually ousted by an avowadly politicised Italian Judiciary.

    The last couple of Italian Governments have effectively been imposed upon Italy by the EU (some would say Germany) for fiscal reasons. They are about to have an election. Guess who looks like winning - Berlusconi or rather his party...

    Off topic perhaps, but 1) I am responding not initiating; and 2) there are some eerie parrallels with the current situation in Thailand.


    As an aside, and an attempt to lighten the tone, can you imagine Berlesconi's reaction to being confronted by Yingluck in full "gorgeous Prime Minister on a state visit" mode? He would go into meltdown!:smile:


  2. 1 hour ago, robblok said:



    Have you considered that I am only taking about the corruption of the PTP that became available not what hey have hidden (think of the tablet projects and others). Just like with the army not all corruption is discovered and prosecuted. It works two ways and so far I havent seen anything from the army coming close. 


    You seem to think that the PTP has not hidden its corruption.. if this is what has surfaced imagine how much has stayed hidden (road constructions ect). The same goes to the army maybe more stays hidden but still there is no proof. So you can claim all you want but you just back it up. How can you debate when you can't backup your claims. You just cant.


    What if i were to state without any proof i suspect the Shins of having 1000x time corruption as the army without any proof you would laugh at me and call me crazy.. (and rightly so as I could not back it up). Now that is exactly what your doing stating something without any proof and then stating it all stayed hidden. 


    The only reason this corruption was so accurately proven is because it was easy to prove with the fake G2G deals.. so nothing secret about it hard facts. 





    Oh dear, read my post again won't you. Nowhere, absolutely nowhere, did I suggest that Tha Shinawatras hid corruption. What I did suggest that the military did...


    As for"how can I debate", well that is rich, coming from someone who seizes upon one point,( in this case it seems the G2G rice deal), and then bangs on about it endlessly, ignoring or dismissing anything anyone should say on the wider subject. That is not debate- rather it is just shouting at us until, as I often do, and it seems many others do, we just get fed up to the back teeth with your dogged attempts to monopolize discussion, and give up and go and do something else.

    • Like 1
  3. 18 minutes ago, robblok said:

    You have absolutely NO proof about the corruption of the army or how large it is while I on the other hand have figures on Thaksin. The 33 billion is for sure the largest corruption case in the last 10-15 years (that is uncovered). If you can give me any proof of your claims, because they are based on hot air without any facts to back them up I will consider them. 


    Have you considered that the "figures" on Thaksin are available precisely because they are the figures which the regime wish to be in the public domain, and which the regime has released?


    Conversely, have you considered that there is no proof of the armies corruption precisely because the regime has steadfastly prevented such proof (figures) becoming available, either directly when it or its' precursors were in power, or by the open threat of a coup when an elected government was in power?


    Allegations or claims of corruption within the military " are based on hot air without any facts to back them up" takes several packing cases of biscuits as possibly the most dogmatic and naive assertion ever posted on this forum!




    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 hours ago, starky said:

    @robblok response will be something along the lines of ptp, Thaksin, Thaksin ptp, shins Thaksin I must get in the final word in Thaksin. 20 more posts per thread, I have always been correst, Thaksin. He says he hates both sides equally but I don't even think he is even aware of the obvious bias he has in his posts. Funnier still is he acts like posters on here who don't like the Junta vote for the PTP or somehow support Thaksin. You are wasting your breath.

    Hey, give him a chance, he is trying out his new box of crayons...

    • Haha 1
  5. 48 minutes ago, Expatthailover said:

    And yet there are many who would say the place is the sodom and gomorrah of 21st century

    The woman are all after your money

    The men hunt in packs 

    Police are all corrupt

    Seas are brimming with sharks

    Etc etc etc 

    I have never experienced any of these things.  All my experiences are nothing but positive.

    Funny old world innit

    Well you have to make allowances for the "we're doomed" attitude amongst many here, and for others who are horrified to realise that Thailand is not the same as wherever they hail from, and wish to change it to be so.


    Pragmatically of course one has to acknowledge that for lots of reasons, some good and some not good, Thailand runs differently. Personally sometimes that delights, charms and entertains me, sometimes it irritates and even annoys me, and occasionally (as with the current road carnage) it horrifies me. On balance I am far more entertained than annoyed. That is why, and for lots of good personal reasons, I am content to live here. But it's not perfect. Nowhere is.

    • Like 1
  6. 27 minutes ago, dave_boo said:

    Congratulations you won the pedantic of the day award. There's no way I could have originally had M16 and then decided to change it to M4 and simply didn't hit the backspace key enough times. 


    Oh, that's right, you'd have to acknowledge the carbine section which would have indicated I wasn't talking about the M1A carbine or SOCOM.

    Nothing pedantic at all. You spouted lots of abbreviations and initials, which incidentally I and several other posters on here I know are very familiar with but would really serve to convince the uninitiated that you were an expert, bumped your gums scornfully about "armchair generals" and then made a blatantly wrong statement. Simple matter to replace "M14" with "M16", but you didn't did you. It was after all the central point of your post.

  7. 1 hour ago, smutcakes said:

    When all the PDRC anti corruption reformers wake up this afternoon they are going to go crazy with this........   right?


    On 09/04/2018 at 3:19 PM, DrTuner said:


    I believe at big football matches, after an "own goal" has been scored, the fans of the team which has benefited chant " It's all gone quiet over there, over there, it's all gone quiet over there..."


    Incidentally, I have no idea how DrTuner's quote got in here!


    • Like 1
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  8. 7 hours ago, dave_boo said:

    Don't go talking sense.


    Most likely these armchair generals haven't even heard of STANAG. There's a reason that an Aussie can pick up an M14 carbine's magazine, slap it into his Austrian made bullpup and continue fighting. 


    Granted, technically the ATMOS uses the NATO JBMoU but same same.


    Umh.. The M14 is a 7.62 calibre weapon.

    The "bullpup" Steyr F88 (actually made in Australia but never mind) is a 5.56 calibre weapon.

    Neither the magazine nor the rounds will fit...


    Signed: "an armchair general"!

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  9. 1 hour ago, djjamie said:

    Certainly encouraging. Wonderful news for Thailand and its tourism industry. 


    1 hour ago, djjamie said:

    So that many tourists during Song Khan holidays? WOW. Now that is impressive. 

    What is really impressive, (in fact unbelievably impressive) is that the data crunching branch of TAT is able to produce these statistics (rounded up to the nearest% to ease publication no doubt) within 24 hours of the holiday!

    The minister has every right to look so smug!


    His leadership must be phenomenal, to inspire his staff to such efforts.


    Perhaps his brief should be widened to include road safety?

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