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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 1 hour ago, balo said:

    He's been living in Thailand for more than 20 years, does he speak the language ? No work permits, how did he avoid the law all these years ? Must be easy to bribe officials up in CR.

    Well, the local news site said he was on a retirement visa - so that's the last 15 years explained. Prior to that well things were a lot more "informal" then.


    We'll certainly miss his regular, sometimes weekly posts wanting to know the current arrangement at the Mae Sai/Tachilek border crossing! I suppose he needed to know before "taking bookings"...

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, AsiaHand said:

    A true math teacher would explain the relativity of math to the everyday usage in the world as it relates to the students. You were just adding and multiplying as any third grater can do. But then again here in LOS there are many Farangs that do just that and are called "Teachers".

    Perhaps so. 

    But "there again" I can spell "grade"!

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    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, scorecard said:


    Yawn and fiddle...

    You know your argument is hitting home when the "yawn" is the response.

    It seems to happen quite a lot recently, although there was a deafening silence for a while after that rather clumsy and transparent attempt to pin the Tak Bei incident on Thaksin...

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  4. 45 minutes ago, AsiaHand said:

    While up country most of the uniform sales in the rural areas are controlled by the school principal or his wife.

    The real money is in the supply of textbooks. M1 works out at ThB 2500 per pupil. Multiply 10% of that by 30% or so and you're looking at ThB7000 per class. If you assume that each year group in an average school has 4 classes that is ThB 28000, for each year. Add up M1 to M6 and that's over ThB 150,000 a year. New Fortuna's all round...


    I ought to be a Maths teacher.


    Also may explain why some of the textbooks chosen are so banal. Certainly I would be embarrassed to be one of the obligatory western "Ajarns" who have their names on the covers. But that is another story...

  5. 1 hour ago, Tilacme said:

    Again name calling with no substance, this is typical of the left who want to preserve the European union.

    I agree with what "Bluespunk" says about Mr Trump, but I strongly disagree with the views he puts forward on a number of other matters.

    Nobody even vaguely familiar with my political views would call me "left wing". I cannot decide whether I am a liberal conservative or a conservative liberal, (observers of the British political scene should note the use of the lower case). 

    Mind you in certain circles in the USA I would probably be regarded as a rabid bolshevik!

    As for the European Union, I am a reluctant but convinced "leaver".

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, maxcorrigan said:

    Nearly, but blair was/is the supreme king of liers!

    Perhaps; Blair was deceitful, devious, glib and a convincing liar. I would however argue that he had a grasp of "conventional morality", and understood the standards which that required, even if at times he went against them. Trump is deceitful, devious, brash, amoral and has no grasp of "conventional morality," not the standards which accompany it.

    He is a disgrace to the position he holds and the nation which he has, calamitously, come to represent.

    If Mrs May had any "bottle" she would make it known that whilst the UK is keen to continue to engage and where appropriate work with the United States, it's people and it's government, Mr Trump has rendered himself, as an individual, 'beyond the pale' with these remarks.


    Of course he could always withdraw the remarks and apologize to France and the UK. I expect he will wait a few days and then tweet that he never made them!

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