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Everything posted by keithkarmann

  1. Taking advantage of vulnerable poorly educated Thai country people. Who is to blame for poor education and very low income in the villages? Easily enticed with the promise of high salaries in other countries and do not realise that a lot of times they are going to other countries to work in the sex industry.
  2. I extended my one year lease to a five year written lease. I wanted to leave about three years into the five years and the owner refused to return my 30000 deposit. Technically he was right but when you consider I had paid the owner about 720000 baht over a four year period I think he was a bit mean. So we left the place in a mess and did not pay the last month's rent.
  3. You only have to visit Macro down the coffee Isles, many many 3 in 1 coffee sachets but 2 in 1 coffee sachets without sugar are almost impossible to find.
  4. It's strange these have only been found after cannabis has been legalised.
  5. My Frontier passed the emissions test, there is no smoke and does not use any oil or excessive fuel. But it definitely smells bad out of the exhaust.
  6. This pales into insignificance when you compare Thai Airways lack of apologies to thousands of customers who were/are owed refunds for over four years with no intention of paying any interest on the money. Glass houses comes to mind.
  7. Just thinking isn't a Thai trait
  8. Was she blond?
  9. Thais are so gullible they will gamble theirs and others money away just on the strength of lucky numbers. If all numbers are lucky why does the biggest proportion of lottery not go to the ticket buyers, instead the majority of the lottery money goes to the lottery organisers.
  10. Not sure why Thais are so loud, maybe it is the poor education and they think things will get done quicker if they shout. It annoys me when wifey shouts at our six year old daughter.
  11. Should be charged with carrying a knife.
  12. With a Swiss army knife, apparently.
  13. Double decker sorry about the quality it was raining. Must have been more than 30 workers.
  14. That will never happen, trying to get people to think?
  15. Not allowed to challenge authority. Kept like mushrooms, always in the dark.
  16. Knowledge is power, that's why the leaders do not want a highly educated population.
  17. Do what I did. Move far away from the village, in my case four hours away. Get married in Hong Kong (only £100). Do not invite any family and do not pay any dowry. It worked for me and if your wife wants to support the family let her work and get her own income to send money to the village. Whatever you give the family it will never be enough and if money does go to the family (your money) then have strict limits. A lump some dowry is not the way to go as this will be gone in no time. From my own experience I did pay a dowry in my first relationship after that was gone so was my Thai wife.
  18. Nothing ever changes, what a wasted post, nobody ever listens.
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