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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 1 hour ago, meatboy said:

    only way it will work IS to ADD it to the electric bill,otherwise they will do what they do every day,CHUCK IT BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD.

    Sorry, have to disagree. Maybe we live on a different planet, but we don't have an issue in our village. Local authority provides 200 lt. rubbish bin. Collection twice per week. The guys take anything placed in or beside the bin. Annual payment of 1,200 baht to village head man, with receipt. Very little, if any, rubbish in our Sois.

    Just sayin.

  2. Oh, a back pedal now. So you acknowledge there just might be an issue with mold on concrete. Even acknowledging additives available for such a problem. Well done you !

    Don't really need your advice thanks Neville. I've been researching this topic for a lengthy time & have found a positive solution.

    But, seeing you are so concerned, the concrete was laid prior to my arrival. I had no involvement in it's composition or laying.

    Might I suggest you just quietly bow out. Your original comment was negative & incorrect. Best you don't attempt to squirm out now. 

    I  very much doubt your sincerity about being sorry for my expenditure. Let's all just move on.

  3. Never ceases to amaze. OP posts a genuine question asking for advice. Along comes a Neville Nobody, & not knowing all the facts or at least asking the OP for more info, dives straight in with his negative & pointless comment.

    If you don't have something positive, or at least humorous to contribute, why bother ???

    Yes, I know, smart arse reply coming.

  4. 3 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

    Serious really !!  Not negative response at all we sweep and wash ours and keep it clean. :tongue:

    Well, aren't you just a precious little trinket.  You don't think most people wash the affected areas ?

    Unfortunately, in a lot of instances the concrete is very poor quality, finish, & no amount of washing will eliminate the problem permanently. If the concrete is even slightly porous, no amount of cleaning helps. I can pressure wash with detergent & then squeegee dry & the mold is back next morning. Very time consuming & unhealthy especially if young kids playing on the effected areas.

    If you care to research the issue, including here on TV, you will find many have this problem.

  5. 11 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

    Never had a problem with mold and cement in Thailand where l live what are you on about.

    What a negative response to a very valid question. There's been several posts on this subject. Mold on concrete is a BIG problem during the wet season. At least where I live.

    Today, I have contractors addressing this situation at our home. I certainly wouldn't be parting with over 55,000 baht if it wasn't a problem.

    OP, PM me & I'll let you know what I'm doing, if you are interested.

    Cheers to all, except Kwasaki. 

  6. 32 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Nothing to do with minds.


    Already made clear to you my view has nothing to do with social status.


    I have already made clear throughout the thread why I think the man is to blame and am not going to do so again.

    " I have already made clear throughout the thread why I think the man is to blame and am not going to do so again. "

    Thank Buddha for that !

  7. 38 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    You can beg all you want but I'm still not the one with the problem. 


    I have views you don't like on sexual assault, boo hoo I don't care.   

    With the amount of time you spend on here waving your flag, it's a wonder you can find the time to take a breath.

    We all know how you views, give it a rest. Repeating the same thing over & over doesn't make your point more valid, or  less valid. It only reinforces the fact that you have way too much time on your hands.

  8. 18 minutes ago, davetrout said:

    these thai workers have some big coconut balls of their own, or they don't understand the danger of working with a chainsaw out on a limb. amazing thailand. In australia worksafe would comdem you for this act

    In Australia work-safe will condemn you for farting.

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