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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 15 hours ago, djayz said:

    These three kids are out intimidating / trying to intimidate motorists at night. What will they be doing when they're in their 20s and 30s? 

    Yes, the police should follow up, fine and have a serious word with them.

    Life is difficult, but they're too young to be allowed to do what they please. With a bit of help and guidance, they might be able to get off the streets and find normal work later in life. 

    Today he rapped on the window, what will he do tomorrow or the next day? 

    The car driver remained cool and calm. There are many people here who wouldn't tolerate a young lad tapping on his window. I'd hate to read that the same kids were found dead along the side of the road because of such shenanigans. 

    Yes, the RTP were right to get involved.

    " These three kids are out intimidating / trying to intimidate motorists at night. What will they be doing when they're in their 20s and 30s?  "

    They'll be BIB's demanding brown envelopes. Just serving apprenticeship now. Kinda like school work experience.

  2. 47 minutes ago, seancbk said:

    If that was sarcasm then ouch!

    If not, then what made you think I was being sarcastic?   


    1,000 real friends on FB. I took that as sarcasm. I doubt anyone knows 1,000 people let alone class them as friends.

    I guess some people might know of 1,000 people, but I bet they couldn't name them if given a week.

    I know some of the much younger generation have a few hundred "friends" on face book. But are they really friends of someone they've just added & maybe chat with once a year.


  3. 2 hours ago, seancbk said:

    We are from very different generations. 

    I don't remember the last time I used my phone to make a telephone call.    

    When I'm out I rarely put my phone in my pocket, I am constantly engaged in keeping up with the 1000 real friends I have on Facebook, updating my Instagram accounts, responding to Line messages and Facebook messenger messages.    


    I love smart sarcasm.  Well done !

  4. 15 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

    A  Thai person working in a restaurant in my country is not newsworthy.if a farang does it in Thailand it is.

    Yes, I agree. I don't mean to be rude or to flame but I still don't understand your post. 

    The headline infers the farang working is unusual. Most replies & comments agree that the story is somewhat newsworthy & unusual. Like I said earlier, you are kind of telling us all what we already know & accept. Like telling us that night follows day.

    But, if you feel you have to agree with the headline, go for it.

  5. 2 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Figure it out your self!

    Your post. " My country is full with Thai restaurants and Thai people working in it. For us that is normal. But here they made the laws in a different way. " Again, I ask what point are you attempting to make ?

    We all know the laws are different here. It's been that way for eons.

    Most replies offer something helpful, informative, positive, argumentative, supportive or possibly humorous.

    Your post is a bit like telling us all that night comes after day & if you stand out in the rain for long enough you'll get wet. It's common knowledge. So, again I ask, what point are you trying to make ?

  6. 16 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

    Thanks to you Malt25 ( nothing to do with the recent kerfuffle about home brewing by any chance?) as well as to the global mudderators for not red flagging a poor chap needing help or a good man offering it. 






    ps my MIL comes from your neck of the woods. You might see her on her broom at nights whizzing through the sky....

    Yeah, I think I see her most nights. She'd be the one with no tail light on the broom.

    Na, I don't home brew. Thought I might have been pushing the boundary with the conversation with the somewhat slow one. Topic was getting a bit off track. 

  7. 17 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

    I am trying to get a photo from my camera roll (iPad) loaded as my picture but buggered if I can make it work. Any advice?

    You could always try asking  fredob43. He appears pretty clued up. 

    I can sense a yellow or red card coming !

    My only suggestion would be to try Forum support desk

     Android and iOS App Support

    If you have technical problems or general questions how to use the forum, please post here or email us at support[at]thaivisa.com

    Cheers.....     Mal.

  8. 16 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

    Hey guys, my gf ( Esmeralda) has pointed out we are getting a bit off subject here and dangerously close to the overlords (Global Mudderators) issuing punishments to all and sundry........




    ps Esmeralda and Quasimodo are linked...........

    Oh, My Dark Lord, thank you.

    For a lil while there, I thought I was the only one on here with a warped sense humor. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, fredob43 said:

    Apologies I don't look at profiles as many peeps lie about where they abound anyway.

    Just took it that as your posts were the sort of thing that Pattaya peeps put on, you would be highly suited to living there. 

    Might be time to move?

    Please, tell me that you are NOT an Aussie.

    I'll give you another clue.  You posted something about "rings a bell".  I replied with, so did Quasimodod. It obviously went right over your head. It was a humorous,  throw away line. A bit of a play on words. It did get at least one like, so someone did get it.

    Try Mr Google. If you have an IQ above your age, you just might comprehend.

  10. Just now, fredob43 said:

    Ok, Ok you win I give up. Have come to the conclusion that a mere mortal like myself hasn't a chance against an educated person like yourself.


    Hold on a Mo: then again you have chosen to live in Pattaya. Kind of pushes your prognosis of being a highly intelligent individual somewhat out of the window.

    I rest my case. 

    My poor sad friend. Where do you get the idea I live in Pattaya ? If you showed an ounce of intelligence you would look at my profile. Shows quite clearly I live up country, Sakon Nakhon. Small village with my wife, daughter & granddaughter. Personally I think Pattaya is a human zoo.

  11. 3 hours ago, fredob43 said:

    No I didn't you started it by putting in a stupid reply that made no sense. Or at least most peeps would know about.

    My guess about you peeps is that you hover in Pattaya and think it's a good place to live that about say's it all really.


    Anyone that put's a Joke reply about people having to spend weeks in ICU must be sick. Or even short of some form of life.

    The problem with TV is they let idiots get away with those type of things. One of the reasons educated peeps are signing out never to come back. That leaves us with Plonkers.

    We don't have much of an education, do we ? I even gave you a clue, "bell ringer."

    I'd hazard a guess, my IQ,  education, intellect, common sense, general knowledge & personality puts me well above the plonker tag. You, on the other hand, not understanding my original reply, tongue in cheek, shows your inaptness to understand or even research said reply. Not only slow on the uptake, but ignorant as well.

    If you don't understand something, why not ask for an explanation in a civil manner ?

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