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Posts posted by malt25

  1. Good morning all :-)

    Probably wrong forum but I'm sure mods will shift to appropriate site.

    I'm seeking info, advice, on a short, 4 or 5 day trip, sightseeing, to Laos.

    We reside in Sakon Nakhon so can access Nakhon Phanom, Nong Khai or Mukdaham without problem.

    The party will consist of myself, Thai wife & her teenage daughter.

    We'll be on somewhat of a budget. I welcome any info on recommended places to visit. Places for overnight stay. Transport, bike or car hire. Buss or mini van.

    It'd be ideal if we could take my Thai registered vehicle but understand that's not an easy option.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  2. The world is full of "entitled" females, expecting to do what they want, where they want and when they want.

    You are right on . That is exactly where the problems lays.And it is getting worse very day.

    You guys are spot on. Problem started over 100 years ago. We gave em the vote & world has been in decline ever since.

    But, I don't share that opinion with any of the "entitled" species.


  3. And this is coming from a country with hundreds of thousand of half naked bar girls and street walkers...

    did any one said double standards here?......

    Nope, absolutely NO double standards here. Even a simple country lad like myself can differentiate.

    You go to the beach or pool & you expect, hope, to see hot bodies in bikinis.

    You go to a red light district, beer bar or the like, & you expect, hope, to see hot bodies, preferably without a bikini.

    You go to a park & expect to see visitors, hopefully wearing presentable attire.

    No double standards. Just what's expected to suit the place & time.

    As previously mentioned, I think you should get out a bit more.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  4. It is unheard of and morally abhorrent wrong to take away and disconnect people from their

    very basic necessities of living, electricity is not a luxury item or service, and nowhere in any

    sane country around the world will they take the meter away not knowing who's left with

    no power, is it a child, and infant, a sick or disable person who now has to do without?

    Why a Thai company will do that to it's won people when they suppose to be the forgiving

    and helping one another?

    So, what are you trying to say ?

    Is 5 days after due by date ok not to pay ?

    Is 10 days after due by date ok not to pay ?

    Maybe you'd be happy with 20 days late payment ?

    Maybe I live in pixie land, but if I had an infirm or disabled person requiring power 24/7 I'd make it a priority to pay the PEA bill on due by date.

    If for some unforeseen circumstance I couldn't pay on time, I'm sure a call to PEA, acknowledging said bill, but ensuring payment would be made within a reasonable time, would result in NO disconnection.

    Power & water & such like are all essential services, but they ain't FREE.

    But maybe I'm wrong ???

  5. Just a shame that the owner "Dan" is now the talk of Sakon Nakhon, because he is a thief and a liar - likes to borrow money and goods from people, but hates to pay it/them back.

    Me thinks you should tread carefully muzmurray.

    "Section 328. Defamation by Publication

    If the offense of defamation be committed by means of publication of a document, drawing, painting, cinematography film, picture or letters made visible by any means, gramophone record or another recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years and fined not exceeding two hundred thousand Baht."

    Just sayin.

  6. Hi all.

    A bit of info please. I've asked these2 questions, via e-mail, to the Australian embassy in Bangkok as well as their nominated agent, VFS Australia Visa HelpdeskVFS. Both replied in great length but didn't answer the questions.

    I'd like to take my Thai wife to Australia for about 2 weeks to meet my elderly mum. Tourist visa. I have been residing on an extension based on retirement in the kingdom for the past 2 years. Will shortly convert to marriage extension.

    The questions: 1. Approximately how long before intended travel should the application be lodged ?

    2. Once the visa has been granted, is there a specific time travel has to be taken ?

    Any info or advice will be greatly appreciated.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  7. Is i really so hard to hire a doorman to check ID cards to determine if the patron is of legal age? Every Thai has a National ID card and foreigners have Passports or other ID.

    Yes, extremely difficult to check ID card for proof of age.

    If it were easy,

    7-11 would check ID for proof of age re selling alcohol to under aged. Then we wouldn't have this crazy no alcohol between 2 & 5. The 2/5 alcohol restriction doesn't bother me really, BUT, bit of a pest when dining in a restaurant & not able to order a beer or wine.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  8. Hi all.

    I'm looking for a jeweler in either Sakon Nakhon, Udon or KK. Preferably SN.

    Not a gold shop that you find in every plaza or mall. A manufacturing or repair type jeweler.

    All info very much appreciated.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  9. If you are not in Thailand on the 6th there will be no need to report !

    I will be back in Thailand before the 6th but with a different Visa in my passport.. Does that then invalid the 90 Day Report for marriage??

    If you leave the country, without a re-entry permit, the extension of stay becomes invalid.

    I have never heard of a "90 Day Report for marriage" so cannot answer that question.

    OP, sorry to Hijack your thread. A question above above reply.

    "I have never heard of a "90 Day Report for marriage" so cannot answer that question."

    I'm about to change from retirement to marriage extension. When I have marriage extension, does this mean no longer need to do 90 day report ?

    Any info, comments appreciated.

    Cheers ..... Mal.

  10. First question, what do you want to power during the power outtages? From there you can decide on how big of an UPS you need, keep in the mind the batery will probaby need to be replace every 3 years or so (this is based on the 10+ UPS I have at my office for computer use).

    Only looking to power a laptop & modem. No problem if battery has to be replaced every 3 or so years.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  11. Hi all.

    Lately getting more power cuts. Usually just local outage & maybe for an hour or so.

    I "think" I need a UPS. I know nothing about this sort of thing.

    Really appreciate any, all advice re purchasing said equipment.

    Specifications... brand... cost.

    Thanks in advance.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  12. "Sounds like OP had either private room or VIP room, could have cut 3,000-5,000 baht a day off the bill had he been in a semi-private."

    Definitely not a VIP room. I opted for a private room. You never know who you might be sharing a room with & also knew I'd be having many visitors.

    Private room offered ... large flat screen TV, micro wave, hot water pot thingy, crockery & cutlery for 4. Comfy couch that folded down to double bed. Bedding for visitors bed as requested. Several visitors chairs. Large bathroom with toiletry pack.

    No, I'm not on a commission, just happy to pass on what I felt was more that adequate for my stay.

    If anyone is interested ... I'm recovering pretty well. Still some pain but reducing day by day. Have to say, being stuck in a hotel waiting ok from surgeon to fly back home ... BORING!!! BUT, I'll survive. thumbsup.gif


  13. I hope when you have some time and are bored that you will write a short novel about your experiences at St. Louis Hosp. It is often mentioned on this forum as a less expensive alternative to the 5 Star for profit facilities that are now beginning to rival Western Hospitals in their billing practices.

    It would be a great resource for many on this forum.

    G'day again. Happy to supply a bit more info on my stay at St Louis. I had to do a bit of a grin when asked to expand on my original post. I'm usually criticized for rambling on too much. BUT,

    Ok, firstly to johnds99. You absolutely DON"T need a carer or family member with you. My wife insisted in being with me. I didn't, & still don't understand this custom, but hey, when in Rome ! The attention & care provided from the time I walked in the door until I was discharged was in some ways "over the top" At times I felt somewhat embarrassed by all the fuss. I could write a page on the care & service received, but I hope you will all understand where I'm coming from. I'll expand if requested. So John, forget about having a carer in St Louis.

    I'll provide a bit of background to my situation..... I've had problems with both knees for an eternity. Had an arthroscopy on both knees 10 years ago. Have been on anti inflammatory & pain killers for many years. Both worked, somewhat at first, but of little benefit over the past 6 months or so. Over the past 3 months the pain & reduction in lifestyle prompted decision for surgery.

    Researched TKR (total knee replacement) in Australia initially. Way too expensive even with private health refund.

    Researched India. BIG medical tourism industry, especially orthopedics. Original e-mail was responded to within a few hours of sending. Price & service offered was good. Was on my shopping list until I found St Louis.

    Researched local, provincial hospitals in northers Isaan. Found one that would perform 1 TKR for 140,000 baht. Will expand on this if requested.

    Researched all hospitals & orthopedic surgeons in Bangkok. Most responded in reasonable time. Some requested ridiculous medical background & information even prior to making an appointment for actual diagnosis. The price quoted by some was laughable.

    Response from St Louis was prompt, informative & estimated cost what I considered reasonable. They offered lead time for appointment with surgeon for assessment & other relevant info. I had meeting with surgeon for assessment 10 days later.

    About St Louis.

    After meeting with the surgeon was introduced to admin staff. Discussed costing, made appointment, walked through procedure & answered all my questions. ESTIMATE cost was 350,000 baht for 1 TKR & 550,000 baht for 2 TKR if done at same time. Additional 15,000 baht for pre-surgery medical the day prior to surgery. I agreed on having both procedures done at same time. Expecting to pay somewhere around 600,000 baht. There's always those little extras at check bin payment time !!!

    I arrived at the hospital 7:00am day prior to surgery. Nil by mouth for 12 hours previous Taken to private room. Large room, great view from 15th floor. Presented with pajamas & bathroom kit.

    Wheeled off for several X-rays. Many capsules of blood taken for tests. The mandatory temp, pulse, blood pressure taken hourly. Very professional. All tests ok.

    Procedure performed 14:00 following day. I'm happy to go into detail of lead up to me being put to sleep & waking after procedure if anyone interested.

    The care, service, was, if anything, over the top. Always 2 or 3 nurses, hourly to monitor everything. Urine output, temp, pulse, blood pressure, monitor intravenous. Had 2 intravenous. One via spine & other via hand.

    Every 3 hours for the entire time I was in hospital, I was visited my a senior doctor & nurses for assessment & a chat.

    At least 3 nurses provided bed, sponge bath, twice every day. Clean pajamas offered every time. Bath was, at least, extremely thorough.

    Food was ok. Steak, fish or pork chop...veggies... soup... fruit. Bacon, sausages & eggs for breakfast & fruit.

    Discharge day. Advised I could walk, elevator, to accounts department or they would come to bedside. I chose to take myself. With all the attention & care & a new pair of crutches, I was expecting to pay the 600,000 bath. Given an itemized in voice...... Total 509,000 baht. Oh, this included 2,000 baht cost for my wife to occupy the room for the night I was in ICU following surgery. We were offered the option of her going to a hotel, but we elected to utilize the room.

    So ! there's my short novel, well, kinda short. As previous, more than happy to provide specifics on any facet of my "adventure" I hope this is of some interest & possibly assists someone in making a decision, one way or the other.

    Cheers..... Mal.

    Oh, FYI. Either the surgeon or his assistant for the operation, visited me at least once a day, sometimes more.

  14. Hi all.

    I'm currently in Bangkok recovering from surgery performed at Saint Louis hospital. I won't write a novel about the procedure & care, other than to say I'm extremely happy with every aspect.

    Anyone interested in a more in depth discussion about the surgery or the hospital, please contact me. I'm happy to pass on my experiences re this "adventure"

    Cheers..... Mal.

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