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Posts posted by malt25

  1. They are chalk and cheese.

    I lived just outside Patts for many years but it finally drove me out. To much traffic over priced + the mix of non Thais there. Some very nice and some the dregs of humanity.

    Over built without any infrastructure can make it a bit of a bug bare at times.

    One good thing is you don't have to speak Thai as nearly everyone is bilingual.

    Saying that I know U/T and the way things work there it might suit you better than Kan:

    You will find that a lot less crazy than U/T and Patts.

    Being on your own you could find yourself bit lonely in Kan: Nice place though it you fancy the quieter life + the bundles of tourist that flock there. But you will need to speak at least a good smattering of Thai.

    Suggest you have a couple of weeks in both and see how/if they suit, before you make up your mind.

    Hope this helps.

    "They are chalk and cheese." I couldn't agree more.

  2. Hi Nix.

    I usually flame people who offer advice contrary to what is being sought. As in... what sort of motor bike should I buy ? Don't buy a bike, too dangerous.

    But in this instance I'll make an exception.

    Don't, in your wildest dreams, consider traveling in a mini van. They all have a minimum speed of 150 kph. They are bloody death traps.

    Rent a car, or rent a car with driver. You'll enjoy your trip much better & live to remember it.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  3. Thanks guys.

    I never considered the vinyl tiles, sounds like a plan. I'll do some research, looking, at that idea.

    Tile height not a worry. I have the means to trim door bottoms if I do go down that path.

    Thanks again, much appreciated.


  4. Guests in Thailand should mind their own business and make no negative comments on line about Thailand.

    Go back to your home country and point your finger at all the Immigration and financial problems!

    I really miss common sense...

    WOW, bit grumpy this mornin, are we. In case you haven't noticed, this is a public forum. A vehicle for comment, positive & negative on any subject deemed appropriate by the mods.

    If you continue to miss common sense, I'd suggest you improve your aim.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  5. Mangostin

    Having read through the whole sorry thread. Once I had stopped laughing and my sides had stopped aching. I have come to a serious conclusion. You are a very very funny sort of man I believe this thread to be a big click bait job. Dough BALLS indeed. However your people skills are lacking somewhat I suggest you get into a detox program at your earliest convenience before its to late for you if of course it isn't already to late!!!. I await your put down comments with baited breath whilst I sit here eating you missing dough BALLS.

    Good post. Shortly after posting my last response I accepted that I'd been taken hook line & sinker.

  6. Hi all.

    Our house, bungalow, has typical Thai style floor tiles. Bright with hideous pattern. I'd like to change.

    I realize the proper method would be to lay new tiles over existing tiles. Not at all interested in taking up the existing tiles. I was thinking, probably a bit way out, but how about painting the existing tiles ??? I assume the existing tiles would need treating with some form of acid or etching agent to permit paint to adhere.

    All info, advice most welcome.

    Thanks..... Mal.

  7. Definitely maggots. As others have indicated you need to do a bit of house keeping.

    What we do, if you are interested. Small bin beside kitchen sink for daily scraps. Bin has plastic bag inserted. This bag is placed in the curb side bin at least daily, possibly more often.

    I have recently purchased a large black plastic tub to use as a bin lid for the curb side bin. Keeps it dry inside & flies & Soi dogs & birds out. The curb side bin gets pressure washed weekly. Locals laugh at it, but we have the sweetest smelling bin in the Soi. Luckily our village gets 2 garbage collections per week.

    Hope this helps...... Cheers.

  8. If you have a contract to rent it will stipulate the amount.

    30 days (or more ) before lease is up it is the lessees onus to contact the owner for a lease renewal.

    At this time any increase will be agreed upon & new lease written..

    You are also obliged by law to provide any altered details eg< new passport etc

    Yes, you heard me right, legally the owner does not have to advise you of anything, just retake possession day after lease expired,

    If your current contract is ending then a new contract would have to be negotiated. You have the right to leave at the end of the contract and the owner has the right to ask what he wants for a new contract.

    "Yes, you heard me right, legally the owner does not have to advise you of anything, just retake possession day after lease expired,"

    How is that so amazing? He owns the property. If he fulfilled the contract with the tenant, when the contract ends he should be free to do what he wants with his property. The renter's only interest in the property is within the life of the contract.

    Some landlords might feel that extending the contract based on the same terms is in their best interest, but if he feels he can get more rent or wants to install some relative or whatever, that's his right.


  9. Mangostin, mate. You are in way over your head. Give up while you still have a shred of credibility.

    That's right, i forgot about the "if it hasn't happened to me, then it can't be true" faction

    Are you really this passionate about a few bloody fried dough balls ? Or has something else got up your nose causing your pain ?

    On first reading your post I thought it was a light hearted rant that you'd get over in no time. Bit like an unwanted hangover. Bit shitty at first but you feel better in a short time. But it would appear you are treating the "scammed" episode as if it were an inoperable cancer.

    I could write a book on "it HAS happened to me", & I mean BIG time "happened to me"

    Get over it, don't be such a sook.

  10. you percived you are being ripped off. So you will be dead of starvation soon that makes sense then.

    laugh.pngfacepalm.gif ....naaw c'mon, those vendors are clearly doing some good to you by caring about your diet and making sure you stay a sucksy man, not ripping you off, no way

    nice role reversal try but sorry no work

    That's because you got something that it's reversed into your head, i can't help you with that, the best i could do it's try to make you understand with some reasoning here, if you still don't get it it's your problem not mine.

    Mangostin, mate. You are in way over your head. Give up while you still have a shred of credibility.

  11. Your battery is knackered. Get a new one or better still buy a MacBook (I know Apple are a horrible company, but their computers are good). I bought an HP for the wife a few months back, the screen detaches to become a tablet. I regret the purchase and she won't use it. Windows 10 is a shambles, a dreadful operating system. I had to buy her a MacBook.

    Windows 10 is perfectly fine. Those who rant about it never come with factual reasons as to why it's so bad. And that's because they dislike the OS not because of its performance/features but because of the (admitedly very bad) way it was pushed to the users.

    On another hand, buying a Macbook might not be the greatest idea if the user never had any experience with Mac OS. Pretty big/frustrating learning curve there.

    Macbooks are an easy recommendation because they are indeed good laptops, just a bit overpriced.

    But if you take a few minutes researching before buying, you'll find a lot of good laptops that even have more chance of having the combination of price/features you actually care about. usually these research end up telling you not to buy HP Kind of sad to see such an iconic brand so low now. Almost all of their PCs have issues. Amongst the most solid brands currently are Asus and Lenovo... but don't think too much about brand and research each model individually.

    "Windows 10 is perfectly fine." You think ?

    How long before you think they "might" fix the SD card reader problem ???

    Sorry OP, for hijacking your post.

  12. Most members here, due to the fact they have only limited (bars, beaches, etc) experience in the kingdom, don't understand that mushrooms can be picked everywhere in the kingdom.

    Of course, the convicts like to hijack it into some idiotic Aussie issue, like they always do.

    Aussie Drop bears, American Pie jokes, Magic mushrooms...........

    Hey ! Travel2003, who let you out, back in ya box.

  13. What is a drop bear? In any there are bears in Australia. The koala (which is a vegetarian) is not a bear it's a marsupial. Koala comes from an aboriginal word meaning "no drink". The koala gets nearly all its moisture and food from eucalyptus leaves.

    bra, ol mate, we're not talking about koalas here, we're talking about drop bears, completely different species.

    Carnivore, prefers tourists to locals. Tree dweller, who's main diet is young female backpackers or campers.

    Can be subdued, somewhat, if offered copious amounts of Bundy.

    bra, when you have digested the above, you might inquire about Bundy.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  14. Here we go again. "Sooooooooo a friend of mine" Why can't people just write, I have a problem... blah blah blah, & get on with the story or whatever.

    ​Why do so many have to inquire on their friend's behalf ?

    Yeah, I know, just that it's a pet peeve of mine.

    Guess I'll have another beer.

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