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Posts posted by malt25

  1. I would take a taxi to Major Cineplex close to Future park Rangsit and get a minivan to Pattaya. If have only small pack, I'm not sure if this is possible with big one. It's about 150baht for 1 person.

    Other option would be taking taxi to mochit bus station and bus here to Pats.

    Third option taxi... Probably 1300 baht

    Don't get a mini van. Death wish. Unless you are extremely adventurous, thrive on horror road trips at break neck reckless speeds, forget all about the mini van.

    Limo is the way to go.


  2. Two thoughts come to mind.

    1. Google optometrists in Bangkok, find some clinics near you & e-mail & ask your questions.

    2. Try walking into a clinic or two & ask about services & related costs.

    That's what I'd be doing.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  3. The world is full of "entitled" females, expecting to do what they want, where they want and when they want.

    You are right on . That is exactly where the problems lays.And it is getting worse very day.

    You guys are spot on. Problem started over 100 years ago. We gave em the vote & world has been in decline ever since.

    But, I don't share that opinion with any of the "entitled" species.


    We did not give them the vote - they fought for it - were imprisoned - force fed, tortured and suffered! The current generation of feckless feminists with their arrogant self obsession and these kind of silly girls don't bear comparison with real women with real agendas. They are self obsessed self entitled people who have had ' false consciouness' drilled into them. Most of what they have been taught is liberal lefties drivel. They are effectively dysfunctional out of their Uni 'safe space'. Their behaviour was shameful - whatever kind of clumsy reprimand it lead to. I thank the police for their action, sensitivity and intervention.


    My reply, post, was tongue in cheek, attempt at humor, sarcasm. Take it easy.

  4. "Index" has quite an extensive "cookware range", also Robinsons.

    Your location would assist in localised information.

    Agree. I've done a lot of browsing in Robinsons & Index & both have good selection.

  5. "So, is living abroad and virtually NOT really living abroad as I've described ... is that wrong? Immoral? Can you relate to that at all"

    OP, what are you trying to achieve by your post ?

    Like the Thai girls say ... up to you. Immoral, up to you. Wrong, up to you.

    Only you know what your reasons & motives are for being here, or there. If you are happy, contented, safe, does it really what the rest of us think ?

    Are you feeling guilty about something ? Looking for some sort of acceptance ?

    Just wondering.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  6. yes, you've said it before & with an equal number of CAPITALS too

    I've never started another entire THREAD about it.

    Dude, using all caps for EMPHASIS is not even remotely the same as posting large blocks of text in uppercase (which I would never do or defend).

    I've heard all the arguments against even using for emphasis, but I remain unconvinced.

    If you must emphasize, try bold or italic.

    Just a thought.

  7. No, i do not see any increase in theft here in the countryside, though i think it is not surprising that there would be here as it appears a worldwide issue and maybe things like expensive phones and tablets, easily re-saleable make for an easy target...

    Sorry for your loss, it is awful when people steal other people's things...

    " it is awful when people steal other people's things " Just wondering ... can you steal something from yourself ?

  8. .

    My advice is DON'T buy a motorbike.

    One bad accident on the highway could buy you a lot of used cars that offer you more protection after you incur the medical bills....that is if you survived.

    Most medical policies now exclude injuries from motorcycles.

    The motorcycle policy would cover some medical bills, but as I recall the policy limits were inadequate. Then they try to throw the 'preexisiting denial at you for some charges.'

    Most travel policies now even exclude motorcycle taxis.

    With serious accidents, most private hospitals without proof of insurance require a minimum of $20,000 credit on one or more credit cards just to get admitted.

    Even if the other person, a Thai citizen was at fault you would have an uphill struggle collecting and would require paying a Thai lawyer, if you could find a licensed trial lawyer, a big retainer.

    Sometimes, it's cheaper to rent a car for an extended period of time when you consider, depreciation, maintenance, insurance and all the paperwork hassles.

    A responsible driver is the best way to go if you can find one. Many of them rent cars. Actually, two would be better as they are not always available.

    Good luck...

    Here we go again !

    The OP asked for advice on what he should purchase, NOT if he should purchase.

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