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Posts posted by malt25

  1. So why not give those kids a strip of asphalt somewhere out of town where they can race , and have some officers there to make sure they wear protective clothing and helmets,

    Because, my friend, the police & government will then be held responsible for any accident or fatality. In a general term, not a bad idea, but ! Unless safety measures implemented & BIG insurance taken out way too risky for the police department.

    Can you imagine what would follow if some HiSo kid was killed racing in an event sanctioned & supervised by the police ?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a rev head from way back, but police run motor vehicle events are open to all kinds of abuse.

    Just my opinion..... Mal.

  2. It can not be to difficult.

    7/11s in Thailand seem to have about eight employees on duty at all times.

    In America, where 7/11 originated, there are usually only two people working any shift..one stocking, one at the register.

    What is there to keep eight people busy?

    Especially when there is no TV for employees to watch while "working" !

    Can't remember ever seeing a 7-11 in Thailand with 8 staff on duty.

    Most I can recall is 4 max, usually 2-3 at a time.


    I disagree.

    Maybe the rest are avoiding the farang who wants to speak English when they see you coming?

    Maybe they are in the walkin cooler sleeping or on their smart phones?

    I would like to know how many "workers" other TV members usually see in a 7/11.

    Small 7-11 in rural Isaan. At least 5 or 6 visible at all times. Usually another couple out back doing "something"

  3. Set them free.

    Why ?

    Because more than half of them are in there because of poor representation of crap lawyers.

    1 third were fit up for a crime they did not commit, and the rest are in for smoking pot or saying the wrong thing on a Facebook page.

    Let them free.

    In the overall scheme of things, I don't disagree with your comments... BUT... at what point do you open all prison gates & "let them all free" ?

    Very difficult call. Thailand's dysfunctional legal & judicial system OR total anarchy.

  4. A first step should be to discard the law that every customer who buy something liquid must get a straw.

    I think it's great to get a straw wrapped in plastic.

    I don't want to drink out of some can a cat might have pissed on or a chipped bottle top!

    Oh you poor dear. Bit too much trouble to wipe the top of the can or bottle ? Where I come from, seeing a MAN using a straw, would cause comic reaction.

    The remote wooded hills of Georgia or Alabama perhaps. How many pairs of dungarees DO you have?

    Care to enlighten us how many guys you've seen drinking a beer, using a straw ? Go into a club or beer bar & order a bottled beer + a straw. If you do you have bigger balls than me. Or maybe you take your own straw. Fit in your purse ok ?

  5. A first step should be to discard the law that every customer who buy something liquid must get a straw.

    I think it's great to get a straw wrapped in plastic.

    I don't want to drink out of some can a cat might have pissed on or a chipped bottle top!

    Oh you poor dear. Bit too much trouble to wipe the top of the can or bottle ? Where I come from, seeing a MAN using a straw, would cause comic reaction.

  6. It's probably not the act of smoking, but he knows that the rider is going to casually throw his butt onto the road when he is finished.

    It's called littering and there is a law against that.

    Oh...and you don't look cool btw.

    2 things who knows if he would throw it on the ground.......and i doubt hes gives a t-oss what you think..about what is cool or not..get a life

    "get a life" wow, what a cool response.

  7. i could answer my last post, probably to run away from "village justice," as they/we know the thai justice system is one big joke. if they had stayed in the village , that would have been the last we hear of them

    I don't know. Anything is possible. Until the facts are known, I prefer to treat them as innocent until proven guilty.

    But that's just me.


    TL, I don't disagree, all the facts should be known. But this is Thailand. When have all the facts ever been known in any case ? The policing & judicial system is hit & miss at best. In most western societies most people would be happy to let justice run it's course..... I think it will come down to who mom & new husband might know & if they might have the baht to grease the wheels of justice.

    But that's just me.


  8. Apologists please enter your pleas now.

    Alright, I'll take up that banner.

    No-one who has made a comment so far has mentioned that:

    a ) the word alleged is used throughout

    b ) they have been arrested, and it wasn't even mentioned that they were charged as yet, let alone convicted.

    Forget berating the apologists, and calm the hang-em high brigade until someone is convicted. Isn't the right of people here to face a trial first?



    Ok, my take on this topic & input from most. Not personally knowing any party involved in this situation, I'd imagine most posters are replying to what they feel should be done to the mum & new husband, if found guilty. We are not a part of the judiciary, we are just members on an open, public forum. So, inasmuch, we are purely commenting on a topic.

    "Isn't the right of people here to face a trial first?" It maybe their right, but doesn't always happen that way.

    If found guilty... village justice sounds about right to me.

    Thanks to you TL...... have a great day.

  9. They will find any way to fine you, I got fined for having my fog lights on at night driving along a dark stretch of road.

    Was there any fog on the night in question? If not then you deserved to be fined. If there was then they were wrong to fine you. They are called fog lights for a reason.

    I call them "Can see dogs sleeping on the near side lights"..........coffee1.gif

    I call them... hey ! look at me lights.

  10. The lizard sh.. is quite dark/black.

    Annoying in the house.

    Kill them whenever they creep inside room/house.

    The tend to hide in all kind of holes, housings (socket-outlet etc.) and lay their eggs there bah.gif

    Thanks. It's probably lizard sh!+. I tend to let em live b/c I've seen em eat roaches. Not sure I have the stomach for killing em anyway. Or the skill. They're kinda fast. Do you have a preferred method?

    If you mean, jin Joks, these creatures do nothing but good. They eat many types of insect pests around the home and I am quite fond of them. Those who would commit Violent acts toward animals have indications of a type of psychopathy that does not confine itself to animal abuse. Anyone who regards the life of these living creatures as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the notion that other people are worthless too. These persons are inclined to be extremely territorial, selfish and placing their self interests first. Definitely not the sorts that make loyal friends or would want in their social circles.

    Firstly, gecko droppings have a similar appearance to mouse droppings and not in the form of powder or dust. It could be that there are some types of wood boring insects inside or around the kitchen counter eating away the wood dust inside leaving the debris exposed on the counter or something similar above the counter causing the dust. It could be a multitude of things causing the problem, but absolutely it`s not geckos.

    "Anyone who regards the life of these living creatures as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the notion that other people are worthless too. These persons are inclined to be extremely territorial, selfish and placing their self interests first. Definitely not the sorts that make loyal friends or would want in their social circles."

    I'm quite fond of the little critters as well...... But.... do you carry this EXTREME view toward flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, maggots, ants ?

    Just wondering how large your circle of friends is.

  11. We are talking about cheap makes here, what do you expect ? When people want quality they don't buy Japanese cars I think ?

    I found this article. All of you that use E20 should read it.


    "Ethanol may also damage conventional paints, which is a considerable risk during refueling."

    Case closed.

    Just scanned that report, which is quite old, and only has a one line reference that it "may damage conventional paints during refuelling." I suspect auto makers know this and may add extra coatings on body paint below the filling points?

    Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    "We are talking about cheap makes here, what do you expect ? When people want quality they don't buy Japanese cars I think ?"

    What an absolute load of garbage. Japanese paint quality is as good as it gets. I'm a Ford fan from way back, but don't criticize what you know absolutely nothing about.

    I don't think that you do think !!!!!

  12. No idea as to legal or not, but in rural Thailand I would say its "a way of life", happens everyday at dusk in almost every village I have seen.

    What's legal.

    1. Helmets on motor cycle.

    2. Only 2 on a motorcycle.

    3. No riding sidesaddle.

    4. Abiding by all road rules.

    5. Not going down street the wrong way.

    I could go on & on & on. Who gives a shit ?

    Bonfires...... who cares ???????

    Every morning as well as every evening in my village.

    A Thai "must do"

    Cheers..... Mal.

  13. Hi steve 654

    I have for years booked cars online through a UK company "FASTCARHIRE.COM" who compare all the hire companies and I have found them to be far cheaper than I can book direct in Thailand. The best deals have been with Budget & Hertz with everything all in.

    Hired for three months this year, got a Honda City for 650 baht a day all in from Hertz with a 8000 baht hold on my card. Payment is in Thailand.

    Also Hertz strangely, gave me a further 3500 baht discount when I paid the bill.

    Worth a look


    For what it's worth, I've been using Fastcar for years. A big recommendation from me. Great service & best price.

    Cheers..... Mal.

  14. "Anyone who made one, what kind of wood should I use, can I buy any ?" If you & friends are bonfire addicts I wood have thought you wood know the answer to these questions." Wood", pun definitely intended.

    But, if you are unsure....... Pine, soft wood burns too quickly. Wet wood is very difficult to light.

    Why not buy a bag of charcoal ? If questioned by the authorities tell them it's a cooking fire, not a bonfire. Just a thought.

    "What is wrong with people on this forum, I made 2 threads with very legitimate questions and 2 out of 4 answers I got are sarcastic and insulting, sorry if english is not my main language....." Lighten up, ol mate.....yeah, another pun, sorry. Don't you think it wood have been better to ask locals about open fires ? If you intend playing on this forum, better get use to sarcasm & insults. Lots of times you are gunna get flamed, especially if it's a hot topic.

    Anyway, welcome aboard. All newbies usually start as a flicker & soon turn into a blazing inferno.

    Cheers..... Mal.

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