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Everything posted by malt25

  1. Thanks. Definitely air in the bedroom, probably whole house.
  2. Agreed, a very small house. I guess you could call it a granny, or more appropriately a grandad flat. The site is on the outskirts of a reasonably sized town, not city. all supplies available locally.
  3. Thanks Crossy. Ok if I send a PM with a few questions ? Cheers.
  4. Hi all ???? I realize this is a very basic, open ended question. But I have to start somewhere. I'm contemplating building a small, one bedroom house, I mean having built, within 12 to 18 months time. It will be my retirement home. I don't need any advice or info on the land aspect, that's already sorted. I'm thinking between 50 & 60 sq. m. No decision on base of the house as yet. Concrete slab. Raised on concrete or steel stumps. Wouldn't want it to be anymore than 1 m above ground level. Suggestions, advice please. First question is what is the cheapest, most economical construction material, method? 1. Concrete block & rendered. 2. Framed & clad. I don't mind the "Sheara type" cladding. I guess steel frame ? Drywall interior ? 3. Other. 4. Corrugated gal roof ? Any idea of cost per sq. m ? Thanks all.
  5. This must be a genuine inquiry. He's not asking for a friend.
  6. Hi all. Some help please. I have installed a new, large screen, audio unit into my car. Is it possible to upload, install, software into this unit. If so I guess via the USB port ? I have a spotify account & am not sure how to install, download into the new unit. Needless to say not at all IT literate. Thanks.
  7. And while we are on the subject.... If you drink rum at 9:00 in the mornin, ya not an alcoholic... ya a pirate !
  8. I flew in & out of DMK last week. Not sure about renovations but it was modern, clean & very well presented. I don't think trying to compare the two airports is comparing apples to apples.
  9. Capitalisation in this instance is ok with me. I'm shouting !
  10. I know I'm nit-picking, I can't help it. It's NOT BAHTS !!! It's Baht.... I Baht.... 5 Baht.... A million Baht. End of story. Ok, I'll calm down now. It's almost beer O'clock.
  11. "shooting his wife in Pattaya area "' assume it would be extremely painful to get shot in the Pattaya area"
  12. "discount on the chassis." I would have thought any discount would have been on the whole car !
  13. “if you drown you will die”. he got that right !
  14. Not meant as a flame or a putdown, But..... I always wonder why it's "a dead body" ? Aren't all "deceased humans" classified as just a BODY. ? Quoting dead body to me is similar to saying a live person.
  15. "Rottweilers and bury them in a safe under their feeding bowl" Bury the Rotties in a safe ?
  16. I've been researching the same topic. Have had good response from Chris Benson <[email protected]> Not sure about age restriction, I'm 73, but might be worth a contact.
  17. Like so many other things these days. You don't have to like them... you just have to accept them.
  18. The below is from a reputable broker yesterday. On Fri, 29 Oct 2021 at 09:58, mal wrote: Hi again Chris. Let me see if I understand this correctly. “entering Thailand the cover has to be for the length of their trip or visa.” My retirement extension is due for renewal next April 17th. If I were to travel to Australia & return to Thailand during March, the medical & Covid insurance would only be required from the date of my re-entry until April 17th. ? Or an I misunderstanding ? Thanks….. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Correct. However if you extend your visa, your immigration office might set their own conditions over and above what is required. Each office makes their own rules up as they go along even if they are completely wrong. I'm sure you have had plenty of frustrations in the past dealing with Thai authority!! If it happens just "go with the flow". It is pointless arguing as you will get nowhere. Clear as mud!! ***************************************************************************************************************************************** Trust this explains why I offered that the medical, Covid insurance could be purchased for a minimal time. My understanding is minimum is 30 days.
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