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Everything posted by malt25

  1. "for tax residents " Am I missing something or does this not qualify the situation ? An expat residing here who is not earning any income & not paying tax should not be involved.
  2. "Could you see yourself wearing a gold chain" Only if I look in a mirror !
  3. "they offer $$$$ in exchange, '' And now I can go & buy a bigger & better gun.
  4. Nope. Australia. https://spc.com.au/product/spc-baked-beans-rich-tomato-425g/ Made by SPC. Shepparton Preserving coy. Shepparton, Victoria, Australia.
  5. Brooks are from SPC, Shepparton Preserving Co. Shepparton in Vic, Aussie. 72 Baht for 425g can. Not too expensive, if you enjoy a good bake bean.
  6. No, not at all. The first nation people have many voices. Many advisory committees. Billions, that's with a "B", spent on numerous projects annually. The current system is broken. Dividing the Aussie population to inflate a prime minister's ego will solve absolutely nothing. Why won't the PM stop all the grand standing and divulge the actual contents of the referendum ? If, and that's an enormous IF, the Voice gets up, the country will face years of legal challenges. Guess who'll foot that bill ? An issue, I'm surprised no one has raised so far. I understand if the Voice is successful it will- could result in the demant for compensation by way of a % of GDP. Considering the current BILLIONS spent annually on first nation people, is the Aussie tax payer expected to support 2 snouts in the trough ? The current BILLIONS plus a % of GDP ? I bet the Honourable Albo would just love to answer that question... NOT ! The current and past governments have been putting band-aids on this indigenous issue for decades. Too many committees & too much administration. A large proportion of the BILLIONS flushed down the toilet. Changing the constitution & dividing the country will only make the situation much worse. Does that sum it up?
  7. I'm glad I don't rely on you for weather & geography info. https://www.bbcearth.com/news/australias-winter-wonderland https://xplorevic.com/does-it-snow-in-australia/ What is an interesting fact about the Australian Alps? The alps are also home to unique cold climate adapted plants and animals—from alpine daisies to snow gums, and from mountain pygmy possums to migratory Bogong moths. Due to their high peaks and seasonal snow, the Australian Alps strongly influence the hydrology of eastern Australia.
  8. I dont spend all my time reading every post, apparently you do. I was trying to offer something positive. I don't intend playing keyboard pingpong, so, it's goodnight from me.
  9. Might I respectfully suggest those of you who have never been bitten by The Black Dog, keep all your suggestions to your selves. Except for a few of the latter responses to the OP, you simply don't have a clue about clinical depression. Up untill recently, some 25 years or so, mental health issues, especially men's mental health was a taboo subject. I'm a baby boomer. In my early teens I knew there was something wrong. My parents were sympathetic and supportive, to a point. Because of the above, "taboo subject", they had no idea of what I was going through and how to help me. I visited several doctors, Most were empathetic & interested but again could not offer any assistance. My depression lead to relationship breakdowns, job losses and in some cases family & friends distancing themselves from me. As for keeping busy, diet, vitamin supplements & so on, pure nonsense. Clinical depression cannot be cured or controled by such. I changed occupations, living environments, diet, lifestyle, you name it, I tried it. I suffered up until my early 50's. I lost a major part of my life. Long story short, I happened to be befriended by a doctor, social environment, not professionally. He saw something in my personality, mood & actions that promped him to suspect something wrong. I'd given up on medical assistance many years back as it had been all negative. After several, casual chat sessions, not the normal doctor to patient consultation, he prescribed medication. We experimented with a few different medications over the next 12 months or so. I've been taking said medication daily for over 25 years. I'm a different person. In my pre Black Dog days I wouldn't... couldn't leave the house sometimes for a week at a time. A crying mess ! Now on medication, I took myself, solo to Thailand. I travelled, solo to several SE Asian countries, holidays. I've been living here in LOS permanently now for 10 years. I have no trouble tackling emotional situations & ocassionally am asked by others for assistance in such matters. Re Tha Black Dog, I feel Iam qualified to write a book on said subject. First & most important to the road to recovery, acknowledge, accept you have a problem. Seek medical help. Don't listen to crackpot advice as is the case in many early responsed to the OP. OP, PM me if you'd care to discuss anything at all.
  10. Absolutely. You don't need an international permit, even to get the insurance. I go back to OZ 2 or 3 times each year. Have been doing so for 10 years. Thai license accepted by all major rental companies. Always purchase full insurance. Never been a problem.
  11. It's called humour, sarcasm, not appreciated by all, I understand. "Yes. How could you do a 90 day report if you have not been in Thailand for 90 days." My reply, comment was tongue in cheek, it could be done online.
  12. I know this is a stupid reply, but I just cant help myself. "online report"
  13. malt25

    Recommended 75" TV

    And this helps the OP... how ?
  14. Have both knees replaced several years ago, here in LOS. Been through airport security numerous times. If scanner goes off, usually does, just a wand scan. Never an issue.
  15. How can any post on this be troll ? I'd say it's open season.
  16. Sorry, but I beg to differ. I've made numerous calls & sent many emails to the Aussie embassy both in Bangkok & Canberra. Never had a problem. Maybe it's how they are approached that determines the response.
  17. If it were me I'd be making a call to the Aussie embassy in Bangkok & getting it straight from the horses mouth. Or better still, email them & then you have their response in writing.
  18. https://www.google.com/search?q=isaan+lawyers&rlz=1C1CHBF_enTH1046TH1046&oq=isaan+lawyers&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l2j0i390i650l3.8742j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 I initially had two wills made. One for self & one for then Thai wife. Total 10,000 Baht. Now divorced. Had new will made cost 2,000 Baht as I was an existing client.
  19. Isaan lawyers, Korat. I've had then do my wills. Very happy. Good service.
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