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Everything posted by malt25

  1. Is there still a Chevy dealer in SN ?
  2. Looks like you might be in Luck !
  3. Oh ! how I'd love to comment on this, unfortunately my Gonads are not of sufficiant size.
  4. "It doesn't make much sense to me." Welcome to LOS.
  5. Me thinks the BIG issue is No pointing by any of the officials. Very suspicious.
  6. Be extremely carefull & keep your head low. Officially, the day you divorce, you are no longer covered by your "previous" extension based on marriage. Unless you immediately, same day, apply for retirement extension or some other visa extension you are officially on overstay. I'm sure Ubon Joe will be along shortly to confirm.
  7. Not meant to be a flame... but why not ask Mr Google ? Pages of info.
  8. Huh ?
  9. Care to explain or rewrite the above ? I don't understand what you are asking. Maybe it's just me or too early in the AM.
  10. Age is just a number. I know 50 year olds who shouldn't be driving, especially here in LOS. Maybe a reg like in Australia is needed. After 75 need a medical cert is required. But no point really. Road rules are NEVER enforced here.
  11. I was refering to you asking where to get a copy. Shouldn't be allowed out of the house without adult supervision comes to mind.
  12. Me thinks you haven't been in LOS for very long.
  13. It will kill the tree. Then you will have to remove. Much easier job once dead.
  14. Don't understand. Please explain.
  15. Why not call International Services. Free call. 0018006114136. I've called many times over the years & found extremely helpful. www.servicesaustralia.gov.au
  16. Not cooked long enough.
  17. My first thought when reading this was "Google translate - notoriously inaccurate". I agree this was true some time back, but find the Google translation very handy & accurate these days. Am I missing something ?
  18. Don't think so here in LOS.
  19. I guess when I was 9 or 10, 39 was really old.
  20. "I am from the UK. Can a Last Will & Testament for all my assets that I have in Thailand be written in English only with no Thai language copy?" NO ! You've been given the correct advice. Move on.
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