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Everything posted by malt25

  1. I've been using OZF for many years. Book transfet with them of a morning & $$$ in K-bank same arvo. Good exchange rates. Never a problem.
  2. Probably frightened by your avitar ?
  3. The train from BKK to CM, overnight, is enjoyable. Select the bottom bunk, it's a bit wider. I've done it a few times. Just a thought.
  4. Like others have said. Get the power to the console fixed. It will be cheaper & much safer than direct connect to battery.
  5. You beat me to it.
  6. You've had the wool pulled over ya eyes !
  7. Decaf coffee, bit like going to a hooker for a cuddle !
  8. Sorry to be a pain in the bum George. I tried to change my email address to a gmail. It appears I need to supply my password from the old, DEAD email to be able to provide a new email ??? the email in my profile... hasn't been in commission for many years. I'm guessing if I say I've forgotten my password it will send some sort of message to the bigpond email to verify ??? I do have a gmail a/c so happy to provide that. Instructions please. Thanks again..... Mal.
  9. Thanks again George. As you'll see I'm not all that aufait with this stuff. The email in my profile is DEAD, older than me. I tried to put my current email in the system but I get a message that tis email belongs to someone else. Advice please. In very basic speak please. Cheers..... mal.
  10. Hi George. Thanks for that. I "think" I've managed to send a screen shot. If I click on the exclamation mark nothing happens. Cheers..... Mal.
  11. Mornin all :-) A bit of info please. Maybe from a Mod. Top right corner of logon page. Notification ... Messages ... My avitar "M". Beside the M is an exclamanition mark. Just wondering the meaning... of the exclamanition mark. Thanks all. Have a great Sunday.
  12. Thanks all. Much appreciated.
  13. Hi all. I'm considering purchasing a coffee pod machine. I know absolutely nil about them. Appears to be a range of price & models. Would appreciate any advice, suggestions, preferably from owners of these machines. Thanks..... Mal.
  14. Work after 5:00 pm, sure you jest. Oh, what happens if it's raining ? Anyone ever seen a BIB out in inclement weather ? 8 BIB in total, me thinks a few too short. Hows bout 8 groups of 6 ? Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm dreaming !
  15. Use Edge, no add blockers.
  16. They become Ladymen.
  17. Sounds a bit like the Orange Moron !
  18. Isaan bloke here. In BKK the other night. Oh, the dry night. Better restaurants were giving their coffee mugs a real workout. Pretty upmarket restaurant I was dining at said the appropriate brown envelope ensured no BIB entered establishment to check.
  19. I also live in Isaan. Can't ever recall seeing a fly. Forget the name but very effective ant rid available. Small tube, only need a few drops here & there. Available BigC & most other grocery shops. All windows & doors screened. I vacuum & thorough mop once a week. Don't mean to be a smartie, but if you remove all sources of food, attraction for ants they have no reason to visit.
  20. Sorry, incorrect. SN do not require if returning to home address, ie. address noted on yearly extension application form.
  21. I suffered !
  22. Check for 3rd party credit checking companies. I had similar issues. I was referred to my bank when transaction delined. Contacted bank, no problem with the card. Nothing at all on screen showing any issue, card or otherwise. Took screen shot of transaction decline. In small print top of screen shot noticed "wind cave", did research. Found they are a credit checking mob. Contacted them. Didn't want to know about the issue. Contacted the merchant, trader. Informed them I would be taking my business elsewhere. They requested I try transaction againin a few minutes. Bingo, transaction accepted. Not sure of the background to windcave & merchant relationship but appears the merchant can, will, in these instances overridre delined transaction. Hope this might assist.
  23. I've had major dental work in both Chiang Mai and Sakon Nakhon. Both female dentists. I am fobic when it comes to dentists. And I mean a professional woos. I can't recommed these ladies highly enough. I "almost" look forward to regular check ups. Do your homework. Ask for recommendations. Way more professional & empathetic than back home. And at a fraction of the cost.
  24. Wandered. Looked at others in same prediciment. Contemplated, life & why I had decided on this trip. As in Philippine Airline flight as to direct flights. Beat myself up on such a crazy decision. But most distressing... no beer available to transit travellers. How's that old song go.... I will survive..
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