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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 16 hours ago, balo said:

    If it wasn't for the old films from the war we could risk a whole generation to forget what happened . Fortunately most of it has been recorded so we will never forget.  Most schools teach the kids about WW2, but not so much in Thailand. 


    If you buy nazi stuff and don't know whats it all about I can forgive you , maybe Thais or other Asians would do that. But if you grew up in the west and learned all there is to know about WW2 and the Nazis and still buy it , well then you are a lost case. 

    My Norwegian grand dad who worked for the resistance movement from 1940-45 would ask me questions about if the world has gone mad for sure. 


    We have seen war films, but nothing has been learned, they are still at it, and brewing it up daily.

  2. On 2/24/2018 at 9:40 AM, Fish Head Soup said:

    The thing is Hitler actually had some very good ideas which appealed to the masses who were living under hyperinflation and the restrictive covenants of the Treaty of Versailles.

    Had he not gone to war, enslaved and killed millions of people, history might have looked differently upon him.

    You have been reading the real history.  

  3. 15 hours ago, smudger1951 said:

    People donate to christian churches and organisations who in turn distribute to the the homeless and needy. If the buddist monks/temples don't help their communities in this way then perhaps this well meaning man should bypass them.


    The UK Christian Church is the second largest landowner after the queen.

      Forget contribution, lets have a bit of distribution your majesty and your holiness.    aka..Rip off systems UK!

  4. 17 hours ago, mercman24 said:

    brainwashed Thais, the lot of them, beggars in robes we call them, rich as hell, (have you seen the money being handed over at the temples, and spent on drugs , booze, and young kids. ) i have seen poor people down to their last baht giving these leeches money, in the hope of good luck, i tell my MRS you make your own luck in life, yep been to a few temples to see poor folk drop a 100 baht bill into an urn then off to another part of the complex to drop off a few more 100 bahts

    I'm afraid you are right, remember the big abbot who fiddled importing a classic Mercedes...[mercman number 1].  However, donation from the poor is an act of

    desperation for many, in the same way the poor in UK buy scratch cards.

    Better to support a shaky Buddha than a greedy uk corporation.

    My vote is on the German fella.

  5. 16 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    you do realise that article agrees with everything I said, don't you??

    Not quite, where was the 'level playing field' in government policies?

    The 'bigger motor industry' is sticking cars together for foreign company profits.

    The e type is a symbol of what the UK could produce..not of collapse.

    The UK did have a viable industry..Mini, 1100, Land Rover, Range Rover, Bentley,

    Aston Martin, Jaguar, Lotus, MG, TVR, Rolls Royce, [Bond Bug]. etc.

    Leaving the EU will be, has got to be, the catalyst for re-industrialization.

    As for the Allegro...well anyone can make a mistake.

    Other than that, I am in agreement with you.



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  6. 16 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    I think that the word "proud" is thea most significant one in that sentence.

    The death of the motor industry had nothing to do with the EU. It was sick, sick sick long before that.

    In fact the prevalent assumption that UK ever had a viable motor industry is largely a fallacy.

    Faced with a level playing field and a huge market, it fell flat on its face and collapsed.

    Both the E-type and the Allegro are potent symbols of that collapse. Largely for similar reasons.


    • Thanks 1
  7. 15 hours ago, Khun Han said:


     The Q reg is a nightmare for insurance though, as I found out with my imported Morini Sport.

    Its been inspected 3 years ago and have papers to change..but haven't bothered.

    Its an Irish import. I love it, but people take the P.  Cant take to London, they get turned over in the night. [By upset remainers?]

    Thats a nice rare bike.

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  8. 15 hours ago, dazler said:

    Well Colin, the Thai Police have a different view. 

    He is not even in custody now.

    Was spotted and photographed yesterday in Jomtien free as a bird. He didnt look like he was preparing to do a runner, so it looks that this matter may have already been "sorted" out.

    The Thai authorities may have thought it better to have a deceased farang than a murdered Thai lady..may have regarded him as some sort of sort of hero.

    Who knows?

  9. 18 hours ago, sandyf said:

    You will be telling us next that it was those that preferred to belong to the EU that killed off previous imaginative and innovative development.


    Brexiteer imagination, or lack of it, has already put that automobile production in jeopardy but of course when it all goes wrong you have already worked out who is to blame.

    What you should know is that The EU has prevented UK subsidy of industry under its state aids rules, but has often provided subsidised loans and grants to businesses to set up elsewhere in the EU. The UK has seen factory closures balanced by new and expanded facilities in poorer EU countries... UK used to actually make its own cars before it joined the EEC [now known as the EU].

    Can you work out who is to blame?

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