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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 15 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

    Well mate you seem to have knowledge. Asking because i worked with a guy who actually told me he went to jail receiving stolen goods He did 3 years Kept his nose clean for years.In later life and this is from his mouth not mine he wanted to go to America for a holiday with his wife He told me he was refused a pass port because he had a criminal record Now i see this upsets you a lot and i am not misrepresenting Australian law i dont think the guy just made that up. I dont need to provide you with references i am telling you what the guy said to me You can believe me or not i really dont care mate. Now my point to all this i am asking if  a guy in America has a record for Manslaughter can he still get a passport? You have just answered me YES Thanks bye

    3 years for receiving.

    2 years for killing.

    Governments regard a stolen TV worth more than lives of those they govern.

    Shows their priorities?

  2. Robb was no gentleman either..

    I saw a similar thing before,  a large drunk grabbed a girl behind the bar and pulled her across the bar, but quick as a flash another Thai bar girl came up behind him and belted him on the nut with the thick end of a snooker cue. Could have killed him, but what else could she do?  I don't think it will be a murder charge, but manslaughter.


    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Grouse said:

    The High Commissioner's father was also High Commissioner at the time the UK joined up. A certain amount of schadenfreude or revenge coming into play methinks!

    I don't believe the Ozzys are into revenge like the EU... She'll be right mate.   My wombats got his eye on you mate.

    • Haha 2
  4. 21 hours ago, Moo du said:

    Having done my rounds arourd, I find Thai women most gracious and mesmerizing women in 

    the world. Gentle, easygoing, always with a good sense of houmor. Their kids are loughing on the

    way to school everyday.

    If they decide to love you, that s a relationship you re never gonna forget.(and the relationship

    never trully ends)


    Women, Thai or wherever, cannot not love men, the most you can expect is respect, if you are a good man.

    Thai ladies are, as you say,  particularly desirable, and I'm sure they find farang to be particularly 'easy meat'.

    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Grouse said:



    See what strong unions can achieve? Any chance of similar flexible working in England?

    I am impressed with your concern for the people that work.

    But I would favour a system of cooperatives, where everyone shares the decisions and the profits equally.


  6. 15 hours ago, aright said:

    I agree. They present their readers with alternative facts so well. :smile:

    Assuming there would be such thing as an impartial newspaper..news gathered from government sources is only that which they want publicly known.

    The truth is always illusive or unobtainable.

    A wise successful old trader once said to me, 'Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see, and let your money be the last thing you part with.'

  7. 15 hours ago, Grouse said:

    ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.


    Great description of the Hard Brexit Tories! Brilliant!

    Its time you took the road to Damascus..St.Grouse.

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