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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. If you are paying for a woman..she will tell you what you like to hear.

    If you want to attract a woman..you will tell her what she likes to hear

    Its a global problem, not confined to Patters. The world is built with lies..Enjoy it.

    Where do you find them? No matter much I paid my wives they wanted more for less. First year it was honey would you like another beer and let me empty your ashtray. 7th year it was, "you drink too much and everything in the house smells like smoke." and I was paying a lot more in the 7th year than the first year. I heard less of what I wanted the more I paid.

    Dont drink too much and cut down on the smoking, show respect for her...or move on. 7 years ago things were cheaper..you've got to pay more now.

  2. If you are paying for a woman..she will tell you what you like to hear.

    If you want to attract a woman..you will tell her what she likes to hear

    Its a global problem, not confined to Patters. The world is built with lies..Enjoy it.

  3. The government of today dont want westerners making money here, I wish western governments would reciprocate the juntas approach to Thais in western countries and that goes for land ownership and residency.

    Good thinking. The west is quite mad..In the uk foreigners buying properties have pushed up prices to such an extent that UK citizens can not afford.

    You have to admit that the Thais have the right idea. Personally, I would like to give England to the Thai goverment..or swap Cameron for Gen. Chan o Cha.

    [Think of the easier visas]

  4. Great stuff Sir. Agreed! But families can be catered for in Patters, have you ever heard of the 'Mia mai roo team'? ... tut tut

    Yep think that goes on as well.

    Hay darling im just off back to the hotel, you ok with the kids on the beach for a couple of hours !!!!!!!! nudge nudge wink wink. thumbsup.gif

    Yes pattaya can cater for families but to fly from the other side of the world to here is just mad

    better places to go much closer to home than Thailand.

    for the families.

    Plenty more Thai families here weekends and holidays that,s for sure wai2.gif

    Mmm, Closer to my home?..Grimsby beach in the winter..shiver shiver wink wink.....Corrbliiimey.

    Einstein said something like: 2 thing infinite, universe and human stupidity....I conform happily my friend.

  5. Pattaya will always be Sex Town. wai2.gif

    Y sure about that? I am not so sure how it will all look in say 15-20 years from now on.

    But okay you seems to be the expert here, one among thousands here on TVwhistling.gif

    People just love to talk the place up as a family destination.

    but sorry mate its sex town, will always be sex town.

    People who bring there families to pattaya from a foreign land

    are just mad.

    I'm so proud of people taking there kids to walking street.

    Great stuff mums and dads blink.png

    That's my opinion and i don't give a toss what you think.

    long live soi 6, massage parlours and BJ bars.

    The stuff the town was built on and is still known for world wide.

    That,s what the world knows pattaya for.

    but some people just have no clue, wai2.gif

    Great stuff Sir. Agreed! But families can be catered for in Patters, have you ever heard of the 'Mia mai roo team'? ... tut tut

  6. I have been here for 8 straight hi-seasons. I know a beer bar owner on Walking St. / Soi Diamond. Every year has been worst than the one before according to both of us.

    I agree, I was out and about Thursday night and it was hardly busy, with some beer bars nigh empty. Are they pricing themselves out I wonder, and the current majority of tourists are elsewhere? If they are asking 90 baht for a beer or more to sit in the heat being bitten by mozzies with 3-4 heavy ladies to look at I think I will drink elsewhere too.

    I agree too, and I have an idea that the hot spots are moving about, and possibly away from the centre, where one can find more interesting places with a genuine Thai ambience. Pattaya ain't dead..its just developing and growing up.

  7. There is a possibility of three problems with every foreigner/Thai interaction.

    Problem 1

    Thai doesn't know the answer, but will give one anyway so not to appear stupid.

    Problem 2

    Thai person does know the answer, but their English isn't good enough to tell foreigner, so just says 'not have' or similar.

    Problem 3

    Thai person can't understand your question (their poor English), but too proud to admit can't understand you, so just give out random information unrelated to your question.

    Oh how true.

    Years ago I bought a truly massive gold necklace with medallion portraying H.R.M. At that time basically for investment purposes. Never mind.

    Necklace sleeping in a safe most of the time.

    When I need to go to any sort of government office (including immigration / Amphoe) etc,etc,) I dress nicely and wear this massive gold necklace. And massive it is.

    = Not much waiting, no frivolous questioning. Never.

    Appearance and behavior is everything in this country.


    Rather strange, because when ever i go to immigration or amphur, all i wear is shorts and a tshirt and i do not get questioned.

    I never thought showing off your wealth as a foreigner was appreciated by government employees

    Everyone seem correct here, but ditch the unnecessary 'massive over the top' gold before someone nicks it............Can I have it please?

  8. whistling.gif Here is the 80 percent rule which I often quote.

    This is the polite version, suitable for young children to hear.

    The 80 percent rule.....80 percent of everything you read, see. or hear is Male Cow Fecal material anyhow, so believe nothing until you verify it yourself.

    The Old Essex, UK, version is: 'Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see, and let your money be the last thing you part with'.

    Teach your kids folks.

    Otherwise, the 80% Rule, just as wise and good. Luv it!

  9. You get what you ask for. I've never had a problem with them. But then I don't go calling them names and shit.

    People need to calm down.... that guy that got beaten up asked for it... He shouldn't be surprised at what happened.

    You and I grew up in very different worlds. In my world, the only acceptable reason to attack someone is an imminent threat to myself or my loved ones.

    There was no threat. The altercation was over. Yet these LB's went out of their way to attack the guy. I'm pretty sure that would be illegal in about 50 states, every country in Europe and in Thailand.

    There is no excuse for what they did.

    Please be kind enough to read: Provocation In English Law. Section 3 of the Homicide Act 1957.. Insult someone at your peril matey

    Where on a charge of murder there is evidence on which the jury can find that the person charged was provoked (whether by things done or by things said or by both together) to lose his self-control, the question whether the provocation was enough to make a reasonable man do as he did shall be left to be determined by the jury; and in determining that question the jury shall take into account everything both done and said according to the effect which, in their opinion, it would have on a reasonable man."

    Not sure what a thuggish attack on a tourist has to do with an outdated English law about homicide..

    It appears to obvious me that these thugs provoked a man going about his business and harassed him. It happens on daily basis.

    Had they not bothered him I feel certain he'd have unleashed a verbal attack on him.

    Trying to justify violence is never easy.

    I'm somewhat astounded by the number of folk on this thread condoning violence.

    I'm sure most of know exactly how these men behave and their pack mentality, and penchant for causing trouble with the aim of robbing people.

    Clearly it is wrong to verbally abuse someone because of gender. That in itself does not justify a violent assault.

    This act will be reported and visible across the globe. It gives the country a bad reputation which, in turn, will have detrimental effect on local businesses all over the country.

    I do hope the users of this site consider what goes around, comes around and if we condone violent attack on this man do not be surprised when it comes your way!

    You have an excellent point. But I certainly do not condone violence, and I know people should go about their business in peace..as the man was, and the ladyboys were..The fella should have politely refused and walked on, but he issued grossly offensive remarks..From then on everything went 'tits up',[ pun intended ] Its just not a good plan to insult a Thai in his or her own country. Good manners = peace.

  10. You get what you ask for. I've never had a problem with them. But then I don't go calling them names and shit.

    People need to calm down.... that guy that got beaten up asked for it... He shouldn't be surprised at what happened.

    You and I grew up in very different worlds. In my world, the only acceptable reason to attack someone is an imminent threat to myself or my loved ones.

    There was no threat. The altercation was over. Yet these LB's went out of their way to attack the guy. I'm pretty sure that would be illegal in about 50 states, every country in Europe and in Thailand.

    There is no excuse for what they did.

    Please be kind enough to read: Provocation In English Law. Section 3 of the Homicide Act 1957.. Insult someone at your peril matey

  11. No more illegal tourists doing back to back border runs.

    If you intend to stay in Thailand for an extended period you must apply for the correct visa.

    From the article:

    It is also unclear if only those people staying in Thailand on visa exempt entries are affected or if this also impacts people who have a valid Tourist Visa.

    First, I have always thought that it makes it sound somehow illegal to make a 'Visa run' which it of course isn't. There are people who try to obey the law the way they can and that's it. I myself have found it utterly ridiculous that a hosting country likes to bully us in any way they can. Due to my age and not being married per se I can't get any long-term visa so been here on Non-O, tourist visa, educational visa and even WP at some point. I find it a bit too much at times and so we are looking to leave here at some point. This is how I feel about it.

    Secondly, it is very counter-productive. The image as welcoming country can be lost at some point and after that tourists and others seek their fun and holidays elsewhere. They should understand that one has to try to make visitors happy every time and every year. Not just say we have this Thai culture and deal with it.

    Thirdly, why oh why is it so difficult to apply SAME rules and regulations in every immigration office, consulate, embassy and border checkpoint? Time, money and effort are constantly lost due to their lack of professional conduct. It is so far from the modern ways and methods. It gives anyone staying here a bit longer a very bad taste of everything Thai. I would have invested more and would consider staying if things were different. Just like in my country, do your paperwork, pay your taxes and dues and you can stay. No ridiculous trips to surrounding countries.

    Thailand is already struggling with tourism. There might be some new people among those affected that will carry the message to their friends. Thais tend to forget that outside Thailand information and testimonials spread with a speed of the light. But they still like to stuck to their old ways and that will some day come to bite them from the behind.

    Yes, I like this...I have 6 month tourist visa and have just returned from a Cambo run..and I have to say, its quite silly really..Go out-come in..shake it all about....and thats what its all about. One should not have to mess with this 'childish drama'...its quite off-putting...and I detected anti-farang sentiment from the some of the Thais...Possibly there will be a reduction in the number of farangs in future visiting, but the Thais will happily replace us with the Chinese, who have the money. Good bye and good luck lovely Thailand...I'm off to Bognor UK, unless they make me Go out..come in

    to the town several times.

  12. I bought a house and gave it to my Thai wife 10 years ago...Result: less complications and a happy Missus..She has'nt chucked me out yet.. Is she nuts..or am I? Well, I bought her another...Result: 'same same'. However I woud certainly not recommend this course of action to any newcomers to Patters.

  13. At last, a constuctive, intelligent solution..Thais love a joke and jest, especially in their own language. Conflict does'nt work!

    I hope I'm not ting tong or men.

    You don't use this queue, do you? There is no polite conversation or joking with the bus fillers there. They are mostly just YELLING at people. Also as said they are not drivers. They are special "enforcer" workers. Cheers.

    Also, maybe you noticed, I am talking about the queue experience for EVERYONE, Thai speaking and not. Many a time I have seen Thais look appalled and roll their eyes at how COARSE AND BRUTAL these little bus bosses act. It's not about speaking Thai or not speaking Thai -- it's about an environmental situation of bad management at this particular queue.

    I must admit you are quite correct. I have not been in that que at that awful time...I am hoping you could find alternatives.. I often take a motor bike taxi..or, perhaps wait for a kerfuffle to subside. You wont like this: what about a folding bicycle..works very well for me..cheap transport and keep fit,,,, those pounds roll off up Pratumnak ....A win win situation...

  14. I'm not interested in alternatives to the queue. Maybe others are. I do not believe these other alternatives are as problem free as being sold here.

    My personal experience is the queue is worth the hassle for the CERTAINTY of destination and fare, and also convenience of where it is usually works for me perfectly.

    I do wish the baht bus company could set up a civilized system of crowd control there (and clamp down on the violence) but I know my wish is in vain.

    JT. Why don't you learn a bit of Thai. I've been in queues or faced potential dramas as you have, but if you smile and say something to the driver such as "there's a lot of crazy Falangs out tonight, and most of them smell don't ya think?", they'll probably piss themselves and let you ride shotgun in the A/C cab.

    Your apparent reluctance to engage Thais (particularly bus drivers) in conversation (in any language) as highlighted in many of your posts intrigues me. Do you assume that every engagement must by definition be one of conflict?

    At last, a constuctive, intelligent solution..Thais love a joke and jest, especially in their own language. Conflict does'nt work!

    I hope I'm not ting tong or men.

  15. "More likely is that these children will suffer from terrible psychological traumas as they reach adulthood."

    How can a person make a statement like this with out proof. How do you know that. Back it up.

    Quite right, well said. I was abused as a child by several men and two women...I could' give a damn..I am reasonably succesful and happily married to a super Thai lady for 14 years..Wheres my trauma??.......I also suffered abuse from an UK wife and the UK government ..and thay were far worse. However I must say I dont condone any suffering of children, or adults, in any way.

    • Like 2
  16. I love stray dogs and will continue feeding them. The pleasure I get from feeding puppies and dogs in Thailand is very rewarding.

    Keep up the good work, i use to do the same, but now have a huge family of my own(pets) so hardly any time for that

    Explain to me how feeding desease ridden strays can be 'good work'?

    He's merely adding to the already out of control stray problem here and throughout Thailand.

    It'd be interesting to see if he still fed them if one turns and bit him and he ended up with a large medical bill, i doubt it...

    He's not doing it for the dogs sake. He is doing it for the feeling of self gratification he gets from doing these sort of things.

    Could be he just likes dogs more than people..now't wrong with that......awful if we were all the same

  17. I don't like all the stray/soi dogs either, several times they has tried to attack me when passing them on my scooter.

    In BKK kids sometimes getting killed or badly mauled by them, not acceptable.

    Some of the dogs are in horrifying condition, open wounds, limping (hit by a car/motorbike?), sad really.

    As far as I am concerned, they should all be taken down.

    In Denmark when some city/town have too many pigeons/doves they send licensed light rifle shooters out and deal with them.

    Yes as one poster mention: Better help children in need than a dog.

    Agreed..Add on help to elderly and disabled...

    • Like 1
  18. I would try to avoid them..could have rabbies....if you are bitten or even licked you may have a week to live.. best to get an anti rabbies injection..too late if you are foaming at the mouth....[like some of the farang replying to posts]

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