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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 10 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

    I think they would both tell you I was a very good provider. My wife would tell you she was completely incompatible with me from day one. That's the disadvantage of both marrying as virgins. My defacto would tell you I was a pretty good lay, but unable to pick up on her more subtle emotional needs. She did come to me with a fair amount of emotional baggage, and flat broke. I never cheated on my wife, for 28 long years. I did cheat on my defacto at the end of the relationship. I certainly never treated them as housekeepers - if anything, I did more than my fair share of housework and gardening.


    I'm sorry if I appear somewhat harsh in my views; however, you would have to experience it to understand it.

    And I'm very close to heaven now.

    God bless you Sir.

  2. 12 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    How right you are!


    Met a beauty on Pattaya beach. Took her back to the hotel. Put the shower on; she followed me in. SHE was a HE. Gave him 100 baht to go back to the beach. I sat shocked on the bed; "The best bit of stuff on Beach road and it was a feller."


    Never mind; 'get back on the horse' so to speak. 


    Walked down Soi Chyapoom and met the wife. Buddah works in mysterious ways!!!!!!


    Why didn't my mum warn me?

    I did'nt actually meet my wife...I crashed into her on my bicycle, and she got stuck on the forks.. [for 19 years]

    Buddah, it seems, works on bicycles too.

  3. 25 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

    Not hard to figure out at all. I was raped financially by the Western legal system and two women I trusted. My Thai GF thinks I am the best thing ever to happen to her. So I'm not going to apologize for what I think. And if that's being a male chauvinist pig - oink oink. OK , you can moo now.

    My father said to me when I was young 'Never trust a woman'. so I did'nt and had a common law wife...but I still got clobbered.  As it happens, she did me a favour, cos' I ended up in lovely Patters like you and the rest of us.

    No regrets.

  4. 25 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    My mum pulled me aside one day when I was 16. "Son I have some things to tell you. Remember them and you will have a happy life."


    Firstly; when a lady wears perfume it's because she is trying to cover up another not-so-nice smell - stink even.

    Next; first thing to do when you meet a woman is look to see if she has underarm hair.

    Lastly; never trust a woman who doesn't wear a cotton vest.


    Of course I soon forgot and my miserable life took off.



    You should also always have a look to see if she is wearing knickers.

  5. 16 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Agree entirely.  This thread just made it a whole lot easier to recognise posters like you, that  automatically hate Western women :smile:.  

    Then why is it that 70% UK divorces are instigated by the wife?   We dont hate western women, we love them, but we also fear them...because they hate men.  Your female craft is responsible for the survival or the human race..so we applaud it.  I believe that the modern feminist movement has gone too far in the opposite direction..so we take refuge in Thailand.      My mother warned me about strange women.

  6. 1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

    Sometimes one has to feel sympathy with both Western and Thai women who encounter some Western men with their lunatic conspiracy theories and other historical nonsense. A bit like marrying into weird strange cults. Whether the western women ever put up with it in the first place is a moot question. The Thai women lucky they don't have to engage, unless the guy turns out to be a nutter on all levels.

    I'm a nutter, my Thai wifes a nutter....Help!

  7. 2 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:


    Germans invented almost all the technology we use today, 2 stroke, 4 stroke, diesel, rotary, jet rocket engines. If you've ever flown, you flew in a NAZI invention. Fanta, bet you've drunk a few bottles of than in your lifetime, also a NAZI invention.

    Ah, but we invented the most important things, like the Goons, Monty Python, Young ones, Bottom, Viz, Faulty Towers, and Politicians.

  8. 4 hours ago, bazza73 said:

    Actually, I don't think it has changed all that much. It's more about the light of technology being harsher and exposing more. In the Victorian era of England, there was probably just as much hanky-panky going on, but better concealed.

    People concern themselves with the horrors of Nazi Germany and Stalin's Russia. In terms of the scorecard of people killed and lives ruined, the British Empire was probably the most evil of all.

    It still is.

  9. 37 minutes ago, davidst01 said:

    I remember having a date with a white girl back in the nanny state. A few hours into it she asked me how much I owed on my mortgage. Needless to say I didnt go on a 2nd date


    37 minutes ago, davidst01 said:

    I remember having a date with a white girl back in the nanny state. A few hours into it she asked me how much I owed on my mortgage. Needless to say I didnt go on a 2nd date

    You should have borrowed my three wheel car..that sorts 'em out.

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