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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 8 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Taking a walk down the street in Tokyo as you pass the entrance to the car-parks the smell of smoke is at the least noticeable and more often than not quite strong. 


    It surprised me that this was allowed. While I like the idea of preventing people from smoking on the streets which effects non-smokers, there must be a better way of handling this instead of placing smokers out of the way, hiding them in car-parks like second-class citizens. 


    So, I don't think Japan has it right either, but the smoking booths you mention are a start, I've never seen one though. I'd hope they are very well ventilated, if they are anything like the smoking booths at the airports they would be horrific. 



    With regards to smoking I would like to see a couple of things happen. I'd like to see smokers be more considerate of those around them and do their best in their attempts to avoid non-smokers while smoking. 

    I would also like to see the shrinking-violets prevent themselves from their childish over reactions when the 'smell a little cigarette smoke'. Equally so, the non-smoking nazi's could do with lightening up a little. 


    In short - a balanced all round mutual respect for those who do not do things the same way or have the same habits would go a long way towards making life a lot easier for all concerned when these issues crop up. 


    Your last paragraph is the key to an advanced, tolerant civilisation, away from misguided ideologies and  anti-smoking fundamentalists. Another 100 years of science and technology may see peace on Earth, and Pattaya...hopefully.

  2. 2 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

    Nothing about demons or angels. Equivocation of cigarette smoke in enclosed restaurants (where it is already banned by law) to pollution or vehicle engines is the only exclusive domain of so called "smokers". Simply, they are self entitled and deluded addicts who insist foisting cigarette smoke on all and sundry is some kind of right of a free man upon the land.


    I have only confronted them two times in my life once when I saw a lit cigarette thrown out a car window on RED fire day in a national forest ( physically attacked, that did not work out well for the culprit) and a drunk in an elevator(some vile threat). Something wrong with these people.


    I us d to think banning smoking outdoors was too much but visited Sapporo, Japan this month they have smoking cabins now at the public parks paid for by the tobacco industry, and a fine for walking with a cig in certain areas. No smoke allowed near the kids swings and slides.


    A very reasonable solution to "the smoker question".







    On 09/09/2017 at 4:32 AM, joecoolfrog said:

    Yeh most smokers are demons and most non smokers are angels !!!


    2 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

    Nothing about demons or angels. Equivocation of cigarette smoke in enclosed restaurants (where it is already banned by law) to pollution or vehicle engines is the only exclusive domain of so called "smokers". Simply, they are self entitled and deluded addicts who insist foisting cigarette smoke on all and sundry is some kind of right of a free man upon the land.


    I have only confronted them two times in my life once when I saw a lit cigarette thrown out a car window on RED fire day in a national forest ( physically attacked, that did not work out well for the culprit) and a drunk in an elevator(some vile threat). Something wrong with these people.


    I us d to think banning smoking outdoors was too much but visited Sapporo, Japan this month they have smoking cabins now at the public parks paid for by the tobacco industry, and a fine for walking with a cig in certain areas. No smoke allowed near the kids swings and slides.


    A very reasonable solution to "the smoker question".







    On 08/09/2017 at 0:47 AM, morrobay said:

     This place must be paradise for some folks around here : Reckless drivers, smoking in restaurants, rude Asian males. Outside of the oblivious and those for the girls, why would any others put up with it ?

    Let all the great English non-smokers who are of course, pure in thought, without sin or bad habits be the first to cast the many stones.

  3. 13 hours ago, The manic said:

    Smokers are no better than people who take a dump in front of you or sh*t on a table or restaurant floor. They should pay more for drinks and pay for the laundry bills of non smokers and pay for the health insurance of the Thai Staff. Smokers are a tiny minority of people who ruin places for 90% of non smokers. Ignorant, anti social bullies.

    Paradoxically you appear to be living in a vast city, heavily polluted with diesel particulates, grumbling about a puff of tobacco smoke.   If you were seriously concerned about your health, perhaps you might consider moving to a rural area.

    As for price increases..it might be a good idea for the forum to charge a fee of 1000B for each grumbling quote...

    Theres nothing as important as tolerance in a large cosmopolitan 'crazy' city.

  4. 4 hours ago, Jip99 said:




    You you are a pariah. Smoke in your allotted areas and understand that those who have the sense/strength not to smoke have a greater right to enjoy their freedoms.

    Thats a good attitude, lets not ban everything as they do in the UK..where even free speech is banned, I'm sure one is also not allowed to think !  Giving a passing compliment to a woman might land one in front of a judge.

    Health warning:  England may contain nuts.

  5. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I wasn't talking about banning all smoking in all places. But in small totally enclosed areas with no ventilation even one smoker smokes up the place. A large table of them ... what happened to me the other night. I don't see how any reasonable person can say that's a reasonable thing to allow in such spaces. But like I said, the restaurant and group were from a different culture where what I think of as reasonable limits are just not on their radar. 

    Yes thats fair, one used not to smoke at the table, but retired to drawing room afterwards with a cigar or pipe..old fashioned manners, but sensible. Personally,  always chose an open air restaurant, seated by the roadside where I smoke  a combination of tobacco and mo'cy exhaust without causing offence.

  6. On 01/09/2017 at 7:09 PM, Jingthing said:

    They are not on any social media.

    I can't name and shame them here.

    It's against forum policy. 

    But to be fair, I know the place and already knew they allow smoking.

    So I made the choice to go in there knowing that and probably will again.

    But certainly not nearly as often after tonight's experience. 

    The nationality that they mostly serve are very often restaurant smokers. Say no more. 

    From their POV, it would hurt their business much more to ban smoking than to cater to people like me that really can't stand it. 


    Anyway, does anyone know if what they are allowing there is even LEGAL? 

    I need a smoke when I'm socialising with English women..its my nerves!  

    If you ban smoking, logically you should ban diesel exhaust from cars and those huge coaches, ban alcohol, processed food, sugar, and women...[only joking].  An incorrect diet is the killer... what are you eating in your restaurant?..Get fat and follow the black cloud behind the bus, and worry about a ciggy.

  7. Following a report in the Pattaya Mail: ..Sink fishing boats to make reefs...Expect the price of fish to double. Surely the Thais wont put up the EU skullduggery.

    Next might be 'elff and safety' hard hats in the bars. Only one on a mocye. Farmland 'set aside'. Pineapple mountains. Vegetables all the same size. Precisely curved bananas. QE bankruptcy. Subsidized stupidity.

    Don't you just miss it all.

  8. If you are paying for a woman..she will tell you what you like to hear.

    If you want to attract a woman..you will tell her what she likes to hear

    Its a global problem, not confined to Patters. The world is built with lies..Enjoy it.


    Don't go to pattaya if you want to find an ho.est woman, unless you speak Thai and have a few years to look.

    Well, theres no doubt, that is indeed the best advice one could give on the subject... Unfortunately, with regards to women, man will rarely/never take advice.

    I met mine in a minor traffic accident 18 years ago, . She is a faithful, trusted, helpmate....I could not wish for a better partner....But I' m not recommending traffic accidents....It just seems that they, women and accidents, both come best when one is not looking for them.

    'You can not expect someone to love you unless you pay them in one way or another.' Oscar Wilde.

  9. If you are paying for a woman..she will tell you what you like to hear.

    If you want to attract a woman..you will tell her what she likes to hear

    Its a global problem, not confined to Patters. The world is built with lies..Enjoy it.

    Where do you find them? No matter much I paid my wives they wanted more for less. First year it was honey would you like another beer and let me empty your ashtray. 7th year it was, "you drink too much and everything in the house smells like smoke." and I was paying a lot more in the 7th year than the first year. I heard less of what I wanted the more I paid.

    Dont drink too much and cut down on the smoking, show respect for her...or move on. 7 years ago things were cheaper..you've got to pay more now.

  10. If you are paying for a woman..she will tell you what you like to hear.

    If you want to attract a woman..you will tell her what she likes to hear

    Its a global problem, not confined to Patters. The world is built with lies..Enjoy it.

  11. The government of today dont want westerners making money here, I wish western governments would reciprocate the juntas approach to Thais in western countries and that goes for land ownership and residency.

    Good thinking. The west is quite mad..In the uk foreigners buying properties have pushed up prices to such an extent that UK citizens can not afford.

    You have to admit that the Thais have the right idea. Personally, I would like to give England to the Thai goverment..or swap Cameron for Gen. Chan o Cha.

    [Think of the easier visas]

  12. Great stuff Sir. Agreed! But families can be catered for in Patters, have you ever heard of the 'Mia mai roo team'? ... tut tut

    Yep think that goes on as well.

    Hay darling im just off back to the hotel, you ok with the kids on the beach for a couple of hours !!!!!!!! nudge nudge wink wink. thumbsup.gif

    Yes pattaya can cater for families but to fly from the other side of the world to here is just mad

    better places to go much closer to home than Thailand.

    for the families.

    Plenty more Thai families here weekends and holidays that,s for sure wai2.gif

    Mmm, Closer to my home?..Grimsby beach in the winter..shiver shiver wink wink.....Corrbliiimey.

    Einstein said something like: 2 thing infinite, universe and human stupidity....I conform happily my friend.

  13. Pattaya will always be Sex Town. wai2.gif

    Y sure about that? I am not so sure how it will all look in say 15-20 years from now on.

    But okay you seems to be the expert here, one among thousands here on TVwhistling.gif

    People just love to talk the place up as a family destination.

    but sorry mate its sex town, will always be sex town.

    People who bring there families to pattaya from a foreign land

    are just mad.

    I'm so proud of people taking there kids to walking street.

    Great stuff mums and dads blink.png

    That's my opinion and i don't give a toss what you think.

    long live soi 6, massage parlours and BJ bars.

    The stuff the town was built on and is still known for world wide.

    That,s what the world knows pattaya for.

    but some people just have no clue, wai2.gif

    Great stuff Sir. Agreed! But families can be catered for in Patters, have you ever heard of the 'Mia mai roo team'? ... tut tut

  14. I have been here for 8 straight hi-seasons. I know a beer bar owner on Walking St. / Soi Diamond. Every year has been worst than the one before according to both of us.

    I agree, I was out and about Thursday night and it was hardly busy, with some beer bars nigh empty. Are they pricing themselves out I wonder, and the current majority of tourists are elsewhere? If they are asking 90 baht for a beer or more to sit in the heat being bitten by mozzies with 3-4 heavy ladies to look at I think I will drink elsewhere too.

    I agree too, and I have an idea that the hot spots are moving about, and possibly away from the centre, where one can find more interesting places with a genuine Thai ambience. Pattaya ain't dead..its just developing and growing up.

  15. There is a possibility of three problems with every foreigner/Thai interaction.

    Problem 1

    Thai doesn't know the answer, but will give one anyway so not to appear stupid.

    Problem 2

    Thai person does know the answer, but their English isn't good enough to tell foreigner, so just says 'not have' or similar.

    Problem 3

    Thai person can't understand your question (their poor English), but too proud to admit can't understand you, so just give out random information unrelated to your question.

    Oh how true.

    Years ago I bought a truly massive gold necklace with medallion portraying H.R.M. At that time basically for investment purposes. Never mind.

    Necklace sleeping in a safe most of the time.

    When I need to go to any sort of government office (including immigration / Amphoe) etc,etc,) I dress nicely and wear this massive gold necklace. And massive it is.

    = Not much waiting, no frivolous questioning. Never.

    Appearance and behavior is everything in this country.


    Rather strange, because when ever i go to immigration or amphur, all i wear is shorts and a tshirt and i do not get questioned.

    I never thought showing off your wealth as a foreigner was appreciated by government employees

    Everyone seem correct here, but ditch the unnecessary 'massive over the top' gold before someone nicks it............Can I have it please?

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