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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 15 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    The only way the EU controls the French budget or the budget of any Eurozone member is by limiting deficits. That's it. That's a Euro problem. But the EU does not decide how money in the French budget is to be appropriated apart from whatever payments France must make to the EU. Which is a very small fraction of its total budget.


    Agreed, but its enough to limit Macrons room for manoeuver.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, tebee said:

    It's unbearably sad that leave voters haven't worked out why the brexit pay out will be in 50 years (Mogg) or 100 years (Digby Jones).


    It's because they know it's not coming and you'll be too dead to complain and they'll be too dead to blame.

    It is also unbearable nonsense that you think anyone

    can predict the future 50 years in advance, one month

    is difficult enough.  Dreamland Bro'.


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  3. 1 hour ago, whatsupdoc said:

    Typical Brexiteer answer. Just want to leave the EU, no idea what to do when it actually happens..

    There are no opportunities in Brexit (well, not for the UK at least).

    Saying that there are no opportunities in Brexit is an

    interesting  but unreasonable remark unless you were

    thinking of the opportunity of joining the French yellow

    vests, and the EU problems in Italy, Spain, Greece etc.


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  4. 39 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    I’ve heard there are plenty of Facebook groups where people discuss what to stock up. I haven’t heard of groups specifically for remainers though, if that’s important for you. Do they stock up different things and it would be worth learning from them?

    One could easily learn from the old wartime recipes,

    1918 War cake, Oxford potato soup, Lord Woolton pie,

    Brown Windsor soup, Potato piglets.

    Vintage wartime recipes are healthy as they contain

    little fat and sugar. Many of us need to lose a few lbs.

    Probably stock up with 2 condoms too, just in case.


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  5. 7 hours ago, Grouse said:

    Cognitive dissonance I think is more likely.


    You can joke but the dumbing down of the masses is a genuine worry. People have so many sources of information at their finger tips but actually know far less than was typically the case before the ascent of digital media.



    Well Grouse, for once I have to agree with you, I

    attribute the dumbing down to the decline of the classical

    education system which has been replaced by merely

    acquiring skills that an employer would value.

    'Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made

    stupid by education'. Bertrand Russell


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  6. The UK gov. and civil service support the rich and not

    the poor, they want Remain.

    The UK gov. is in collaboration with the news media,

    so as you might expect, Brexit is portrayed as a disaster.

    Could the gov. possibly be trying to control your thoughts,

    as it has been doing for hundreds of years, with lies?

    Why is that, every time there is a vote, we get poorer?

    Democracy in UK is a sham. The system has defrauded

    the working class.





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