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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 14 minutes ago, tutsiwarrior said:

    urk...a blaspheming heathen as well...get yerself some new underwear and take the bus...I've always found that there's a nice bakery selling ham salad baps and small cartons of fresh milk fer yer tea at work near the bus stop...my supervisor in the east midlands would become upset when we handled documents after a bacon butty...my colleagues referred to him as 'an old woman'...but he was an OK administrator for an apprentice boy, us university educated types were a bunch of slobs with bad habits and wrinkled clothing...



    All me second hand underwear is now broken in and

    comfy now thanks.

    One evening I knocked on my mates door with a 4lb

    club hammer an shouted 'open up, Essex Police',

    I could hear a lot of scuffling about inside, and it

    was a long time before the door opened.

    Not surprising really, as nothing any good has ever

    come out of Felsted Idiot School. he he.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 54 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

    Well, that was a whole heap of data.

    The last sentence of that article really would have

    been enough..

    ' For its next decade, then, the euro’s success will hinge a lot on its ability to carry on defying the economic and political odds stacked against it, and keep flying anyways'.

    Is it worth a punt with those odds?

    • Like 2
  3. 38 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

    Not really obvious at all.

    The support for the EU has actually increased in continental Europe since the Brexit vote.

    So my guess would be that statistically it is likely that the Swede from Malmo supports the EU, like the majority in Northern European countries as his.

    According to the Swede, he doesn't want to go back

    because he says its too dangerous.

    • Like 1
  4. 13 minutes ago, oilinki said:

    Everybody in the EU parliament and council knows that mistakes were made during the refugee influx few years ago. Since then things has gotten a lot better. EU is also improving the situation, even if Brexit hassle takes some efforts away from concentrating real issues. 


    No other member than UK is leaving EU. It's better to follow something else than UK's low quality and super aggressive medias. That way you would also know better.

    Your advice is taken kindly, but I can tell you that I abhor

    the UK news media with a vengeance. If I did believe that

    crap, I would be a remainer.

    In Pattaya its so easy to talk to many nationalities, and

    pick their brains on a variety of relevant issues. Great fun.

    • Like 1
  5. 24 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

    Funny that Brexiteers often claim that only Germany profits from the EU. If so, why would Germany want to leave?????


    A bit obvious really, they are not happy with the EU

    freedom of movement policy. Take a look at Hungary,

    Orban did as his electorate wished, only to be punished

    by the EU parliament.  I spoke to a Swede from Malmo

    last night, you might guess his opinion of the EU?


    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Always interesting to hear what people dream about. Meanwhile, just after signing the biggest free trade agreement ever with Japan, the EU announced it’s close to signing another big free trade agreement with the Mercosur countries in 2019. That’s 250 million people and 2.5 trillion EUR GDP. 

    Yeah Japan and EU both sinking in an oceans of debt,

    Mercosur deal taken 10 years so far, still arguing tariffs.

    More of a nightmare I would say.

    • Like 2
  7. 18 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

    Gosh 91 views but nothing ,seems it might mean a new one,luckily the wifes family are all not to badly off so we will all club together.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I think asking on the forum is a good start.

    Perhaps Baht&Sold, ebay, newspaper small ads

    sale and wanted, local auctions. 2nd hand shops.

    If I see one in local auctions, I'll give you heads up.

  8. 17 minutes ago, tebee said:






     His nearly £9m donation to the Brexit campaign is the largest in British politics, and is currently being probed by the UK Electoral Commission to establish whether Mr Banks was the true source of funds - including a £6m loan - to his Leave.EU campaign group

    The FT,  politically aligned to ‎Globalists ‎ liberal economics.

    Yeah, its an establishment agenda fishwrap.


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