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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 6 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    It's O.K. to come out of the closet, jvs.  All of us here understand and accept you.

    Tittyporn, you're a real hero.

    I took my Son to a performance of Handels Messiah

    in Thaxted church when he was 3, he was mesmerised

    And has been a music freak ever since.

    You can see the Swan pub briefly behind the church

    where 4 of us streaked down the main road pissed.

    I was happy living there until the missus chucked me out.


  2. 24 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

    I'll say this for the umpteenth time: I am not a Leaver or Remainer. I can see the benefits of both both positions. I am however a qualified economist who has worked in over 25 countries, a citizen of 2 EU countries, with Permanent Resident status in 2 further countries. I have a huge relevant international  business experience and a quaternary educationary to support it. 


    The reasons that I tend to take the Leave position on this forum are that (1) Leave won the vote (2) the abuse and nastiness of many Remain posters here (3) so much of the Remain propaganda, paid for by UK tax-payers, is simply wrong - as was the BoE's and Treasury's pre-referendum "forecasts" (4) the attempt to overthrow the democratic outcome of the UK referendum is absolutely appalling in my view - I can understand that a few crypto-fascist Neo-liberals would want to do this, but people who consider themselves to be "progressive" - no way.


    People who try to overthrow democratic process are neither liberal nor progressive.



    This post by MTW should be the end of the debacle/debate.

    But the hind leg of the donkey will remain firmly attached.

  3. 33 minutes ago, tebee said:

    Thanks, same to you !


    It was a flexi hose to the tap that went - I put it in 15  years ago so maybe it's past is best by now ... bit like a few on here 


    Of course it went while I was out....


    Problem is water pressures are much higher in France - my meter has a reducing valve to bring the house side down to 7 bar  and the pressure release valve on the hot water side goes off at 9 bar - Usually dribbles a bit out a couple of times a day, so it must be reaching that. 

    Mate, you got old Grouse on the Irish whiskey, but

    its still not right, it should be Oirish whiskey.

    Believe or not, north Essex water is supplied by a

    French co., nasty EU chemical taste, but I've got

    a well now, piped half a kilometer from top of hill.

    I have to admit I've let the side down a bit. I drive

    a French crappy tin snail.. well, no-ones perfect.

  4. 13 minutes ago, tebee said:

    I had a burst pipe in my kitchen at 6pm new years eve - I'm still pulling out the wreaked units and putting new ones in !


    It's at times like this I miss Thai concrete kitchens ..... 

    Damn, sorry about that mate, them old EU regulation

    pipes was it? fit British Standard quality pipes,

    no probs. You are a good writer, and I like stuff

    you say, but its usually wrong.  All the best for

    the New Year, T.

    • Like 1
  5. 52 minutes ago, elliss said:

      May i humbly suggest , you Google  the five  year forecast on  Gbp / Thb  exchange  rates , 

        predicted  to be as low as  36,  if we are  lucky .



    Yeah the Thai economy is tough as old boots,

    whereas the UK economy is run by loonies, it

    cant even feed its population without importing

    grub. When this Ponzi scheme starts to lean over,

    the pound won't buy you a f,,, tong in the market.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Grouse said:

    Ah, the Winter King!


    Not only did he win Bosworth, he back dated the victory by one day so that all the followers of Richard of York automatically became traitors!


    Of course in those days, nobody gave a damn what peasants had to say. The good old days! 

    I would like to see you repeat that in Paris

    surrounded with yellow vests, maybe not so

    cocky eh.

    Your attitude is what is wrong with society.

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