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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 13 hours ago, tutsiwarrior said:

    in the lyrics Bob fergot to mention Ashley, mex/hawaiian, dark as night with eyes like a cat and a bod that wouldn't quit...escort service, $200 per hour 35 years ago...

    The Debbil does indeed work in mysterious ways casting

    many nasty ancient regrets. I had a phone call 3 years ago

    from a super GF, split up in 1970, she's crying, and I'm

    thinking, she might be 300lbs with a beard..no I cant after

    40 years..or can I? My risk management algorithm kicked

    in: regret is better than bother.

    By the way I'm still in the escort business, 50p a week

    complete with soi dog,

    but I have to admit business is a bit slow.

    That GF used to look like Lily does>>


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  2. 1 hour ago, Grouse said:

    Many of my antagonists have disappeared without trace. Whether any of them have gone for the ivory handled revolver and the bottle of scotch I have no idea. We can live in hope! ????


    incidentally I originally used my full name but was advised to have an Avatar; I suspect mods thought I might up facing said revolver!


    I do miss the Sgt who was my spell checker. Say hi if you come across him and ask if he's got on top of semi-colons yet? Another budding proctologist you see.


    Finally, if any "social media" company is found to be a contributing factor in a young person coming to harm, I hope they are fined 1billion for each occurrence followed by a visit to the CEO by Sgt proctologist;

    Never mind Grouse, we all like you really, and we don't

    mind if you have trouble with your semis.

  3. 1 hour ago, bannork said:

    And now it turns out, gnasher, a male name if there ever was one, is actually a female dog. The poor thing must be going through an identity crisis, she'll start cocking her leg at lamp posts soon. 

    Gnasher, I'm sorry, I'll confess. I was just jealous seeing that lovely row of (front?) teeth you possess. it took me back to the days when I had a complete row myself.

    If she grabbed hold of you, you would have a similar

    identity crisis.

    I knew a bloke once who had only one tooth at the front,

    he became known as Juanita..was that you many years ago?

    Classic elegance:


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  4. 33 minutes ago, bannork said:

    I said the surplus we have in services will be thrown away, not the services themselves.


    OK I stand corrected on that, but you have to be joking,

    quoting 48 pages of extreme bias from the 'Tony Blair

    Institute For Global Change'.  I don't know anyone that

    would take notice of that shifty scoundrel Blair.

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