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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 5 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    A single wavelength can go through a window, or door and enter back in through another window in a different room. They can go around walls and corners.  Escape is impossible.

    If you let this rip, you're more likely to get a brick through

    yer window.  Chicks no probs mate, one tried to get in me car

    at the lights but couldn't find the door, She shouted, 'are you

    from the future, I'm coming with you'. I drove off on the green

    light with her hanging on the back, but thankfully fell off in

    the middle of the crossroads.

                 Pure  decibel porno:


    • Haha 1
  2. 8 hours ago, bannork said:

    'm a remainder to the core jvs: remain in Europe, remain in Thailand and remain on Thai Visa.

    I'd better leave this thread for a bit and remain in the 50-70s thread for a while as that Essex car lover is a Brexiteer to the core and he has a dog called Gnasher.

    Yes banno, you have my vote of no confidence in your

    music, but don't leave us, variety and discovery is everything,

    besides Gnasher and I would have nothing to grumble about.

    I do try to listen to everything posted, until Tittyporn went

    berzerk yesterday, and the guts of me speakers is hangin oot.

    Be a remainer of the eclectic nutters forum.





    • Haha 1
  3. Hombres all, you must have realised by now that

    I am the slowest poster in the world, indeed a

    sign of the unexceptional. I envy your life experiences

    and regret that I didn't get out more, however

    I was determined to make a million before I

    reached 80, I achieved this, but it was in Baht,

    so I am the unusual skint millionaire.

    Every business I started lasted only 10 years

    and flopped, now I just mind my own business.

    Which is more than can be said by people taking

    the 'p' out of my UK Essex dumb village plod,

    I'll have you know, he was handpicked for my

    particular village.      Oops.

    Continuing with my beloved SA theme....




    • Haha 1
  4. We had a Irish copper in the village, on his first patrol, it

    was a dark winters night, steaming his bicycle down the

    steep hill he ploughed into the 5' deep ford..but he was

    a good friend and I was able to dodge several speed

    tickets, for the price of a bottle of the amber nectar.

    Soon after my ex chucked me out, I met a nice young

    lady at a party, who turned out to be a psychologist.

    She took me here, and I still haven't recovered...

    So many different clubs in London, I used to go every



    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, sandyf said:

    That may well be the case but should the remnants of UK vehicle production be put at further risk.


    Are you saying that Honda are not going to pause production because of brexit, that the Independent has just made it up. I am sure the workers will be glad to hear it.

    As for JLR & Ford, never claimed to be brexit related, just reality in midst of brexit but shooting the messenger is par for the course.

    I only wrote simply what I wrote, I don't understand

    what you're on about.  However, the UK has no auto

    industry, it just sticks other countries cars together.

    There is no such thing as an English car.

    Car overproduction is a world wide problem, based

    on stupid economics.

    • Like 2
  6. 10 minutes ago, oilinki said:


    Why people don't buy new cars? Is it because they are all waiting to buy electric cars? Or is it perhaps that people are afraid what the future brings and therefore they try to save some money to cope with the bad days ahead?


    What do you mean by "The UK economy is the grand deception." ?


    13 minutes ago, oilinki said:


    Why people don't buy new cars? Is it because they are all waiting to buy electric cars? Or is it perhaps that people are afraid what the future brings and therefore they try to save some money to cope with the bad days ahead?


    What do you mean by "The UK economy is the grand deception." ?

    Fair question oilinki, but the bad days are already here

    in the UK.  The UK economy is based on consumerism

    and debt. The UK is unable to support itself.

  7. 2 hours ago, sandyf said:

    Project Reality.


    Jaguar Land Rover, Ford and Honda delivered a triple dose of bad news for the UK car industry on Thursday.

    JLR will cut 4,500 jobs, predominantly in the UK, while Ford is to cut thousandsof jobs across Europe. Honda announced it will pause production at its Swindon plant in April in anticipation of border disruption after Brexit on 29 March.



    The intervention came as the Japanese prime minister, speaking alongside Ms May warned: “The world is watching the UK as it exits the European Union.”

    Shinzo Abe said a no-deal Brexit must be avoided if Japan is to “invest more into your country and to enjoy further economic growth with the UK”.



    Ironically, the EU-Japan partnership agreement has at last been finalised, a bargain between two of the world’s largest economic blocs. The UK cannot hope to secure as advantageous a deal in the future, despite the warm affection the Japanese may have for the British.

    There has never been a barrier to the UK exporting more to Japan as a result of our membership of the EU. Today, under the new EU-Japan deal, cemented just as the British are botching their exit from the EU, tariffs and barriers have never been lower.


    That naughty old Independant has turned the car crisis

    into an anti-brexit argument.

    The reality is that for years, no-one is buying new cars,

    and there are millions of new cars just rotting in acres

    and acres of land in the UK. Worth a quick Google.

    I'm afraid I'm partly guilty of upsetting the car industry,

    I paid 60GBp for mine 15 years ago.

    The UK economy is the grand deception.




    • Like 1
  8. On 1/8/2019 at 9:51 AM, sandyf said:

    I am not in favour of national referendums in the first place, in the UK they are nothing more than a government sponsored opinion poll, only ever been 3 so all this talk about again and again is garbage. Parliament must make the decision and no politician can preempt what parliament will decide so DC was out of order in saying what he did.

    A referendum got us into this mess and without a strong consensus in parliament another may be the only way out. You have to bear in mind that if the government lose the vote parliament take control so it will no longer be up to the government what happens next.

    What has been said today may well make the vote even more contentious.


    A leading human rights lawyer has warned a no-deal Brexit would be be illegal because of the “real and immediate risk to life”. 

    Jonathan Cooper, who was awarded an OBE for his work in 2007, says the government would be knowingly putting the British public in danger if the UK crashes out of the EU without an agreement.


    Sandy, there is doubt that you are well informed, but

    you are relying on an establishment neo-liberal globalist

    propaganda ass wipe media.

    If you were a barrister, you'd be my defence choice,

    I believe you could argue that the world is flat and



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