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Posts posted by Slip

  1. red guards with automatic weapons

    Yes.. Red guards with several seized army issue automatic weapons with the ammo clips removed. Do you have the link too?

    Blame the source.

    If it is true that the RED used seized weapons against the army, I will not blame the RED. You have to blame the guy who brought it in, in the 1st place.

    For example:

    2 drunks were having a fist fight. A decided to break a bottle and use it against B. B being the quicker one (less drunk possibily) twist A's arms so the the sharp broken bottle hurt A. So is B wrong in hurting A? If A did not introduce the weapon none of this could have happen. Just my thought.

    Fair enough Chantorn, but if one of those drunks wasn't a drunk, but in fact was a soldier of The Kingdom, going about his lawful duty, then it wouldn't really be like your scenario, now would it?

  2. There is a picture of the 'man in black' on the New York Times' website. The caption says "A security man for the antigovernment protesters in Bangkok, who wear red shirts, objected on Saturday to being photographed carrying a rifle." Here is the link:


    The two pictures attached may reveal who these men in black are.

    I must be dim as it reveals nothing to me. I take it the close up om the left is of one the guys in black. Really? I can't tell which one. Sadly the Thai text is far too tiny to try and read. Do you have a translation?

  3. On the matter of Frontline- I have 3 dogs living in 2 separate locations and have treated them all with frontline at the same intervals. The 2 dogs who live with us in the house have been fine with just a very occasional tick. The other dog that lives outside at a friends with a big and quite over grown garden, has been literally crawling with the little so and so's. About 6 weeks into the 3 month treatment, there was a serious infestation where she lives (you could literally spot a tic about every 6 or so square inches, and people were constantly finding them crawling on their skin). Over 2 days we must have pulled 100 off her, and each ear had literally dozens packed in, deep in her ears.

    The frontline was plainly not working. We took her to the vet and got a jab which is what all the Thais seems to do. They were a bit iffy about doing it at first and wanted to know when the frontline had been done, but it was right at the end of the treatment cycle so they seemed to think it was OK.

    I guess that we are going to have to stick with the monthly injections for her. To the OP- if ticks are you problem I think you can administer these jabs to the dog yourself.

  4. That's what happens when you illegally accept a donation of B29 Million from a single entity, in this case TPI Poline.

    Them's the rules folks.

    For the first time ever, I agree. The rules are the rules. If the dems broke them, they have to take the consequences- do the crime... and all that.

    But I'm intrigued about the idea that this might actually have been engineered by the powers that be. Clever, sneaky chaps.

  5. Scott- I don't know if you feel I'm able to comment now as I'm not from CM. Surely this forum isn't so strict?

    In the time I have been here (8 years) , I've seen schools less and less willing to employ 'older' teachers.

    In my experience schools want 'young and beautiful' teachers, because that's what the parents want.

    As a 'middle-aged' teacher, I strongly disagree with the policy for the obvious reasons.

    Having said that, my school employed a 50- something year old teacher only last year.

    My earlier point, I guess, is that I believe well paid jobs are like rocking horse doo doo in CM

  6. The market does see very tight this year in my locale. Normally there are 5-6 schools begging for teachers, but this year everyone seems full. There's a big and new bilingual school (500+ ss in it's 1st year) opening here and even they don't seem to need teachers.

    I believe that CM pays particularly badly (even the international schools). - Only reason I haven't moved there.

  7. You know the sad thing about this is that Thaksin is probably 'knocking on out' over all this. He does not give on iota about the people that are being injured or even worse. He should take full responsibility for his actions. He has left the Country divided to meet his own ends. These poor ignorant farm workers are paying the full price, while he is probably sat drinking G and T's in Dubai. Democracy is not and never was on his agenda. He just wants to return to give payback to his enemies and resume his role as dictator.

    I understand that the people of the North need a better deal, but this is not the right way to go about it. Get rid of all ties with this dictator, form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way. This guy is not worth dying for.

    Cheers, Rick

    Agreed Rick and that's the point that many of us have been making for days.

    Cheers, Hummy

    Isn't that the thing though? As has been said before most 'anti-reds' on TV are not really anti-red, they're anti Thaksin, and again, very few are actually yellow. Of course no-one cares what we think but the return of our box-headed Chinese friend will be a disaster for this country. Thai reds- Drop this meglomaniac, withdraw from the direct action theatre and pursue political means to reach your goals. In friend Mark, you may just have someone who will listen to you and see the wisdom of change.

  8. Threathening and doing it for real are VERY VERY different things .

    Never happen to you to threaten someone when you are angry ?

    If Red shirts are shot at of course they defend themselves , its sad

    but unavoidable . What do you expect ? .

    Its the police hiding behind women . You are confused

    This is the most despicable post I have seen from you thus far. If you are suggesting that it's acceptable for a 'pro-democracy' movement's leader to make threats of public violence in an effort to gain his objectives, regardless of whether he can then control the aftermath if his mob actually follow through with his threats, then I think you need to stop and think hard.

    I'm also disgusted by your 'hiding behind women' comment. Do you think female police are different from male ones? Welcome to the 21st century, try to develop a more humanistic approach.

  9. <snipped to fit quote limits>

    70,000 ???

    There are more people there than have been at most of their rallies (except the first day?).

    Anyone close to the scene that can verify these (inflated?) figures?

    There are never 70,000 there during the hot sunny afternoon. But at night, numbers do get close to that. So while the army has managed to clear out most of the areas this afternoon, it will be an entirely different story tonight.

    :) Source?

    Well they have to get to the rally site first. I think that may be a problem as the site seems blockaded.

    Sorry - I was unclear. I was asking Rainman for the source of the (rather outrageous sounding) claim that numbers have been getting close to 70k people at night.

    Still waiting though Rainman. Surprise, surprise.

  10. Download anchor free or similar and watch rachaprasong live at uddthailand.com. For all these news updates that make it sound like the govt. is taking control, they red shirts are still on stage and there are still a good 70,000 people listening. Really want to see how they break up 70,000 people.

    70,000 ???

    There are more people there than have been at most of their rallies (except the first day?).

    Anyone close to the scene that can verify these (inflated?) figures?

    There are never 70,000 there during the hot sunny afternoon. But at night, numbers do get close to that. So while the army has managed to clear out most of the areas this afternoon, it will be an entirely different story tonight.

    :) Source?

  11. Oh well....

    If i had my bluetooth thingy with me i could upload some 25 pics and a good 2 hours of video clips showing exactly the opposite..... my guess, 99.75% of the reds are indeed peaceful people, just a tiny fraction wants violence to occur - no different from the yellows there, it was precisely the same.

    I went to their rally site at Rajprasong twice for the sole purpose of taking pictures, they even let me ride my motorbike right to the front of the stage, nobody in the crowd appeared angry or violent in any way, not even their security guys.

    If it wasn't for their stupid leaders who are paid and commanded by Thaksin they would be just a friendly crowd of people, from my talks with some of them i know that a good many have no idea what exactly they are actually protesting for but all of them hope that whatever it is will make their life better.

    I personally just can't stand the fact that this crowd of people is being mis-used by a few nutcases who do it for the money and their "dear leader" who is abroad and too scared to come back here in person.

    I hope it will be over soon, that the ordinary protesters go back home, their leaders will rot in jail and Abhisit can finally get to do what a PM is supposed to do - run the country and start tackling the issues of those protesters, i am sure he would help them if given a chance.

    Best regards.....


    (edit: typo)

    Yes- Hail Thanh; the TV voice of reason. There are some very bad reds, the same as there are some very bad yellows. Thailand's challenge is to get rid of the parasites and improve the lot of the ordinary man/woman. What I can't understand about the reds is their clinging on to Toxin. Without him, they might actually be able to effect some change.

  12. Foolish! You seriously think an election now forced by an angry violent anarchic red mob will solve this crisis. Shockingly naive.

    A huge section of the Thai people believe that Abhisit is a stooge of the Elite and the Military. They also believe that they have been cheated out of the Government that they want. You can believe that is true or not - it doesn't matter because you are not Thai.

    They have now reached the point that they believe that their only hope of getting a truly Democratic Government is to take to the streets, which they have done, and I think that they have won.

    I think that it is true that they are angry. Anarchic. I don't know why you use that word. Violent. I don't know of anybody that they have hurt.

    So why are you opposed to an election supervised/monitored by International Observers? I know why Abhisit is. It's because he knows that he would lose which in itself proves that he doesn't have the mandate of the people. Would you rather a civil war?

    So the news from the reds is 'Do as we want or we'll start a civil war'?


  13. The loss of 4 fire trucks is the equivalent of 1 central station or 2 neighborhood stations being taken offline. Considering the lack of equipment in Bangkok and the need to position equipment around the city to compensate for response delays due to narrow sois and traffic, it was unwise to sacrifice this equipment. Downright irresponsible. Fire fighters are not to be used in political disputes. These people put their lives on the line on a daily basis and they now get dragged into this. Military fire engines were available and that equipment staffed by military could have been requested. I hope some people in TV are not living in the neighborhoods where the trucks were taken from.

    GK- I think this is the most rubbish I have ever seen you spout, and I've seen some. Irresponsible to sacrifice the equipment? What about to steal it? Give up your spin, please!

  14. When I was a child I hated avo's but now I love them. :)

    I have some brussel sprout seeds from the UK if anyone would like me to send them a couple.

    I also love pumpkin. (sorry off topic).

    This is by far the best of the 3 avocado threads.

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